《The Reality of it All (Completed)》Independent Life
(JAKE👆 words can't even describe😩😘😻)
It's been about a week since I last heard form either Mason or Jake. I can't say that I'm surprised. The whole thing was a shocker to Jake, and Mason was just done.
I've told Paige and my mom what happened and it basically confirmed the whole moving in with her. I've just been packing things up so far.
I've been dodging the millions of albums and pictures I had of Mason and I. They are all over my room and I'm sick and tired of looking at them. Not to mention I have over a thousand pictures of us in my phone, too.
Thinking it over, I gathered everything of us I had in a large metal washing basin and carry it out into my car. I needed a change of scenery bad. Everything was getting old. I impulsively went to the store and upgraded my phone to the IPhone 6 and transferred my contacts.
New number, who this?
I bought myself some Chinese food and some chocolate covered strawberries. Today was just going to be me enjoying my one true love... food.
I drove up to the beach and took out the basin. Grabbing the rest of my stuff, I carried everything over to a spot that looked suitable. I poured gasoline all over it and held the flame in between my fingers.
"Here lies the delusional Spencer Shapel who thought that everything in life was perfect. The dumbass named Mason who is a piece of crap. And lastly, the Spencer who was afraid of being alone," I said aloud," May you burn in hell,"
I dropped the flame and watched it destroy all my memories. I curled up inside my blanket and watched the sun set while eating my chinese food. It was a beautiful day.
I stayed at the beach watching the sun set with the burning memories keeping me warm. It felt good to just let go of the past and start over. It's time I move on and do things for myself.
I got up to leave at around 9 and by then I had a dozen of calls from Paige. I hadn't answered a single one of them. I just wanted to be alone, today. The photos were fully burned, the phone was somewhat still savable. I grabbed it and chucked it in the water.
I let out a large scream and smiled to myself. I was done.
"Are you okay?" Someone said from behind. I turned around to see the last person I expected to see. Jake. He was in some shorts and A white button up.
"Um, yea. I was just, easing my stress," I responded sighing and turning back to the water. He walked up from behind me and watched the waves.
It is kinda weird seeing Jake here. We hadn't talked at all after the catastrophic 'date' we had.
"I can't get you out of my mind, Spencer," he said suddenly. I turned to meet his eyes.
"Ever since the day you asked for my food, you've been all I think about. I know that you're pregnant and that I may never understand it, but I really would like to get to know you better," he said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He wants to actually date me. Who wants to date a hormonal pregnant girl?!
"Jake I'm pregnant and being pregnant comes with hormones and cravings and mood swings," I said raising an eyebrow.
"I know and I can't guarantee that I won't mess up, but I really would like to try," he said pleadingly. I stared at him for a moment. His blue eyes were now dark and I longed for them to give me an answer.
"Please, Spencer?" He said, taking my hands. His heart was beating pretty fast as he pulled them up to his chest. Not to mention his muscles were rock hard.
I smiled and nodded.
"Okay," I said. He started laughing and lifted me off of the ground. He spun me around until I started shouting for him to put me down.
"Oh right! Pregnant, I'm sorry. See I'm messing up already," he said embarrassed. I laughed it off, holding in my vomit that had came up. He was definitely a rookie. He was really adorable right now.
"Yeah, just help me with this stuff please," I said and we grabbed everything I had brought out. We walked to the car and threw it in the trunk.
"I want to take you out again. How about tomorrow?" He asked.
"I don't know, I may just have to check my schedule," I said firmly. His smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm kidding, I would love to go out with you," I said smiling. He sighed and smiled, scratching his neck.
"You continue to amaze me, Spencer," he said. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and walked away. Why couldn't it have been on the mouth?! I squealed in delight as soon as I got in my car.
I can't believe he came back.
•. •. •. •.
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!"
I grunted and turned over in my bed, pulling my pillow over my head. (Guys, this seriously rhymes and I didn't even know it 😂) Paige was always annoying in the morning. So perky and bubbly.
