《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Her Mum
Niall made his way towards me and sat down on the stool next to me but didn't touch me. Xara crawled out of his lap and onto the counter. She crawled in front of me and sat down. She started playing with my fingers and babbling like crazy. I looked down at her and smiled, she was absolutely beautiful and the sweetest girl ever.
"Kiersten, babe, please look at me." Niall said as he slipped a large hand onto my knee.
"Why? Please, just tell me why." I said quietly, pushing his hand away.
"Babe management told me I had to. They said it would bring publicity, but they also said that they told you."
"Well why didn't you tell me this yesterday?"
"The thought that management lied to me caught me off guard and then I realized that I forgot our anniversary and my anger just got the best of me." He said leaning forward to wipe a tear off my cheek that I hadn't even noticed. "I'm so sorry, Kiersten. I didn't mean anything I said last night. I love you so much, the kiss didn't mean anything to me, babe. Can you please find some way to forgive me? Please? I know I don't deserve it, but I need you. I can't live without you. You know that."
I saw Xara's diaper bag lying on the floor and I grabbed it and pulled out a baby wipe. I gripped Niall's chin in my hand and wiped Niall's lips until I felt all traces of Demi were gone. "Kiss me you bloody idiot." I said and Niall laughed before crashing our lips together.
"Come on Toot let's leave Mr. and Mrs. Horan alone." I heard Louis say.
"Speaking of that." Niall said pulling away. "Will you still marry me?" He asked pulling the ring out of his pocket. I nodded and he slipped the ring on my finger before kissing me again. "I love you, so much, babe."
"I love you too, Ni." I whispered before kissing him.
I heard someone clapping and I looked up to find Louis and Tootie clapping for us. "Come here crazy girl." I said holding my arms out. Tootie giggled and threw herself at me.
Niall cuddle in next to me and we talked to Xara together. "It's your birthday today Tootie, did you know that?" Niall asked.
Tootie nodded and giggled as Niall tickled her. She was a smart girl but she had yet to say anything. She babbled but nothing more than that. It was early but she had done everything else early too. Zayn was a good teacher. He encouraged her to explore her world and to learn as much as possible, but he never pushed her. He really was a great dad.
"I can't wait till we have babies of our own." Niall said kissing my cheek.
"Me either." I said grinning at him as Xara crawled up and sat down on Niall's chest and started babbling away.
Soon people started coming inside the apartment. Zayn's family came down from Bradford, including almost all of his cousins. Paul and his family were there, so was the rest of the security team and most of the management team. Simon Cowell flew in from the States, all of the band guys were there, plus all of the other 1D families, except for Niall's since they couldn't make it all the way from Ireland, but they had sent a gift for Xara a while ago. Lou, Tom, and Lux came too, plus other friends.
We all sat down and ate. Zayn put Xara in her high chair and put a cupcake in front of her. She immediately smashed her hand in it giggling. Everyone was snapping pictures and laughing at her and she put on a show covering her face in it.
After the cupcake was mostly mush Zayn took it away. "More!" Xara yelled.
Zayn turned around, "What did you say, baby?"
"More, more, more!" She yelled and everyone laughed.
"You said your first word because you want more cake?!" Zayn asked laughing.
"You've been hanging out with uncle Niall too much little girl. Only Uncle Niall always wants more food." Harry said kissing her forehead.
Xara shook her head quickly and blew Niall a kiss causing everyone else to laugh.
We finally got Xara cleaned up by promising that she could have another cupcake after she opened all of her presents.
I was sitting on Niall's lap on the couch next to Liam and Danielle who were talking to Lux, who was sitting on Liam's lap. Liam had his on Danielle's slightly protruding belly and was rubbing small circles. "Why are you rubbing Danielle's belly?" Lux asked.
"Because I want the baby to know I'm here."
"What baby?"
"The baby that's inside her belly."
"There's a baby in there?!" Lux asked putting her face next to Danielle's belly.
"Yeah there is." Liam said grinning at Danielle.
"Did you eat it?" Lux asked looking up at Danielle with wide eyes.
Danielle laughed, "No, no. I didn't eat it. I'm pregnant Luxie."
"Oh." Lux said quietly. She thought for a minute before looking at Danielle again, "Well when is it going to come out?"
"In about six months."
Lux's eyes widened, but before she could say anything she got distracted and in a flash was gone.
Liam laughed and kissed Danielle's cheek, "That'll be our little baby Payne soon."
Danielle just smiled and gave him a kiss.
"I can't wait till it's me rubbing your pregnant belly." Niall whispered quietly making me grin at the thought.
Xara appeared in front of me and puckered her lips for a kiss. I bent down and gave her a kiss and she lifted her arms up so I would pick her up. I did and she hugged me but squealed when she saw that Niall was sitting behind me. She scrambled away from me and wrapped her arms around his neck.
