《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Just A Kiss
I rolled over and Niall smiled at me, from where he was standing in front of the TV which was quietly playing the scores from the various games from last night. "I have to go to the studio. I'll be back around six." He said giving me a quick kiss and disappearing out of the bedroom.
"Happy Anniversary to you too, babe." I mumbled making my way into the large shower in our master bathroom. It was a year to the day that Niall and I had gotten back together. I stepped into the shower wobbling a bit. I was still a little uneasy on my legs since I wasn't used to walking quite yet, I had the cast on my leg for seven months it was weird to walk.
I got out of the shower and pulled on a pair of running shorts and my favorite TOMS sweatshirt. I cleaned all of the main rooms in the house, skipping only the guest rooms, Niall's office, and the music room. I prepared Niall's favorite meal and while it was cooking I got ready. I put on a gorgeous dress that Niall had picked out for me a few days earlier. I slipped it on and put on a pair of gorgeous Jimmy Choo heels. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=61120280) I curled my hair and did my make-up to perfection and then went to finish getting everything set up.
I lit the candles and set the table. I put the delicious looking food on the plates and smiled. It was perfect. I glanced at the clock on the microwave and smiled, 5:55 perfect timing. I made my way over to the door and waited for Niall to come home. When it was six 6:15 my leg was starting to hurt so i went and sat down on the couch.
I waited patiently on the couch that sat sunken into the living room floor. I smoothed out the skirt of my dress and glanced at the clock that read eight pm.
"He's probably just running late in the studio. " I said out loud as I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through Twitter.
I kept seeing tweets saying things like OMG, Kiersten I'm so sorry! I never thought Niall would do this! There was so many of them that my curiosity got the best of me. I typed Niall's name into Google and clicked on the first article in the news section. My heart dropped to the ground as I saw a picture of Niall with his arms wrapped around Demi kissing her.
"It's fake." I said my eyes searching the photo for any sign of obvious photoshopping. When I couldn't find any I scrolled through the article. Words jumped out at me, "After Demi spent the day in the studio with Niall and his bandmates, Demi and Niall headed out to a new hot spot in London, where they shared a passionate lip-lock. So what happened to Niall's fiancé Kiersten Clifford? Has he left her for this Disney Darling?" Underneath the article was multiple pictures all from different angles, which proved that the kiss was real.
I slammed my computer shut and made my way up the stairs. Niall hadn't told me he would be with Demi in the studio. Shouldn't that had been something he told me about? I padded into the bedroom trying to hold back my tears. I unzipped the dress and let it fall to the floor.
I made my way to my dresser and bent over to pull open the bottom drawer. "Well what a nice thing to come home to." A husky voice whispered in my ear as calloused fingers danced along my hips.
I rolled my eyes and yanked a pair of yoga pants out of the drawer and slipped them on.
"Damn I was hoping you'd just stay like that." He said kissing my neck as I pulled a sweatshirt off a hanger. I pulled away from him and put the sweatshirt on. I silently walked out of the room, telling myself to be strong and not cry in front of him.
The light in the closet caught the large diamond on my finger and I almost lost it. I shook off the feeling and padded down the stairs and into the kitchen. I blew out the candles and grabbed the plates. I carefully scraped the food into the garbage and was putting plates into the dishwasher when Niall walked into the room clad in only a pair of low slung Puma sweatpants.
"Oh you made dinner? Sorry I missed it, baby." Niall said opening up a beer.
"It's okay. It was only your favorite. But I understand that cheating on your fiancé is more important." I said.
Niall spit out his beer and stared at me, "Wh-what?"
"Clean that I up. I just cleaned the floors today." I said spinning on my heel and walking out of the kitchen.
"Whoa, hold on babe." Niall said grabbing my wrist. "What are you talking about? I didn't cheat on you!"
I laughed, "I saw the pictures Niall. You kissed Demi today." With that I made my way to our bedroom and I could hear a steady stream of Irish accented curse words.