"Hey, seriously! I made breakfast for you!" She said. I sat up straight after I heard breakfast. It was true. She had blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs! My mouth watered and I grabbed a pancake.
She slapped my wrist and made me drop it.
"Just because you're pregnant, I will not allow you to eat like a homeless person," she said and walked out of my room with the food.
I jumped out of bed and ran after her. She was already at the counter by the time I managed to run down.
"We will eat, like normal people," she said as she cut her pancake, pinkies raised. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her.
"I'm proud of you moving on in your life, Spence," she said. I smiled and gave her a side hug.
"Thank you, sister!"
She laughed and walked to the fridge.
"What are you planning on wearing for your date?" She asked. I shrugged. Hadn't really thought about it, actually.
"I plan on just keeping it simple. I don't want to go anywhere fancy. I am in no mood," I responded, shoving a pancake into my mouth.
"I doubt you will be able to fit into anything dressy with how much you're eating," she remarked as she made her way to her seat. I shoved her hard and she fell off the chair.
"You know I have mood swings, you may not want to make me angry," I said sharply. She stood and rubbed her elbo.
"Alright, I'm sorry!" She exclaimed. I sighed and rubbed my stomach. I was basically showing now. I know it's only been 10 weeks but Peanut is really sprouting. I wonder if he'll be taller than me.
I wonder if it's a boy or girl.
I actually wouldn't mind either. I feel like a girl would probably be easier to connect with. Then again I really wouldn't know. No experience.
"Earth to Spencer!"
Paige's hand was shaking in front of my eyes and I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Sorry, I was just thinking,"
"You're always thinking! Anyway I need your advice," she said. I turned to listen to her.
"So Ryder wants to try bringing someone else into our sex life. Should I agree to it?"
I blinked my eyes twice and shook my head.
"What the hell. No!" I yelled. How can Paige be so delusional? If Ryder isn't comfortable with the sex life they already have, he obviously isn't the guy for her.
"Why are you so defensive?" She asked. She has to be kidding me.
"The question is why aren't you?" I asked. She shrugged and frowned.
"I mean, he says he just wants to improve our sex life. Doesn't sound that big a deal,"
I can't believe she just said that.
"You're crazy," I said.
"How am I crazy? I'm being completely serious right now!"
"You're telling me that you wouldn't mind showing your little cukarah to another female or MALE, for that matter, because your boyfriend isn't satisfied with his sex life?" I asked. She hesitated.
"I mean, I can see his point-"
"PAIGE! If you feel this way then maybe you just need a break from him. No good come out of a relationship revolved around sex anyway, it builds bad character and it makes you a slut!" I argued her mouth dropped.
"IM NOT A SLUT!" She yelled back.
"I'm not being rude, Paige! I'm telling you the truth and I think you really just need to chill with your sex life," I told her softly.
Her eyes bulged and she stormed out of the kitchen.
Damn it.
Just as soon as I thought everything was perfect. I drop my fork and run after Paige.
"Paige! Paige, I'm sorry!" I yelled as I started running up the stairs. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I bend down on the stairs and stop running. The pain got worse, it felt like someone was pushing against my rib cage. I looked up and tried to continue crawling up the stairs but everything was dizzy. I hope it wasn't the baby.
"Paige!" I managed to yell. I put my head in between my knees and tears started falling. The pain seemed to be getting stronger by the second.
I heard footsteps On the stairs and I eventually see Paige's toes. They seemed to be doing a little dance in front of me as everything went mute.
I saw birds flying and I watched the flock as they flew a little below the ceiling. They were ravens. I had never seen a raven before in my life, but I somehow knew the name. They were circling one single light. That's weird.
Everything went black.
•. •. •. •.
Paige's P.O.V.
I can't believe that Spencer called me a slut. After everything I do for her? I give her helpful advice about boys, I comfort her when she's insecure, I even lie to her sometimes to make her feel better. That's what best friends do! Then she says this to my face.
I stood and stomped up the stairs, not wanting to talk to her anymore. I reach my door when I hear Her call my name. I slam my door and start thinking.
