《Something Unimaginable (Niall Horan Fanfic) Book 3》Home
I stared at the screen that had my name flashing across it. I gulped really hoping that Kiersten hadn't seen the news.
It's a good thing Demi wasn't in the same terminal as us because then the news would really have a story, because Demi would be dead and I would be in jail.
I took a deep breath and decided to just let the whole thing go for now, I was on my way home to get to Kiersten. Once I was there and holding her again I would deal with all of it then.
"It'll all get worked out Niall." Liam whispered as we boarded the plane. I sat down in my seat next to Harry and sighed.
"It will be alright, Niall. Kiersten trusts you." Harry said patting my back.
"I know, but I just don't want to disappoint the fans." I mumbled putting my head in my hands.
"I know but the true fans will believe you. We just need to get home and figure out what's going on."
I nodded and forced myself to fall asleep, because I knew the plane ride would go quicker.
We landed at Heathrow airport and Louis and Liam hugged Danielle and Eleanor who were waiting for them. Danielle and Liam drove me home, since it was on their way home. I put the code into the gate and we drove in. I thanked them and promised to call them the next day.
I quietly opened the front door and smiled when I heard Ed Sheeran playing through the sound system. I already knew where she was. I carefully set my bags down and slid my shoes off.
I carefully padded my way to the library. I leaned against the door frame and smiled. She was curled up on the sofa with a book. There was a mug of tea on the table next to her and the animals were spread all around her. Eugene was on the back of the couch by her head, Meatloaf and Frank were curled together on her lap, Harriet was lying on the arm of the couch and Pepito was tucked into the space between the small of Kiersten's back and the couch. Nando, who was lying at Kiersten's feet noticed me. He lifted his head and let out a soft bark. "Shhh." Kiersten pet his head lightly not looking up from her book. He barked again and she slowly tore her eyes away from the book. She slowly turned her head and her eyes widened when she saw me. She jumped up from the couch and ran across the room.
I held my arms open and she jumped into them, "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be home for another week." She mumbled into my neck.
I set her down and cupped her face in my hands, "I know but we got off a week early and I wanted to surprise you."
She said nothing she just threw her arms around my neck and kissed me, "I missed you so much." She mumbled, hugging me closer to her.
"I missed you too." I said pressing a kiss to her temple. I didn't want to ruin the moment but I knew I had to bring up Demi's pregnancy. "Have you seen the newest headline?"
She shook her head and entwined our fingers and walked to the couch. I sat down and pulled her so she was sitting on my lap. "I haven't even opened up twitter or anything."
"This isn't just on Twitter. This is breaking news." I said digging my phone out of my back pocket. I typed Demi's name into Google and clicked on the first article that popped up.
I handed the phone to her and she looked at me, "There's no chance that she's actually pregnant with your baby right?"
"Not unless she stole my sperm." I said kissing her cheek, "We'll get through this, babe. We've gotten through everything else and it will be even easier since I'm home now."
Kiersten nodded and snuggled into my chest. "Let's just forget about it for tonight. I just want to be with you, no distractions." She said holding the power button on my phone down until it shut off.
We cuddled on the couch in the library and she told me about working at the orphanage, what's been going on with Eleanor and Danielle, she told me about how dress shopping went, and all of the baking creations she's made and I told her stories from tour.
Eventually we made our way up to our bed and we cuddled under the covers just talking about everything but the Demi and Nick drama.
I woke up the next morning and smiled. She was still asleep and curled against my chest. I combed my fingers through her hair and her eyes fluttered open. She smiled sleepily at me and snuggled farther into my chest, "Morning, handsome." She mumbled.
"Good morning, beautiful. Should we get up?"
"No. Let's just stay here awhile. I don't want to get up, the world doesn't exist inside our bed." She whispered drawing circles on my bare chest.
I knew she was talking about the whole Demi thing and forgetting about it for a while sounded good to me too. I kissed the top her head and lightly ran my fingers up and down her arm. "Whatever you want, babe, this day is all about us."