"Look, boo I'm sorry, I can explain..." Niall said following me into the room.
"Explain what Niall? I honestly don't want to hear it. You kissed her and you got caught. That's why you're sorry."
"Will you just let me explain?!" He yelled.
"Fine Niall, explain to me why the fuck you kissed another girl on our anniversary."
Niall's eyes widened, "It's our anniversary?"
I rolled my eyes and turned on the TV.
"Shut that off, I'm trying to talk to you!"
"There's nothing to say Niall. You cheated on me."
"Holy shit, Kiersten! It was just a kiss!"
"Just a kiss, Niall? Seriously?"
"Yeah, just a kiss! I didn't have sex with her!"
"Well why not? You kissed her, you should've just put it in while you were at it!"
"Seriously, why are you making such a big deal about this?"
"You kissed someone else on our anniversary, which you conveniently forgot about! You don't even remember that we've been back together for a year!"
"It's not even our anniversary! Our anniversary is in March! We got back together a year ago today! Big fucking deal!"
"I kind of thought it was." I said quietly suddenly extremely hurt by the words coming out his mouth.
"Why? Are we just forgetting about the other year we spent together?"
"We just decided like a week ago we would do both! And why is a big deal? Well we probably wouldn't be together right now! I would probably be with Nick. But I'm not, because of what happened a year ago!"
"Oh please we all know you'd come crawling back to me! You couldn't fucking live without me!"
"If I remember correctly you came crawling back to me!"
"Why are you being such a bitch today?"
"We just got engaged a week ago Niall! And you just fucking cheated on me! Two years of my life and you cheat on me with Demi Lavato on our anniversary that you forgot! Think of what that's going to look like for me!"
"All you care about is your image! You're such a fame seeking selfish whore! You didn't even ask me why I did it!"
"Why did you do it, Niall? No I know why you did it! You did it because you fucking could! Because your ego is the size of this house!"
"You're such a fucking bitch! I don't even know why I'm with you." He said. I felt the tears starting to fall, "You don't even deserve me! You just want my fame and my money."
"Get out." I said trying to hide the fact that I was crying now. "I said get out." I hissed when Niall just stood there staring at me.
I looked into his blue eyes that had always shown how much he loved me and started crying harder.
Niall took a few steps towards me, "Baby girl, don't cry. I didn't mean anything-"
"Don't touch me!" I said pushing him backwards interrupting him, "I told you to get out!"
"Come on let's work this out. We'll talk and then we'll cuddle in our big comfy bed." Niall said reaching for my hand.
I jerked my hand away, "No. Don't touch me. I'm not getting into any bed with you especially our bed. Because our bed is a part of our relationship and you know what our relationship is? Tainted. And you know why it's tainted? Because you're a cheating bastard. So get the fuck out."
"No. This is my house, too." He said planting his feet and crossing his arms making his muscles pop out.
"Fine, then sleep in one of the guest rooms. I don't care where you go just get the hell away from me."
Niall took a deep breath and slowly started walking out of the room.
"Niall wait." I said and he turned around looking at me with hopeful eyes. I slipped the ring off my finger, "Here take this worthless piece of shit with you. It obviously doesn't mean shit to you." I said tossing it to him.
I watched as the ring landed on the plush white carpet with a soft thud. Niall stared at it for a second before bending down to pick it up. I watched as a tear landed on the carpet and I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him everything would be okay. Watching Niall cry is one of the most heartbreaking things in the world. But, I wouldn't let myself be that weak.
"I love you." He whispered not making eye contact before he disappeared out of the room.
I quietly shut the door before sliding down it and pulling my knees to my chest as I let out my tears. I was sobbing so hard I was shaking and I saw Frank looking at me from the middle of the bedroom floor. I crawled to him and pulled him to my chest as I curled up on the floor. I looked under the bed and saw one of Niall's t-shirts. I grabbed it and held it inhaling his smell. I sobbed into the t-shirt until I fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning carefully tucked into the bed. "Asshole." I mumbled knowing that it was Niall who put me there. He hated it when I fell asleep anywhere but in a bed, because he was worried about me being in pain. "Too late for that." I mumbled.