Maybe Spencer was right. Ryder and I don't really have much in common.
Suddenly, I hear a scream come from the stairs. It sounded life threatening and utterly painful, so I race out of my room to find Spencer curled in a ball on the floor. She looked up and I saw the tears and pain on her face. She was somewhat pale as I looked at her skin complexion.
"SPENCER, WHAT'S WRONG?" I asked her. She was unresponsive.
"The ravens are flying..." She whispered.
I tried asking her questions until I came to the conclusion that she was engulfed in the pain. I was freaking out when I saw her pass out.
Now I'm at the emergency room waiting to hear back from the doctor. They rushed her in out of fear for the baby and I don't blame them. I just pray Peanut survives this. I've called her mom and I know she wouldn't have wanted me to, but it's life and death.
I sat down and tried to calm myself. So many things are happening all at once and I literally feel like I'm suffocating. I started making little paper airplanes and shooting them everywhere. By the time the doctor came out, they were littered up and down the hall.
"Well, your friend seems to be stable right now. She just-"
Suddenly a flat line sounded and yells come from the room down the hall.
Spencer's room is down the hall.
He bolted and ran back to the room, in attempt to stabilize but I knew already that the flatline had gone on for too long. Tears started streaming down my face and I wounded up sobbing onto the floor. My hands were pulling my hair as the tears kept flowing, unstoppable.
Spencer is dead and it's all my fault.
•. •. •. •.
I woke up to see a bright light shining down through my eyes. It was penetrating and I tried to shove it away, but it found itself in my other eye.
It was finally removed as my eyes adjusted to the light and a hospital room can into view. I was hooked up to an IV machine and someone was sitting in the chair next to me.
She looked exhausted, her hair was everywhere and her eyes were puffy. She's been crying. Then my mind drifted over to Peanut and I looked at my stomach. I hope he's okay in there. I suddenly started freaking out and the nurse came in.
"Sweetie, whats wrong?" She asked walking over to my bed.
"I need to know if my baby is okay? Is the baby okay? Please tell me I didn't lose the baby," I told her. She sighed and walked over to me.
She had that sympathetic look in her eyes.
"Spencer, you didn't lose your baby. You were just under stress which is what caused the pain and you to become unconscious," she explained and I sighed in huge relief. Thank God he is okay.
"We have you hooked up to the machine because there is a low amount of iron in your blood right now. Otherwise, you and your baby are perfectly healthy. You just need to take it easy," she continued. Tears started flowing out of my eyes before I even realized it. I thanked the nurse and she left the room.
Paige looked as though she was having a nightmare. She was trembling a bit and moving around. Murmurs started coming out of her mouth. I took a piece of paper from the stand next to me and crumpled it.
I flicked it at her face and she bolted upright.
"Spencer! I had the worst nightmare in the world, I am so happy you are awake right now!" She exclaimed as she moved in closer to me. It looked like she hadn't eaten or showered.
"What was it about?"
"Um...It's not important," she muttered.
"How long have I been in this hospital?" I asked. It's funny, but my memory is blank.
"For about a day," she said. She hesitated before speaking again.
"I'm so sorry Spencer. I didn't mean to get mad at you over something so stupid and I regret the whole damn fight. The thing with Ryder is confusing me a bit too and I would really -"
"Paige. It's okay, calm down. That's your boyfriend, you can do whatever you want with him," I justified.
"Yeah but what you said was right. Our relationship is revolved around sex as much as I'd like to think its not. I'm gonna take a break from him,"
I nodded my head and she sighed heavily. I know it wasn't easy for her to come up with this decision, but it's for the best.
"Go home and shower. I'll be fine here," I nudged her.
"You sure?"
She stood and left the room. Suddenly, a tall tan blue eyed freak walked in the room with a bouquet of flowers and a cute little teddy bear.
"Jake! What are you doing here?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. Walking over to my bed, he put the merchandise on the nightstand and sat down in the seat.
"Paige called me when you didn't show for our date. I was hoping you weren't seriously hurt, Paige was freaking out," he said with raised eyebrows. I gave a small smile and turned to face my stomach.