"I'm so glad you're home, Ni." She said wiggling up to kiss my lips.
"I'm glad to be home." I said kissing her back.
Nando interrupted the moment by whining and scratching against the door. "He needs to be let outside." Kiersten said groaning and pushing the covers back. We made our way down the stairs and I made us some coffee while she let Nando out into the backyard. I handed Kiersten her mug and wrapped my arm around her waist as we watched Nando run around in the backyard. "What are we going to do, Niall?" She asked resting her head on my shoulder.
"I'm going to do whatever it takes to prove that it's not my baby. I'll take every DNA test, every one baby. I'll take every DNA test, every lie detector test, whatever it takes."
She set her mug on the table and wrapped her arms around me, "We were finally happy."
I smoothed the hair down on the back of her head and kissed her temple, "We are happy. This isn't going to break us. We've dealt with worse, we've made it through worse. We're going to make it through this too."
Kiersten took a deep breath and pulled away from me. She walked into the kitchen and put food in the animal dishes.
My phone buzzed with a text message from Zayn. "Zayn wants to know if we want to take Xara until tomorrow afternoon. She's been asking for you and he's got something going on tonight. He said he can bring her out here."
"We can pick her up. We need to go grocery shopping anyway." She said looking in the cabinets.
"Okay, I'll let him know, can you be ready in half hour?"
Kiersten nodded and headed up the bedroom to get ready. I changed into a pair of jeans and a jumper and she walked out of her closet ready to go. (http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=62517055) "You look cute." I said kissing her cheek.
We headed into the city and went to Zayn's flat. Zayn let us in and Xara squealed when she saw Kiersten, "Hi pretty girl." She said picking her up and giving her a kiss.
"Mumma." Xara said kissing her cheek. Kiersten set her down and Xara led Kiersten to her bedroom. "Ni!" Xara suddenly yelled and Zayn chuckled and we walked in there. Xara was handing toy after toy to Kiersten, who was trying to hold them all. "Ni." Xara waddled over and handed me a teddy bear.
"You wanna come stay with me and Uncle Niall, tonight?" Kiersten asked sitting down on the floor.
Xara nodded excitedly. "Go get your bag, baby girl." Zayn said pointing to the little Minnie Mouse backpack on the rocking chair. Xara practically ran. She grabbed it and I helped her put it on her back. "Don't forget Pinkie." Zayn said Tootie her favorite pink giraffe.
Xara cuddled with the giraffe and Zayn picked her up, "Bye, beautiful baby girl." He said kissing her cheek.
"Bye bye, dada." She said giving him a giving a wet kiss on the cheek. He passed her to me and she rested her head against my shoulder. We waved at Zayn as we left the flat and Kiersten carried Xara's carseat down to my Range Rover.
We walked into Tesco and I put Xara in the trolley. "Ready to get some food, TootieLoo?" I asked kissing her nose. She giggled and clapped her hands.
"Can we get these, babe?" I asked Kiersten, showing her a package of cookies.
"No. Put them back. There's enough treats in the cart."
"Please?" I asked sticking my bottom lip out.
Xara copied me and Kiersten groaned, "Fine, but only because you two are two stinkin' cute to deny."
"Yay!" I cheered tossing the package in the cart, "The cute card always works." I whispered to Xara as I continued to push the trolley.
We finished up our shopping and headed to the checkout. "I'll be right back, I forgot something." Kiersten said handing me the package of strawberries in her hands and walking away.
"Did you find everything alright today, babe?" The cashier asked winking at me.
"Yep, I did. Thank you." I said smiling at her.
"You've got a lot of food here, you having a party?"
"Nah, I'm just a hungry boy." I said rubbing my stomach.
She let out a loud laugh, "You're so funny!" She said putting her hand on my arm.
I smiled, "Well thank you," I paused to look at her name tag, "Ashley."
"And your muscles are so big." She said leaning forward more and squeezing both of my biceps.
