《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Best Man
"Does Niall know?" She finally asked after a few minutes of silence.
"No I called you first. I'll talk to him when I hang up." I said looking up and down the hallways I thought were empty. I saw Demi walking towards me. "Oh yeah, Kiersten I think green bridesmaids dresses would be great!"
Demi smirked at me before she continued walking around backstage at the venue we were at.
"Harry I'm not having green bridesmaids dresses, what are you talking about?"
"She was walking by, and I didn't want her to know that I know."
"Oh well what are we going to do?"
"Well we'll keep her as far away from Niall as possible. And you just don't talk to Nick. Stay away from the media cut back on Twitter a little bit, ignore your mentions don't check the trends. Don't read the magazines."
"Okay thank you for letting me know. Please keep me updated." She said.
"I will. What are you up to, love?"
"I'm on my way to the orphanage."
"Aww, cute!"
"Shut up and go talk to Niall."
"Okay, love you!"
"Love you too, Harry."
I ran down the hall to where the boys were. "If you're not in the band, One Direction, named Paul or Lou get out." I said walking into the dressing room.
Everyone looked up at me surprised but soon they realized I was serious and slowly filed out of the room. "What's going on mate?" Zayn asked.
"Demi and Nick Jonas to break up Kiersten and Niall."
Niall's head shot up, "What?"
"I heard her skyping with him. I'm not sure exactly what they're plans are, but I just know that that is their goal."
"I need to go call Kiersten." He said jumping up from the couch and pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"I already talked to her. She's on her way to the orphanage right now, you can call her later." I said forcing him to sit back down on the couch.
"Well we need to stop them." Niall said.
"Obviously." I said rolling my eyes at him. "Your communication with Kiersten is going to need to increase. A lot. We'll all keep Demi away from you. Ignore the media, ignore the twitter trends and talk to Kiersten as much as absolutely possible."
Niall nodded and ran his hands over his face, "We were finally happy. Everything was going so well for us."
"Hey, nothing is going to happen. We'll work this out, everything is going to be okay." Liam said hugging Niall.
"I'll up your security and keep her as far away from you as absolutely possible." Paul said typing away on his phone.
"I'll talk to her stylists and see if I can find out as much as possible." Lou said.
Niall just nodded and we all hugged him.
We performed and I finally climbed into my bed at two in the morning. I sighed happily as the cool sheets settled around my naked body. I called Samie hoping she would still be awake.
"Hey, babe!" She said answering the phone. I felt a grin breakout on my face as her voice filled my ears.
"Hey beautiful. I'm so glad you answered. I miss hearing your voice."
"I was waiting up for you. I'm so happy I get to talk to you." She said quietly. Samie had been really busy and so had i. it seemed like whenever I was free she was in class or at a study group and whenever she was free I was performing or doing an interview.
"Aww babe, do you want to go to bed? We can talk later."
"No!" she yelled, then I heard her apologize to her roommate, "This is worth it." She whispered.
I smiled, "I love you."
"I love you too, Harry. I talked to Oxford today. Everything is all ready for me to go there next fall."
"That's great, love! I'm so happy you're coming to live with me. I'm going flat shopping once this tour is over, so we've got our own place to live."
"Really? That's so exciting babe! Have you um talked to your mom?"
I sighed, Samie was always worried about how my mum felt about her. "Yes. And she assures me every time that she thinks you're a lovely girl and she's happy that I'm happy. She doesn't hate you and she loves you. She just doesn't want us to get married yet."
"Okay I just don't want her to hate me."
"She love you, babe. I promise."
"I was actually thinking about our wedding."
"What do you think about waiting until I graduate from Oxford, just my undergraduate studies, but after I graduate then have the wedding."
"If that's what you want, babe whenever you want to I'll be in my tux waiting for you at the end of the aisle."
"I love you, Harry."
"I love you too, Samie so much."
We talked until she fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning to giggling. I opened my eyes and found Xara and Lux standing over me. Xara giggled and fell down on top of me. "How did you two get here?" I asked brushing Xara's dark hair to the side and looking at Lux.
"Pauly!" She yelled jumping on me. The girls giggled and played with my hair and Lux told me stories and Xara babbled away throwing random actual words in.
The door opened and Zayn rushed in, "Lux you can't just take Xara and walk off. It scares me, okay?"