I could hear them talking quietly and giggling before I finally heard Niall say, "Who do you love?"
"Ni!" Xara yelled pointing at him.
"Who do you love?"
"Ni!" She yelled poking him on the nose.
"You're brainwashing her!" I said taking the toddler from him.
"Who's brainwashing my baby girl?" Zayn asked sitting on the arm of the couch.
"Watch." I said handing Xara back to Niall.
"Who do you love?" Niall asked.
"Ni!" She yelled pointing at him.
"What about me?" Zayn asked pouting, "Don't you love your daddy?"
Xara nodded, "Dadda!" She yelled pointing at him.
Zayn beamed and kissed her forehead.
"Who's that?" Niall asked pointing at me.
"Mumma!" Xara yelled grinning at me.
"No, Xara I'm Kiersten. Can you say Kiersten?"
I picked her up and held her close, "I'm not your mumma, baby. I'm your aunt Kiersten."
Xara looked at me and scrunched up her nose, before shaking her head, "Mumma!" She said patting my cheek and giving me a kiss.
I felt a tear leave my eye and I handed Xara to Zayn and slipped out onto the balcony.
The cool air filled my lungs and I rested my back against the building.
"Babe?" I heard Niall say before he appeared in front of me, "What's wrong?"
"She thinks I'm her mom."
"What's wrong with that?" Niall asked coming closer to me.
"I'm not her mom. Reyna's her mom."
"No. Reyna is her mother. There's a difference between a mum and a mother. You are Tootie's mum. You stepped up when Reyna left."
"I don't want to replace Reyna."
"Kiersten, Reyna didn't die. She left. When she left she had to have known that Xara would eventually call someone else mum." Niall said wrapping his arms around me.
"I talked to Reyna."
"You what?" He asked stepping away from me so he could look me in the eyes.
"The night of the Jimmy Fallon show. I called her for advice on Nick."
"How did you get her number?"
"She left it in one of my books before she left. It was taped to the back of a picture of us. I found it when we moved. I didn't expect to use it but I kept it in my purse. I'm sorry I never told you."
"Well what did she say? Where is she? Is she coming back?"
"She didn't say anything. She told me to ask you about being friends with Nick, and she asked me how Zayn and Xara are doing. That's it. She wants to keep in contact but I haven't heard anything from her."
"I don't think that's a good idea, boo. I know that she was practically your sister and you want that back, but she left. I just don't want to see you get hurt. She's already caused a lot of pain she doesn't need to cause anymore. Okay?"
I nodded, "You're right. I'm sorry that I even called her I just didn't know what else to do."
"It's okay, babe. I understand why you wanted to talk to her. Let's just not do it again, yeah?"
I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder.
"Xara is pretty upset inside. I think she thinks you're mad at her."
I didn't even say anything before I rushed inside. I found Zayn and his mom trying to calm the wailing little girl down. I took and pulled her to my chest bouncing her a little. "Shh, baby. I'm here. I'm not leaving. Shh, shh." Xara slowly calmed down and her cries were down to short little whimpers. "I'm going to go put her in her pajamas and try and get her to go to sleep." I whispered still bouncing the little girl in my arms.
Zayn nodded and kissed Xara's forehead. Niall kissed my cheek and they walked back into the living room with everyone else.
"Thank you for being there for them, Kiersten." Zayn's mum said hugging me, "It means so much to know that Zayn has someone like you in his life. Even if you are with Niall. But if you weren't I'd be encouraging Zayn to make you his wife."
I chuckled, "Zayn is too much like my brother for that to happen and I love Niall a lot. But I couldn't imagine not being there."
"Kiersten, you really are Xara's mum and I hope you're okay with that title. But you love her like I love my daughters and I know as much as you want to just be her aunt you're never going to be. You have that special bond. I just hope that you embrace it." She said kissing my cheek and disappearing back into the living room.
I hugged Xara closer to my chest and took her to her nursery. I found some cute purple pajamas and set them on the changing table. I changed her diaper and lathered her in lavender and chamomile lotion to relax her. I put the pajamas on her and took her to the kitchen. I fixed her up a warm bottle and then took her back to her nursery. I sat down in the chair and slowly rocked her as she drank her bottle.
She was fighting sleep and her eyes were struggling to stay open. "Babe?" Niall whispered coming into the room quietly. Xara's eyes flew open and she searched the room trying to find him. "Sorry." He whispered, "But management wants to have a meeting."
I nodded and stood up. We walked back into the room and I found Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn talking with Will. "Come on Will it's Xara's birthday!" Louis said.
"No guys, this can't wait another day. I'm sorry."
"Can it at least wait until everyone leaves?" Zayn asked.
"Fine." Will said nodding and pulling out his phone.
I sighed and went and sat down on the couch between Niall and Harry. It was no use trying to get Xara to go to sleep. She would eventually get there."
