《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Making Plans
I woke up the next morning in the bed not even remembering much from the night before. I immediately wanted to bake and I hadn't even got to test out the new kitchen so it seemed like a perfect thing to do.
I slipped out of bed without waking Niall up and slipped on some leggings and an oversized sweatshirt.
I left Niall a note in the kitchen letting him know I ran to the store just in case he woke up before I got back and made it downstairs. I knew if he did wake up and found me not in bed he would just call me though.
I hopped in Niall's car and drove to the store. I got all of the ingredients I needed and headed to the check out. I was waiting in line when my phone rang and just like I expected it was Niall.
"Hey, babe."
"Where did you go?" He whined holding out the o. "The bed is cold!"
"I'm just at the store. Go back to sleep."
"Okay, but I miss you. Will you get me a bigmac on your way home?"
"Ni, it's nine in the morning. I'll just make you breakfast when I get home."
"Okay!" Niall said excitedly, "Love you!'
"Love you too." I said hanging up the phone. I bought all my stuff and headed home.
I made Niall and omelet and some bacon and set it out for him on the breakfast bar with a cup of breakfast tea.
I started making the different kinds of cake. "What are you doing?" A groggy sounding Niall asked walking into the kitchen and hugging me from behind.
"Baking. Your breakfast is right there." I said pointing to his plate.
"Whoa! Babe that looks so good! I was expecting cereal or toast. You're the best!" He said kissing my cheek and running over to his chair and taking a giant bite. "Mmm so good. So why are you baking?"
"Well we have this amazing kitchen and I wanted to put it to use, besides I need some practice being a wife."
Niall grinned at me, "Well do you have any jars you need me to open so I can practice being a husband?"
I laughed and gave him a kiss, "Why don't you just relax today? Watch the game or something."
"I'm leaving in a week. I want to spend as much time with you as possible. Can I help you bake?"
I gave him a skeptical look. I knew that my number of treats would significantly drop if Niall helped me. He gave me the puppy dog eyes and I sighed, "Fine but you can't eat anything until its finished. I don't want you to get a belly ache."
"Okay finish eating and then wash your hands and you can help."
"Yay!" Niall cheered and quickly finished his food.
He snapped a picture of me and I looked over his shoulder as he tweeted:Baking with my boo! Xx She won't let me taste test anything tho :(
I laughed and kissed his cheek.
"Okay, what can I do?" He asked putting on the blue apron that matched the pink one I was wearing.
"Follow the directions on the box and make this cake." I said handing him a box of strawberry cake.
"Ooh! Cake! I love cake! What kind of frosting are you putting on it?"
"None. We're making cake pops."
"Like at Starbucks?"
"Better! My roommate taught me how to make them when I was in college. Now go." I said giving him a little push.
When all the cakes were in the oven I had Niall start on the brownies while I started on the pie crusts.
"What kind of pie are you making?" Niall asked coming over and kissing the back of my neck.
"Blueberry and caramel apple."
"What else are we making?" He asked breathing warm air against my neck, making me shiver.
"Blackberry key lime cupcakes, rootbeer float cookies, cake batter cheesecake, and peanut butter chip oatmeal cookies."
"Wow. That's a lot. Who's going to eat all of this?" He asked still kissing my neck and rubbing the skin of my back underneath my sweatshirt.
"You. And everyone is coming over tonight for games and stuff."
Niall groaned, "Why? I just want some Kiall time." He mumbled before sucking lightly on the part of my shoulder that wasn't covered up by my sweatshirt.
"We're trying to have Kiall time by baking but you keep distracting me."
Niall hummed against my neck, "But you're even more irresistible when you're making delicious food."
"Niall come on. I'm trying to get this done." I said pushing him away. I finished the crusts and put them in the pans and the pie ingredients in.
Niall sighed loudly since I stopped paying attention to him. I rolled my eyes and ignored him as I started getting other stuff ready.
The oven beeped, "Can you take those out for me please?" I asked giving Niall the puppy dog eyes.
He rolled his blue eyes and took them out of the oven. He literally threw them on the counter and leaned against it crossing his arms over his chest. I could feel his blue eyes staring at me as I put the pies in the oven and set the timer. I turned around and looked at him, "Are you really mad at me?"