Lux nodded, "I'm sorry we just wanted to go on a venture."
"It's okay." Zayn said kissing her forehead, "I know you two like going on adventures but you have to ask next time. So you took an adventure here?" He asked chuckling.
"Hawwy!" Xara giggled patting my cheek.
"That's right baby girl you found Uncle Harry." Zayn said scooping her up and kissing her cheek.
"Dadda!' She squealed.
And Zayn nodded laughing, "Come on Lux let's leave Uncle Harry alone." He said holding out his hand.
"No. I want to stay here." Lux said crossing her arms and pouting.
"It's alright, mate. She can stay." I said and Lux grinned and cuddled into my side.
"Alright, see you later." Zayn said and he and Xara left the room.
"Okay, Luxie close your eyes. " I said needing to get up and put some clothes on.
"Prise?" She asked, covering her eyes with her small chubby hands.
"Yeah, a surprise." I said quickly getting out of bed and yanking a pair of boxers on. I grabbed a jumper and a Twix bar and climbed back into the bed, "Okay Lux, you can open your eyes now."
Lux opened her eyes and grinned, "Candy!" She cheered taking the Twix from me.
"Want to watch cartoons?" I asked and she nodded and climbed inot my lap. I found Spongebob and we shared the Twix bar and watched together.
Lou came in a while later and took a picture of us and put it up on Instagram. Twix is not a healthy breakfast Uncle Harry.
I knew that the picture would be all over the internet in a matter of minutes and I hoped Samie would see it she loved pictures of me with kids. M phone buzzed with a text from her. Samie: You and Lux are adorable.
I smiled and Lux and I took a picture blowing her kisses and sent it to her.
Eventually we got up and made our way to a conference room. Liam, Louis, and Zayn were signing some stuff and I'm pretty sure Niall was supposed to be too, but he was talking to Kiersten on the phone and shoveling food into his mouth. Demi was sitting next to Niall with a chair between them, and rolling her eyes. I sat down in the empty chair and she glared at me. "That seat's taken."
"By what? You're stares at a boy you will never have?"
"Fuck you, Harry." She said rolling her eyes at me.
"No thanks, I'm perfectly happy with my girlfriend." I said.
"Okay, I love you boo. I'll see you soon." Niall said hanging up the phone. "Hey, Harry. Hi Luxie." He said kissing the tip of her nose making her giggle.
"Hi, Niall!" Demi said smiling big at her.
Niall just ignored her and kept talking to Lux.
"Okay let's get this meeting started!" One of the people from our management team said clapping his hands.
We talked about the day's events and then we were all put in hair and make-up and shipped off to various interviews.
"So, Harry how is it working with Demi?"
"Demi is a really talented girl, she's got a great voice. It's really amazing to get to hear that voice work in person."
"So you guys are friends."
"We're industry friends. We have a lot of the same fans, and we're working together right now."
"So you're not upset about things that have been said about a certain bandmates' girlfriend? And your ex-girlfriend, Kiersten?"
I took a deep breath, "Kiersten is one of my best friends. My mum could say something bad about her and I would get upset."
"Have you seen the latest thing?"
"Probably not." I said chuckling.
"Well recently one of Demi's closest friends put out a list titled '101 Reasons Why Kiersten Doesn't Deserve Niall Horan and Demi Does.' It's pretty brutal, and Demi is credited in writing the list and she even retweeted the link to it."
I took a deep breath, "Sometimes some people make things up and say that they are written by another person and said to be written by other people. I hope this is one of those situations."
I finished up the interview and headed to where all the other boys were eating lunch.
"Hey, Harry!" Niall said grinning at me.
"Hey, Ni." I said sitting down next to Zayn and leaning against his shoulder.
"Everything alright, mate?" Louis asked.
I shook my head no, "Someone hand me that computer." I said gesturing to what I assumed was Liam's MacBook on the floor.
I searched for the list that the interviewer had told me about, What the fuck is that?" Niall asked when I finally found it.
"We need to have a meeting." Louis said and everyone else nodded in agreement. We made everyone but Lou and Paul leave since the band guys had rehearsal.
Niall cradled his head in his hands as we slowly started reading the list.
"1. She's fat.