After a couple minutes Harry took her from me, and handed her to Eleanor. "What happened with you two? Why did you come in separate cars?" He asked as the other boys came over and joined us obviously wanting to know the answer.
"Can we go somewhere? I don't want them listening in." Niall whispered tilting his head towards where management was sat at the table.
The boys nodded and Zayn went over and talked to everyone. Everyone but the five One Direction boys, the wives and fiancés, Xara, the band boys, the management guys, Paul (who had sent his wife and kids to the hotel), Simon, and the guys from management left.
"Let's go to my room." Zayn said and everyone but Paul, Simon, and the management guys got up and walked to my room.
"Okay, what happened?" Liam asked.
"So yesterday you know when management pulled me aside while we were in the studio?" Niall started and the boys all nodded. "They told me that after we were done there I had to take Demi to that new place on 8thand after we hung out there I had to kiss her, and make it real not just a little peck. They told me that they had already talked to Kiersten about it and she was fine with it since she knew it was because of publicity. So I did what they said and then went home. When I got home I tried to act normal with Kiersten but she had seen the pictures and management hadn't told her about it. We got into a huge fight and I will admit that I forgot that we had been back together for a year yesterday. My temper exploded and I honestly thought that Kiersten and I were done. I thought she was going to leave me. She gave me the ring back and everything last night. I had never seen her so hurt. When I got here I explained everything and we're okay now. But, I don't know if management didn't tell her on purpose thinking that we would break up, or if they just forgot."
"PAUL!!!!!!" Harry yelled out the door.
"Yeah?" Paul asked walking into the room.
"Did you know that management made Niall kiss Demi, told him that they told Kiersten but didn't actually tell her?" Liam asked.
"Excuse me, they what?" Paul said.
Niall nodded, "We almost broke up because if it. She gave me the ring back and everything. Luckily I figured out what happened and explained it all."
"Why would they tell you to kiss her?" Paul asked sitting down on a chair.
"They said it was for publicity." Niall said.
Paul sighed and stood up, "I'll be back." He returned a minute later with Simon.
"What's going on boys?" Simon asked.
Niall retold the whole story and Simon sighed, "I gave the okay for the kiss but I made them promise that it would only happen if Kiersten was completely okay with it."
"Honestly, if I had been told about it I would have been just fine with it." I said.
Simon sighed, "Well we might as well have this meeting and bring this up too." He left and the other guys from management joined us.
"So why didn't you actually tell Kiersten about the kiss?" Niall asked crossing his arms over his chest.
I glanced down at Xara who was now wide awake in my arms.
Panic flashed behind Will's eyes and I watched Niall raise one of his eyebrows. "She gave me the ring back because of you. You're lucky I figured out what happened." Niall snapped.
"Look it was an honest mistake we just forgot!"
"Yeah right. We all know that you don't like Kiersten and you want us broken up. Fess up to it." Niall hissed.
"Fine okay! Not only would it get publicity but it would get her out of the picture! Niall should be with Demi! But no Harry had to go and find Kiersten in some coffee shop and Niall had to fall in love. Do you know how much money we could be making if Niall was with Demi?!"
"Money doesn't matter. Happiness does! Niall and Kiersten are happy. They're going to get married you need to stay out of it!" Simon's voice boomed through the room making everyone jump. "Now as much as I hate to tell you this it's too late to change it now. Boys you're leaving in a week for a month and a half and doing a promo tour with Demi. You'll be doing small shows and performing with her, doing interviews with her, and anything else that's on the schedule. Niall and Kiersten, I'm sorry but that's the way it has to be. There will be separate buses and Niall you don't have to see her except for when you had scheduled stuff to do. I'm not asking you to be friends with her, but I am asking you to be professional and do your job."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Niall mumbled laying back on Zayn's be and tossing his arm over his face.
"And girls I'm sorry but you're not going to be able to come with on this." Will said.
"Wait so you're expecting me to leave my pregnant wife at home?!" Liam yelled jumping up.
"Li sit down." Danielle said grabbing his arm and pulling him back down.
"What about Xara?" Zayn asked as he took the baby from me and gently started rocking her.
"We haven't decided yet. We were thinking maybe she could stay with Kiersten."
"No." Niall said. "Kiersten loves Xara but that's not her responsibility. She's too nice to say no, but I won't let you put that stress on her. She'll have other stuff to do. Not for a month and a half she won't. Maybe if It was a week or two but not this long."
"She's going to have to come with. I'm not asking anyone to take care of my daughter for that long of time. I'm sorry. But we'll get Rosa back and everything will be fine." Zayn said.
Will nodded, "I guess that will have to work. Now there's some other details we need to go over..."
I was leaning against Niall asleep when he woke me up to go home. "Come on babe, let's go home. We'll come get your car tomorrow."
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