"Thanks! I've been trying to gym a bit more but I just don't have the time. Been real busy lately." I said as I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around my middle.
"Sorry I took so long, babe." Kiersten said emphasizing the word babe. She turned and looked at the cashier, "Can you do your job and stop touching my fiancé please?"
Ashley scoffed and started quickly scanning our things. I glared at Kiersten but she just kept her arms wrapped around my middle and ignored me. I paid for the food and we started walking out of Tesco. "You didn't have to be so rude, she was just being nice." I said to Kiersten when we were out of ear shot.
Kiersten just rolled her eyes and let go of me. She buckled Xara into her seat and I loaded all of the food into the car.
We drove home with the radio on low and Xara babbling in the back. But other than that the car was completely silent.
We got home and Kiersten jumped out the car and grabbed Xara and headed inside. I brought in the first load of groceries and watched as Kiersten put Xara in her high chair, "You want a snack, Tootie?"
"Nack, nack, nack!" Tootie sang wiggling in her chair. Kiersten gave her a some apple juice and dumped some Cheerios on the tray of her high chair.
I brought all the groceries in and rested against the counter watching Kiersten put them all away. "Boo." I said when put the last box of cereal away.
"She wasn't just being nice, Niall. She was flirting with you." She napped.
"No. She-"
"Your muscles are so big!" She said in a mocking voice interrupting me, "Here let me bend over so you can look right down my shirt." She said slamming the cabinet shut.
I smirked as I realized exactly what was going on. I spun Kiersten around and pulled her to me by her belt loops, "Are you jealous?" I whispered brushing our noses together.
"No. I'm just angry."
I pressed my lips to her and kissed her hard. "Liar." I whispered against her soft pink lips.
"I'm just possessive of you. I don't like it when other girls touch my things." She said crossing her arms and pouting.
I laughed and kissed her lips again, "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Love me!" Tootie yelled making us laugh.
"Yes, we love you very very very much." Kiersten said kissing her nose.
After Xara finished her snack and Kiersten and I split a pizza sicne we didn't each lunch we decided to watch a movie. "Me, me, me!" Xara yelled making a bunch of silly faces.
"I have no idea what that means." Kiersten said looking at me for help.
"She wants to watch Despicable Me. It's her favorite. I'll go put it in. Our room?" I asked and Kiersten nodded. I kissed her cheek and headed upstairs.
I cuddled into the big soft white bed next to Kiersten and pressed play. Xara sat between us giggling and laughing at the movie. Eventually the three of us fell asleep curled up with Xara in between us.
I woke up and Kiersten wasn't in the bed anymore and Xara was still asleep next to me. "Want to go out for dinner?" Kiersten asked coming in and giving me a kiss.
Sure where were you thinking?" I asked sitting up and pulling her onto my lap.
She shrugged, "There's Wagamama's."
"Mmm perfect." I said nuzzling my face in her neck.
We woke Xara up and changed her diaper and went Wagamama's.@NiallOfficial: Dinner with two very pretty girls. I tweeted along with a picture of the three of us.
I had Xara on my hip and my hand intertwined with Kiersten's as we walked into the restaurant.
"Practicing for when you become a father, Niall. Not too long now." A pap asked.
"Kiersten you're still with Niall even though he got Demi pregnant?"
"Where's Zayn? Out buying some more drugs? Is that why you have Xara?"
I took a deep breath and ushered Kiersten into the building. I set Xara into a highchair and kissed Kiersten's forehead before sliding into my chair, "You okay, love?" I asked squeezing Kierten's hand.
She nodded and brushed Xara's cheek with her hand. I ran my thumb over the top of Kiersten's hand, "I have a meeting with a lawyer tomorrow. I'm going to get this settled. I promise.
Kiersten nodded, "I have a dress fitting tomorrow for my bridesmaids dress and then I want to spend sometime at the office."
"Okay then I was thinking we should get dressed up and got to the Ivy. I'll make reservations tomorrow."
"We don't have to Ni. You just got home from tour. We should just relax."