2. Her stomach is huge.
3. So are her thighs.
4. Her arms are too.
5. Her hair is disgusting.
6. Freckles aren't cute.
7. She has a giant bump in her nose.
8. She barely has any eyelashes.
9. Her voice is SO annoying.
10. She was raped.
11. She's filthy.
12. She can't sing.
13. She sucks at acting.
14. She's weirdly tall.
15. Her teeth are crooked.
16. She really needs braces.
17. She has a butt chin
18. She's waiting until marriage to have sex. "
The list went on and on, repeating itself, and coming up with ridiculous things about her that weren't even possible for Demi to know.
Niall's cheeks were wet with tears as his phone vibrated on the table, a picture of Kiersten popping up. He answered the phone and put it on speaker phone, "Hey babe." he said trying to make it sound like he wasn't crying. He put the phone on speaker.
"Did you see the list?" she asked. She had obviously been crying.
"Yeah. We just saw it. I'm sorry boo, but you know none of that stuff is-"
"Don't say it isn't true, because it is! I hate all of that stuff about me!" "Yeah well I love it! Because it all adds up to you! And I love you!" Niall yelled. Zayn started humming the tune to Little Things and we all looked at each other smiling. We let Niall take all the solos and the rest of us sang the harmonies.
"Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind It was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots
With the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes
when you smile You've never loved
Your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back
at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, It's you,
Oh it's you, They add up to
I'm in love with you,
And all these little things
You can't go to bed, Without a cup of tea,
And maybe that's the reason why you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations
Are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape
You never want to know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, It's you, It's you, They add up to
I'm in love with you, And all these little things
You'll never love yourself Half as much as I love you
You'll never treat yourself right, darlin'
But I want you to, If I let you know, I'm here for you,
Maybe you'll love yourself,
Like I love you Oh,
And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth,
Because it's you, Oh it's you, It's you, They add up to
And I'm in love with you, And all these little things,
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth,
But if it's true, It's you, It's you,
They add up to, And I'm in love with you,
And all your little things."
"Thank you guys." Kiersten mumbled
"We miss you!" Louis screamed.
Kiersten laughed, "I miss you guys too!"
The door burst open and Demi strode in, "Hey what are you guys up to?"
Niall's head shot up and he glared at her, "Get out." He snapped.
"Aww Niall, don't be mean to me!" She said frowning, "It makes me sad."
Niall jumped up, "Yeah you know what makes me sad? When my fiancé, calls me crying because of that stupid list you put out! You're a hypocrite! You used to tell me how the hate broke you down, how people calling you fat made you think it about yourself, how all of those things that they said lead you to your rock bottom, then why are you saying the same about her?! You have no right! You want to be a role model to young girls? Well this is not the way to do it Demi!" He yelled. "I love Kiersten and that's not going to change, ever. So whatever games you're going to play just stop, because its not going to work."
Demi just laughed, "Oh Niall, It's going to happen. I'm not giving up on you. I'm going to flip your life upside down, because I always get what I want." With that she grabbed his shoulders and kissed him hard. She let go pushing him backwards into Liam and walked out the door.
Niall screamed in frustration, "Uhm, what just happened?" Kiersten asked.
"Babe!" Niall yelled running over to the phone, "I'm so sorry! I didn't know she was going to do that I swear! She didn't even give me a chance to stop her, and I wish I could have slapped her but she's a girl and-"
"Niall slow down! I don't even know what happened, I can't see you."
"She kissed me." Niall mumbled.
Kiersten sucked in some hair, "I'm seriously going to knock her out."
Niall chuckled a little bit, "I'm yours boo, always. It's not going to matter what she does or what she says, I'm always yours."
Demi's antics only increased. One day she did an interview and told the whole world that her and Niall sneak off to spend time together and that they share little kisses. Another day in a magazine interview Nick Jonas said that he and Kiersten were still texting as more than friends and she vented to him about all the problems her and Niall were having. A few days after that some 'actual' text conversations between Niall and Demi were leaked to the public, we later found out that Demi had used her stylist's phone. She changed the name to Nialler
I was sitting in my hotel room skyping with Samie and FIFA with Louis when I got a call from Niall, he apparently pocket dialed me. "Demi! Get out!" He yelled. Louis paused the game and we both looked at my phone.
"Oh come on Niall, I know you're not getting any from Kiersten."