"Yeah. I had passed out so I wound up here. The doctor said the baby is fine, she just hooked me up to the IV machine because of low iron in my Blood," I explained.
"That's good news. I don't know what I would've done if things took a turn for the worst," he confessed and his blue eyes met mine. They were a deep blue, almost like the ocean.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about missing out on the date. I was really looking forward to it," I told him. He laughed and grabbed my hand.
"Don't even worry about it, Spencer. I can take you out again later," he said as he held it to his lips. I liked the gesture. It felt like something official even though we barely know each other.
"Okay," I said smiling. He seemed to hesitate a bit as he looked at me.
"How do you manage to still look good in this hospital?" He asked, smiling. I started laughing my head off.
"Oh please! I look terrible right now!"
"No you don't," he said with seriousness, "you look gorgeous right now,"
His eyes showed a reflection of seriousness and I turned away. I couldn't help but blush and he noticed it as soon as it appeared. He grinned and leaned back in his chair.
We started talking about other things after a while. I didn't feel like he was here for that long until Paige returned beautified. He only then checked his watch and realized that It was 7. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and left, explaining he had to work in the morning.
As soon as he left, the nurse came in and told me that I will be released tomorrow.
Just like that, back to the real world we go.
•. •. •. •.
"No! You cannot stress anymore! I prohibit you from going!" Paige yelled.
"But, Paige! I have to go! I can't lose this job!" I argued.
"No, she's right dear. You are not going, just do it for the baby," my Mom chimes in. I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch.
Three weeks had passed since the stupid hospital incident and here my mom and Paige teamed up against me. I had officially moved In with my mother about two weeks ago. Paige stays over on the weekends, but goes back home during the weekdays.
Jake and I are doing really well. We've been dating for about 4weeks now and every minute has been perfect with him. He's always here for Peanut and I and he's very supportive. He met my Mother earlier this week and they instantly bonded. Any other day that would be great, but right now, not really.
Right now, all three of them are unsupportive of the idea of me going to work to handle a marketing problem. There seemed to be a crisis and I wanted to help. Hell, I volunteered for it.
"Baby, you can't do it especially with Peanut," Jake added. He was sitting on the sofa across from me with a look of concern. I sighed and crossed my arms.
Why are they all acting like I'm a ticking time bomb? I'm just pregnant!
"Fine! I won't do it but it's only for Peanut," I said warningly.
"Great! That's all we wanted to hear,"Mom said.
"When do we find out the sex of the baby?" Jake asked.
"Next week. I'm excited!" I said rubbing my belly. My belly is pretty big right now, you would be able to tell I'm pregnant from afar.
"I hope you have a little girl! We're going to play dress up, go shopping, play doll house-" Paige started.
"AND get her a billion dresses she will absolutely love!" Mom interrupted.
"GUYS! Calm down, alright? You're both getting a little ahead of yourselves," I said laughing. Jake stood and sat down next to me on the sofa.
"They're just excited. I am too- in a less psychotic way," he said smiling. Paige walked over to him and slapped him. He jumped in pain.
"I'm not psychotic!" Paige argued and sat down on the sofa.
"Alright, I'm sorry," he said.
The phone started ringing and Mom went to go get it.
"Wanna go to Five Guys with me?" I asked Jake.
"Mmmmmm... Sounds like a plan," he said smiling. He gave me a peck on the lips and stood up.
Mom came back into the living room, phone in hand. She had a look of anger and confusion on her face.
A knock sounded from the door. Jake walked over and answered it.
I stood and walked over to Jake who was In strong dispute with someone. I looked through the doorway to come face to face with the last person I wanted to see.
"I need to talk to you, Spencer,"
WHATS A CRACK-A-LACKIN? So.. now that Mason is back into this picture, things are about to get very interesting....I have a lot in store for this book. Stay on it 💯
You guys see that gorgeous guy at the beginning of the chapter?
Stay tuned 👍
Leave comment questions suggestions. I read all of it. Hey you could even follow me 😳 running low on followers.
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