《the mr and mrs : e.d》twenty five


ethan dolan

It's been a full day since I found out that Josie had taken Jordyn and I've been a complete mess. My parents decided to let River stay at their place for a little while so Grayson could take care of me and keep me sane, so I was staying at his place.

I was currently down stairs, sitting at the dining room table by myself while Grayson was getting some work done in his office. It was nearing towards midnight, so he's about to head to bed.

I heard Grayson close his office door and walk into the room I was in.

"You know where the spare bedroom is, right?" He asked and I nodded slowly with bloodshot red eyes.

He took a sit on another dining room chair and let out a soft sigh.

"You know we're going to find her." He said calmly.

"Everyone always says that, but no one knows if that's true." I continued to look down at my hands on the table.

"Of course I know. We've done it so many times before, what's one more?"

"Josie's a criminal." I looked straight at him. "She won't let anything get in her way of me and you know that. She'll kill Jordyn along with my babies if she has to."

"Maybe she's changed." He shrugged his shoulders and stood up to walk into the kitchen.

"Are you on her side or what?" I stood up immediately from my chair and yelled at him while he opened the fridge door. "Why are you trying to cover for her?"

"I'm not!" He slammed the door shut and turned to me again. "I'm trying to calm you down. There's only so much I can do right now and this is me trying my fucking hardest. My wife is gone, I'm now a single dad to a little girl, my sister-in-law is kidnapped and my brother is going fucking insane over it-" He stopped abruptly and turned around to catch his breath.


"What do you expect me to do, Grayson?! I can't just sit here and hope that the police find her. I know what Josie's capable of."

"There's nothing we can do at this point. It's too dangerous for us to go out and look for her."

I subtly shook my head and clenched my jaw. I walked over to the front door, slipped my shoes on and grabbed my car keys along with my wallet.

"Where are you going?" He rolled his eyes.


"No, you're not." He grabbed my wrist.

"And what makes you think that?"

"You're a mess. You're in a terrible state to be driving home and living by yourself."

"Thanks for that." I yanked my arm away from him and stormed out of the house into my car.

Immediately I drove off, not knowing where I was going to go. It seemed like I was skipping every stop sign and every red light, I didn't care.

As I came to a full and complete stop at some bar, my wheels on my car made a screeching sound on the concrete ground.

I grabbed my things and pushed the front door wide open. There weren't a lot of people in here since it was a Wednesday night.

"What can I get you?" The only bartender in the bar asked me.

"Anything." I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a large sigh. I saw him pouring some whiskey into a glass and placed it right in front of me.

"Ethan?" I heard my name from a familiar voice coming to my right. I turned my head and saw my assistant, Daniel from work.

"Shit." I turned back to my whiskey and whispered. Of course I didn't want anyone from work to see me like this.


"Are you alright?" He sat down next to me. I began to tap my foot on the bar stool. "You weren't at work today and you didn't call or anything."

"Yeah I know. I've been busy." I muttered a half lie under my angered voice. "Lots going on."

"Want to talk about it?" He sat down on a stool next to me.

"I really shouldn't." I turned on my stool towards him.

"Your eyes. They're bloodshot red."

"Fu-" I faced forward again. "Look, I gotta go." I drank the rest of my whiskey, dropped a ten dollar bill and placed my wallet back in my pocket.

"Wait, Ethan." Daniel tried to convince me to sit back down.

"I can't right now." I shook my head and had tears welding up in my eyes.

I felt bad for leaving the kid there with no explanation. He's much younger than me and a nice guy. He can't help but be worried about his boss.

I walked right out of the door and into my car. I placed my arms on the top of the steering wheel and rested my forehead on them.

There's nothing I want more than my family to be safe and with me. Nothing.

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