"Yeah, kinda. You were gone for six weeks. I'm gone for six weeks. All we got in between was two weeks and one of those weeks is over. And you don't even want to spend time with me." He pouted.
I walked over to him and put my legs on either side of his. "Baby you know that's not true. That's not true at all. But you have to understand that I want to see everyone else too. It's not just you I haven't been around lately. It's everyone."
Niall sighed and rested our foreheads together. "I'm sorry. I just don't like being away from you. And then this whole Demi thing happened and I'm just afraid of losing you."
"You're not going to lose me you're stuck with me." I said trying to make him smile.
He gave me a small smile, "Please just know that you can trust me. If management wants to create some publicity using Demi and I, I'll refuse. It's not worth losing you. And I'm so sorry about some of the things I said to when we were fighting. None of them are true. I understand you care about your image. I care about mine too. But I didn't mean anything that I said to you. I let my temper get the best of me and I'm sorry that I hurt you. I'm so so so sorry." He whispered rubbing his thumbs over my cheeks.
"I know you didn't mean them babe. I'm sorry for what I said too."
"Don't be sorry it wasn't your fault. It was mine. I should have checked to make sure you actually knew."
"No, Ni. It wasn't your fault. It was managements. Don't blame yourself." I said running my fingers through his mostly brown hair. "I just hate that so many people are against us. Why can't we just be happy?"
Niall smiled, "I am happy. No one ever promised this would be easy. So its not gonna be easy. Its going to be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, every day. You and me...every day."
I just stared at him. I didn't know whether to laugh or kiss him. "Way to quote the notebook loser." I said smiling at him.
Niall smiled, "Yeah well it's true."
I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him with all the passion and love I had in my body. I felt him smile against the kiss and that made me smile.
Niall pulled away and looked at me with a concerned expression. "Are you happy?"
"I am. We're getting married and I finally get to say that you're mine. No one can take you away from me."
"I've always been yours." He mumbled pressing his lips to my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his middle and he pressed his warm palms against my bare back.
After awhile of us just standing like that he pulled away, "Come on let's get this done." He said gesturing to the span of baking stuff all over the kitchen.
Four hours later Niall slipped his arm around me as we admired our finished products. "Can I eat some now?" He asked looking at me.
I smiled, "I actually have a special plate just for you." I grabbed a plate of the treats that had been deformed. There were only a few though so I knew Niall wasn't satisfied.
"Gee thanks babe." He said grabbing a cupcake. "Mmm still tastes good."
I smiled, "Good. Can you do me favor? Take all of these down to the game room and set them up on the bar? Bring some stuff to drink down too. I really need to shower."
Niall nodded and I kissed his cheek as he ate a deformed cake pop. "Oh and Niall, I counted everything. No kisses tonight if there's anything missing."
"Baaaaaaaaaaaaabe." Niall whined.
"I'm serious. You can eat once everyone gets here." I said heading to go take a shower.
I changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized blue men's dress shirt over a white tank top and a navy blue scarf. Niall had jumped in the shower so I did my hair and make-up quick and ran down to count the treats. There was a piece of cheesecake missing along with one of each of the cookies. I rolled my eyes and got some games out of the closet and set them on the table. My phone rang and I saw Harry was calling me.
"Open your stupid gate." He said.
"Just a sec." I dashed up the stairs and unlocked the gate.
I opened the door and soon his lanky arms were wrapped around me in a tight hug. "Hey, Harold."
"Hey, love. Where's Niall?"
"Shower. You want anything to drink?" I asked.
"No actually I wanted to talk to you. Can we sit?" He asked.
I nodded and we sat down in front of the fireplace. "What's up?"
"I just want to make sure you're okay. I know Niall can get pretty brutal when you two are fighting and I just want to make sure that you're okay."
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, Harry. He did say some pretty harsh things but he apologized and I know that he doesn't actually think them."
"And you're doing okay with this whole tour thing?"