"Nope, since you said that we're going to make a whole night out of it, a dinner and a movie. I need to take my girl out." I said kissing her cheek.
"You're too much." She said leaning across the table and giving me a kiss.
We finished up the dinner and went home. We put Xara in her swimsuit and then changed into ours too.
Kiersten was holding Xara in the water and I went down the slide making Xara giggle and splash in the water. We played in the water for a good hour until we could tell Xara was getting sleepy.
"Okay Tootie bath time!" I said taking her into mine and Kiersten's bathroom. I set her and in the water and she looked up at me blinking. "What's wrong?"
"No, toys?" She asked sticking her bottom lip out and giving me the saddest look in the world.
Kiersten laughed and looked at me, "Do we have any toys?"
"I'll go see what I can find." I said getting up and wandering into the bedroom looking around the room.
I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic cup and headed downstairs. I found a rubber duck in the drawer in the pool bathroom and grabbed a couple ping pong balls. I was walking past the display of One Direction's awards on my way back up the stairs when I smirked. I grabbed what I needed and headed back upstairs.
I set everything up and then took a picture to tweet,@NiallOfficial: Aunt Kiersten and Uncle Ni don't have any bath toys. These will have to do. The picture was of my One Direction dolls naked. Liam's doll was inside the plastic cup, and the rubber duck was on top of Harry and Zayn and Louis and I were each holding a ping pong ball. I smirked knowing that the fans would love the picture.
I headed into the bathroom and Kiersten laughed when she saw what was in my hands. "Who knew these would come in use one day?" She laughed and gave the toys to Xara.
We played with her until she looked up and said, "Sweepy Uncy Ni."
I chuckled and grabbed a soft towel and picked her up, "Ready for your jammies Tootie?" I asked and she nodded and cuddled into my chest.
"I'll go make her some milk." Kiersten said rubbing my back a bit and heading down to the kitchen.
I rested my back against the headboard and slowly rocked Xara in my arms. Kiersten came back and handed me the bottle with warm milk in it. "I'm going to go jump in the shower." She whispered kissing my forehead and Xara's before walking into the bathroom.
I handed Xara the bottle since she likes to hold it herself and started slowly rocking her. She finished the bottle quickly and was fighting sleep. She was getting restless and wiggling around and I was running out of ideas. I looked around the room and an idea popped into my head. I propped Xara up on Kiersten's pillow. I jumped up and grabbed my guitar. I sat back down next to Xara and slowly started playing I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz.
I finished the song and looked up and found Kiersten leaning against the door frame in just a fluffy white towel. "That was beautiful and it put her right to sleep." She said pointing to the sleeping baby next to me.
I smiled and set my guitar back on its stand and walked over to Kiersten. I put my hands on her waist and kissed her softly, "I'm going to go take a shower."
Kiersten nodded, "I'll put on some clothes and put her in the play pen."
I kissed her cheek and got into the shower. I pulled on a pair of boxers and walked back into the now dark bedroom. Kiersten was on the bed on her laptop. I crawled in next to her and laid on my side looking at her screen as she tweeted back to some fans.
Kiersten looked down at me and smiled. She put one hand on my side and lightly started tracing my tattoo. My one and only tattoo, "Do you ever feel weird that you only have one?" She asked.
I shook my head, "No. The boys all have enough for me. Besides mine means more than all of theirs but together I said kissing the underside of her arm.
"Now don't say that. Liam's all mean something. And so do Harry's...to him anyway. And most of Zayn's mean something." She said playing with my hair.
I sat up and shut her computer and set it on the table next to the bed. I laid back down and pulled Kiersten so she was lying with her head on my chest. "Goodnight, beautiful."
"Night babe." She mumbled kissing my chest.
I ran my fingers through her soft hair, relaxing myself until I finally fell asleep.
I woke up to the sound of crying and Kiersten hitting my arm repeatedly. "Niall get her."
I stumbled from the bed and found Xara standing up and crying. "Come here, love." I said picking her up, "What's wrong?"
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