《the mr and mrs : e.d》twenty six


jordyn dolan

"Fu-!" I yelled in the abandoned room Josie placed me into. The pregnancy pains have just been increasing every single day I'm trapped in here.

I don't know how many days it's been or when a day ends and a new one begins.

One thing I do know is that the babies are coming soon. Days soon.

The door swung open and Josie looked so pissed off.

"Shut the fuck up."

"I can't!" I yelled. "You're keeping me hostage when I'm suppose to be having my babies."

"If you keep up the screaming, soon there won't be any babies to have." She snarled and slammed the door behind her.

I began to pace across the room super slow since I was the size of a hippo. I walked over to the desk and looked inside the drawers again.

Something rolled to the front that I didn't see before, a small flashlight. I turned my head towards the door to double check it was closed, which it obviously was. I picked up the flashlight and clicked the button to see if it works and it did!

I turned around and looked at the boarded up window and smiled. I walked over to it and clicked the flashlight so it was blinking fast.

There was the slightest crack between the two boards. I was able to break off a little piece of the wood, since it was old. That created a bigger crack. I gently placed the flashlight between it and it surprisingly stayed.

I had another really bad contraction that I had to sit down on the bed once again. I tried my hardest not to make any painful noises, but it didn't work.

Josie barged into the room with some rope in her hand and she looked pissed.


"Stand up." She grabbed my arm and dragged me off of the bed. She turned me around and tightly tied the rope around my wrists. It started to burn every single time she tied it tighter.

She pushed me back down on the bed.

"Why tie me up now?" I asked, scared.

"I was nice before. Now I'm getting what I want and I don't want to wait around. The sooner I have you tied up and gone, the easier my job is to get Ethan."

Please, tell me how that makes sense.

She turned around and closed the door right behind her.

Laying on my back is the only way I feel as comfortable I can get during my contractions and now I can't even do that. My hands are tied behind my back.

Suddenly I felt that my pants got wet. I used my hands to stand up off of the bed and I saw a wet spot on the bed.

"Shit." I whispered.

My water just broke.

What do you do in a situation like this where you're about to have your two babies, but some psychopathic psycho is keeping you hostage so she can be with your husband?

If I sleep, maybe the babies will just pop out in my sleep...

It was getting dark, I could see through the small crack. I tried to make myself as comfortable as possible so I could sleep off this night. If I'm forced to have my babies in here, I'll do it. I'm not letting these ones get away.

- - -

a few hours later

I woke up to more labor pains. Yes, labor pains. These babies want out now!

I heard a few voices outside of the boarded up window. I used all of my power to wiggle my way off of the bed and walked over to it.


"She's not gonna be in there." The voice sounded familiar, but it couldn't be.

"Why would there be a flashing light in this abandoned motel?"


"Ethan! Ethan!" I grabbed the flashlight with my teeth and tossed it on the bed.

"Jordyn?" He came up to the door and looked between the boards.

"Ethan, my water broke. Please get me out of here." I begged. "They want to come out now." I kept looking at the door to see if Josie was going to barge in.

"Hey, hey, look at me." He said and put a finger through the window. "I'm gonna get you out of here and we're going to have those babies, alright?" I nodded and took in a deep breath.

"How serious is Josie this time?" Grayson pushed Ethan out of the way and asked me.

"Get the police."

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