"No, I'm not stupid. You probably have a camera recording all of this!"
"So if I didn't have a camera you would make love to me?"
"Come on, I'll prove to you that there's no camera." Demi said.
"No." Niall shouted, "Please Demi." He said more quietly, "Please just leave Kiersten and I alone. We're finally happy - I'm finally happy. If you truly loved me you would understand that. Please, just stop all of this craziness, you and I, we could even be friends."
Demi was quiet for a minute and I actually thought she was going to agree, "Um, no." Then we heard Niall grunt and it sounded like the phone fell on the floor.
"Get off me!" Niall yelled, Louis and I looked at each other before taking off running out of my room.
I could hear Samie yelling, "Harry where the hell are you going?" Through the computer.
We burst into Niall's room and found Demi in some racy lingerie literally on top of Niall on the bed.
Louis and I pulled her off and held her away as Niall sat up. He shook his head at her, "Crazy bitch." He spat grabbing his phone off the floor. He hit the screen a couple times, "Yeah, Simon?" He asked and Demi's eyes widened. "Yeah we need to have a meeting. It's important. Okay, I'll see you then." HE said hanging up the phone. He slowly walked across the room and stopped in front of Demi, he looked down at her, "Simon is coming flying here tomorrow and we're having a meeting when he gets here. This shit is going to stop. I can't control what you say in the interviews and what gets released to the media, but I can control what directly happens to me. Now get the fuck away from me." He said turning around and heading into his bathroom.
Louis and I carried Demi to her room and left her in there. An hour later Louis and I were just lying on the floor in my hotel room talking about life, "So how's the wedding planning going?" I asked rolling my head to the side to look at him.
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While waiting on an Akihabara train platform one day, ordinary high schooler Yoshi Shinonome was suddenly plucked from his normal life in Japan and whisked away by a beautiful goddess to Ephemera, a world of magic and adventure, to serve as her Hero and drive back the evil Dark Lord. This is not his story. Standing nearby at the moment Yoshi was isekai'd was a man named Seiji - a rude, cranky, misanthropic musician who was not at all pleased to find himself also snatched up and transported to Ephemera by the goddess's wicked sister, Virya. According to this self-proclaimed Goddess of Evil, the whole fantasy adventure thing was a game she and her sister played to stave off the boredom of immortality, and since the good goddess, Sanora, had picked her Hero...well, Virya needed a Dark Lord. A grown man with his own career and ambitions, Seiji has no interest in playing. Unfortunately for him, the call to adventure was not a request. Now, he must conquer Ephemera and defeat the Hero...or Virya promises to make him beg for the release of death before granting it. Playing along for his own survival, Seiji nonetheless is under no illusions who his true enemy is, and it's not the naive young would-be Hero from his own world. Placed in an impossible position, Seiji must make enough progress toward world domination to keep his sadistic patron goddess off his back, but not so much that he can't strike an accord with the forces of Good and convince the Hero Yoshi that it's the goddesses who are their mutual enemy. Forced to embrace Evil without being too evil, Seiji walks the razor's edge, building his forces and biding his time till he can get revenge on the goddesses and be free of them, his only certainty that he will not be getting out of this with his hands clean. A Dark Lord's gotta do what a Dark Lord's gotta do. Updates Tuesday and Friday. Most Patreon tiers get to read one chapter in advance of the public release!
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Civilizations rise and fall. Battles are fought with the fate of the whole continent on the line. Each day is a battle for survival, a battle against creatures so vile they corrode the air itself. Swords clash, Magic is cast, powers clash, weapons break and there is blood. So much blood it paints the ground with the memory of desperation and death. Cities burn down to the ground, their ashes scattered in the wind.The creation of this world, this Virtual Reality took years of Research and commitment. The people of the modern age are bored, lazy. There is no thread to them so they create their own conflicts and finally create a world full of it.Conflict against beasts and Monsters, conflict amongst sentient races, battles and treasure… and unimaginable dangers.That is NeoPangea. A continent where beasts unseen by the modern world roam. Follow the players in this world as a cataclysmic event challenges everything they knew about the world and a never seen before crisis befalls the planet.EDIT: I'm currently in my exam phase and very busy studying. Therefore I'm putting this novel on hold for now! But despair not! I shall be back!
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