I slowly climbed into the shower and got dressed. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=61121209) Today was Xara's birthday and I had to go over to Zayn's to help him get ready for the party. I got her presents ready. We got her a little riding car, some pretty hair bows, because she loved having her hair done just like her daddy. And Niall custom ordered a little pair of bright pink Supras to give her.
I walked down the stairs and I heard quiet music coming from the kitchen. I was going to avoid going in there but I had to grab something for the party. I took a deep breath and I walked in. The counter was covered in all my favorite breakfast foods. "Good morning, beautiful." Niall said handing me a cup of tea, that I knew what my favorite.
"I don't have time for this. I have to get over to Zayn's. It's your niece's birthday today. Or did you forget about that too?" I asked grabbing what I needed.
Niall just looked at me and I could see the hurt in his eyes. I struggled to fit everything in my arms, "Let me help you." Niall said stepping towards me.
"No. I've got it. I'm fine." I said walking towards the garage door. Niall quickly ran and opened it for me and then opened the door of the car for me. "Thanks." I said putting the stuff in the car and getting into the driver's seat. I started the car and pulled out of the garage. Niall watched me leave and I sighed. I turned the radio on but quickly switched it off when I heard the latest One Direction song play through my speakers.
I called Louis when I pulled into the apartment complex and he came down and helped me out. "So uh, where's Niall?" He asked obviously unsure if he wanted to know.
I just shrugged, "I'm sure he'll show up eventually." I said pulling the final thing out of the car and shutting the door with my hip.
Louis stood in front of me so I couldn't go inside. "Did something happen?" He asked raising one eyebrow.
I nodded, "He cheated on me, Lou. He kissed Demi on our anniversary." I whispered as a few tears fell.
Louis took the present out of my hands and set it on the roof of my car. He pulled me into a tight hug. "Let's go inside and we'll talk. It's could out here, yeah?"
I nodded and Louis smiled softly before kissing my forehead.
"Hi pretty girl!" I said as Xara waddled over to me and lifted her arms up so I would pick her up. I handed the stuff in my arms to Liam and scooped the little girl up. "Happy Birthday Tootie! I can't believe how big you are." I said and she just giggled and planted a wet kiss on my cheek.
"There you are!" Zayn said coming up to me and taking his daughter, "I'm trying to put pretties in your hair, silly girl!" He said blowing a raspberry on her cheek as she giggled. "Hey, you." He said kissing my cheek. "Where's Niall?" He asked looking behind me.
"Uhm I just talk to you later, okay? I don't want our drama to ruin Tootie's day." I said kissing his cheek and walking off to find Louis. I found him setting on a small sofa with a cup of tea.
He patted the spot next to him and I slipped off my boots and pulled my legs to my chest after sitting next to him. I explained the whole story to him. "I love him so much, Lou. And we were finally engaged and everything was going so well for us! I just think that I'm not allowed to be happy for long periods time or something. But I really need to go help get everything ready. Don't worry about me I'll be okay." I said standing up and making my way into the kitchen.
I helped Zayn get all the food ready and set out the cute princess cupcakes. We put up all the decorations and made sure everything looked absolutely perfect.
"Did you eat breakfast?" Zayn asked.
"No. I wanted to out of the house as quick as possible this morning." I said as Zayn toasted a bagel for me.
"And why's that?" He asked putting it on a plate in front of me.
"We aren't really on speaking terms." I said taking a bite of the bagel.
I could feel someone staring at me and I didn't even have to look up to know who it was. He was holding Xara in his arms as she babbled on like she always did. Niall was her favorite uncle. He was involved in the conversation nodding along and asking questions, but his perfect ocean colored eyes never left my face.
"I'll let you two talk." Zayn said kissing my cheek and walking away.
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