"As much as I can be. I'm not happy about it, but there's not much say that I get. Obviously I was expecting to have some time with Niall before one of us jetted off somewhere but it's just another bump in the road. We'll make it."
"And what about the whole Demi thing?"
I sighed, "I can't doing anything about it. I trust Niall I really do. I just don't trust her in the least bit. I know nothing will happen because Niall won't let it. But honestly I just wish I was there to make sure she doesn't try anything."
"The boys and I will be there, and Paul and Preston. The band guys, and Lou. And even Xara she knows Niall is yours. She'll probably scream if she sees anyone else with him."
I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Harry."
"You're welcome, love." He said kissing the top of my head.
"How's everything going with Samie?"
Harry shrugged, "We're okay. I miss her a lot. It's hard being away from her. Everything is kind of just at a standstill."
"Well she's moving here soon right?" I asked.
Harry nodded grinning, "Yeah. I need to find a new flat before she does though. Louis and Eleanor need a place of their own so I'm thinking I'll just move out and they can have the one we're all in right now."
I smiled, "Don't go too far away though. I can't handle you being far away."
Harry laughed, "You're the one who moved half hour out of the city."
"Yeah, because this house is perfect!"
Harry just laughed and agreed.
Everyone else eventually showed up and we headed downstairs and started playing Taboo. Xara sat walked around the room looking at things and trying to play with us.
Harry, Niall, Zayn, and I were kicking butt when Harry's phone rang. "Be right back." He said getting up and living the room.
"I'm sick of this game!" Louis yelled throwing the cards at Niall and Liam.
"Louis William Tomlinson, pick those up right now!" I yelled.
"Yes, mum." He mumbled and I shot him a glare.
"Liam you want to pick another game?" I asked cleaning stuff up a little bit.
"Sure!" He yelled jumping up and heading over to where the games were.
"I'm going to go get something healthy to eat. Anyone want anything?" I asked.
Everyone shook their heads no, but Danielle grabbed my arm when I walked by, "Can you get me some pickles with chocolate sauce and hot sauce on them? Please?" She whispered.
I nodded laughing, "Crazy cravings, huh?"
Danielle laughed, "You have no idea. I just never want anything normal!"
"I'm pretty sure I can do that for you. I'll be right back."
I headed up stairs and as I walked past the main floor bathroom I heard someone crying. Everyone but Harry was downstairs so I assumed it was him. I knocked on the door gently.
"Yeah?" Harry croaked.
"Can I come in?"
The door opened and a red and puffy eyed Harry stood there.
"Oh, Harry." I said wrapping my arms around him.
He buried his face in my shoulder and I walked us to the library. I sat down on the comfy cream colored couch and made Harry lay his head in my lap.
I slowly combed my fingers through his soft curls, "What's going on?"
"I don't understand why people are so cruel." He mumbled.
"What are they saying, hun?" I asked. Harry just shrugged. "Come on, Harry. Let it all out." I said massaging his scalp.
Harry looked up at me and I saw so much pain in those bright green eyes. "My mum called me in tears because people keep asking her how she could raise such a man whore, and how she can even look at me knowing how many girl's hearts I've broken. Do you know how many people I've had sex with since Xara was born, so a year? Just one, Samie. That's it. Since we went to Wisconsin last summer I've had sex with two people. Sabine and Samie that's it. Since you and I broke up I think its been four, including Samie, Sabine, and that girl that I ruined us with. There was one other person! I'm not that bad!" He said with tears in his eyes.
"Shh, I know baby, I know." I said stroking his cheeks.
"They keep saying that Samie and I will never last because I'll just ruin it because I can handle just being with one person! I don't want to have sex with anyone other than Samie! I just don't want her to leave in fear that I'm going to cheat on her. Because I'm not."
"Hey, do not let these people effect your relationship with her. She loves you and she trusts you."
"Babe?" I heard Niall call out, "You've been gone a long time are you okay? Babe where are-" Niall paused staring at Harry and I as he looked through the open library door. "What the fuck?" He asked taking a step inside.
Harry turned and looked at him and Niall's entire body softened. He quickly made his way across the room and laid down on top of Harry, hugging him.
I smiled down at them, "You going to be okay, love?" I asked Harry.
"Yeah, I'll be okay. Thanks guys. Niall can you get off me?" Niall nodded and stood up and Harry got up. He hugged Niall and gave me a kiss on the cheek before disappearing out of the room.
Niall flopped down on the couch the same way Harry had been laying just seconds earlier. "Sorry." He said grabbing my hand and kissing each of my finger tips and the palm of my hand. "You know how I get." He said dropping my hand.
I nodded and lightly started tracing his beautiful features. "It's alright." I whispered not wanting to disturb the peaceful look on his face.
"What are you think right now?" He asked as my fingers traced his lips.
"How good looking you are and how lucky I am."
Niall smiled and hummed, "I'm the lucky one. I'm the Irish one."
"I'm Irish too."
"Only like an eighth. It doesn't count."
"Oh yeah? Well then how come you're marrying me even though you always say you want an Irish girl?"
Niall shrugged, "Your beauty blinded me."
"Oh shut up." I said hitting his shoulder as a blush crept onto my cheeks.
"You're blushing right now aren't you?" He asked.
"No." I lied, blushing even more.
Niall just laughed and sat up to kiss me.
I intertwined our fingers and lead him into the kitchen. "Can you open this for me Mr. Horan?" I asked handing him the jar of pickles.
"Of course I can Mrs. Horan." He said giving me a kiss and popping the jar open. He took a pickle out and ate it.
I put some in a bowl and dumped the hot sauce and chocolate sauce on them. "Uh, babe?" Niall asked arching an eyebrow at me.
"They're for Danielle." I said putting the food away and grabbing an apple for myself.
Niall wrapped his arms around my waist, "I hope when you're pregnant you have crazy cravings." He whispered.
"Yeah, well we've got a while to wait. We have to get married first." I said kissing his lips and heading back down to the basement.
We finished up playing the games and everyone finally left. I started picking stuff up but Niall wrapped his arms around me pulling me down onto the couch on top of him. "No, Ni this stuff needs to get cleaned up." I said wigging from his grasp.
"No, babe, just cuddle with me!" He whined.
"Help me pick up and then we can cuddle."
Niall groaned but stood up and we had everything cleaned up in twenty minutes.
"Want to watch a movie?" Niall asked stepping into the bathroom where I was taking my make-up off.
"Sure." I said and he kissed my cheek. He walked back into the bedroom in a pair of white boxers with little Irish flags all over them. I watched him walk away and he wiggled his butt making me laugh.
My phone buzzed on the counter I had a new email. I opened it up and found a link to a trashy magazine article. The whole article was full of unflattering pictures of me and extremely attractive ones of Niall saying that he's way out of my league. Kiersten Clifford is way too fat for super fit Niall Horan was the title. I sighed and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I slipped off my shirt and pants and just stared at my reflection. I poked my thighs and my stomach and felt the tears well up in my eyes. I stared at the ring on my hand and then looked at the window.Could I leave the ring on the counter and make it out the window without Niall noticing? He'd probably be much happier without me. I don't deserve him. I figured I could do it so I went over and opened the window. I went back and stood in front of the mirror examining my body once more.
"What exactly do you think you're doing?" Niall asked leaning against the door frame. His arms were crossed against his lightly toned chest, making his biceps stand out more.
I just stared blankly at him, not being able to find the answer. Even though I was sure he already knew the answer.
He was in front of me in three long strides. He said something but, his Irish accent was so thick I couldn't even comprehend what it was. He hit my phone with one finger harshly closing out of the email. He placed his hands on my cheeks and kissed me hard. "Don't move, and don't look in that stupid mirror." He said before going into his closet.
He came back with one of his giant grey t-shirt and put it on over my head. He wiped away the stray tears. He wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. "Babe? Why is the window open? It's freezing outside."
"I uh-um, I was thinking about going out the window."
"I was going to leave."
"Why?" Niall asked and I felt his grip tighten on my waist, probably making sure that I wasn't going anywhere.
"Because I don't deserve you." I mumbled into the skin of his shoulder.
"So you were going to leave me?" He asked taking a step back.
I looked down at our feet and nodded slowly.
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