《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Four


The pack was alive today as they made the preparations for Christopher's party. It would be nothing compared to Evan's 18th birthday but it would still be a pretty big celebration.

Usually, Quinn would help with the cooking and baking for the party but her mother insisted she take it easy. "It's you're birthday too, after all" her mother said with finality.

So, Quinn spent the day lazying around the house, catching up on her shows and reading.

Around 6:00pm Alivia burst through the doors "why are you still in your pajamas?" She asked accusingly.

"It's my birthday, I can do what I want and I want to stay home in my pajamas"

"But don't you want to find your mate? Besides, you promised Christopher you'd be there after your party" she said, grabbing Quinn's hands, lifting her up the couch and practical dragging her up the stairs.

"No! YOU promised. I'm not going, Alivia. And why do you keep pushing this mate thing? Do you want to see me get hurt when I'm inevitably rejected?! Is that what you want?"

"That won't happen" Alivia said with certainty "you're not your mother and he won't be anything like your father"

"You don't know that."

"We made a promise to your future beta and you're going."

"Fine, but just for a couple of hours" Quinn said giving up. She should indulge Alivia tonight. She hadn't told anyone that she made arrangements with the current alpha and purchased a plane ticket. Tomorrow, she'd be on a plane heading out of state to culinary school and nobody knew except for Alpha Charles.

It took a couple of hours but she was finally ready. Her makeup was done in a gold and brown smokey eye. Her soft curls framed her face and she wore a chiffon black dress with an empire waist sleeves just above the elbow.


"Holy cleavage" exclaimed Alivia wearing a white off the shoulder dress that hugged her body beautifully. Her long blonde hair fell over her back and shoulders in loose waves. "Your mate is going to pounce the minute he takes a look at you" she teased, jokingly pressing her breasts together make them look like Quinn's.

Quinn rolled her eyes at her best friend's joke. "Whatever...You look amazing." Quinn said smiling at her friend knowing it'd be the last time in a while they'd be seeing each other.

"So do you" said Alivia pulling out a small box and handing it to Quinn. "Happy birthday! It's for you. Open it"

"You didn't have to get me anything.." Quinn started to say.

"Would you just shut up and open it" yelled Alivia playfully.

"Okay okay" said Quinn opening the small blue box. "Alivia, it's beautiful" exclaimed Quinn pulling out a gold locket. Around the side of the locket was a crescent moon that hung loosely and on the locket itself were diamond stars and a small sun. It was dainty and beautiful, exactly Quinn's style.

Quinn put the locket on thanking her friend with a hug.

"You're welcome" Alivia smiled. "Now, come on, your mom is waiting with your cake downstairs."

The girls walked down the steps, Quinn's mother greeting her at the bottom. "Oh, honey, you look so beautiful, you both do" she said looking at us both.

"Thanks mom" said Quinn kissing her mother on the cheek and hugging her tightly.

"Wait here for me now, okay?"

Her mom slowly walked in with a cake in her hands "happy birthday to you" Alivia joined in "happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Quinny" she set the cake on the table. "Happy birthday to you" They sang in unison.


"And many more..." added Alivia.

It was a beautiful little cake with semi-naked frosting and pecan turtles decorating the top.

"Blow out the candles baby" said Quinn's mom. Quinn lowered her head, holding her hair back pausing to make a wish. She blew them out hoping all her wishes would come true.

Clapping erupted around her. "Yay" they both cheered. Quinn's mom pulled out an envelope and handed it to her.

Quinn opened the yellow envelope with her name written on the front and money neatly placed inside.

Her eyes shot up "mom, this is a lot of money, please take it back"

"Nonsense" said her mother "it is a gift from me and the pack."

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked, confused.

"Well, some of it I saved for you. Some of it was donated by members of the pack and some of it was gifted to you by Evan's parents, the Alpha and Luna themselves." She smiled proudly. "We are all so proud of you and they're excited about you taking over for me when you finish school."

"Thank you, mom" she said running to her mother and bringing her into a tight hug.

"Now, I hear you have a party to get to. Have fun, okay? You deserve it"

They gave each other a smile and Quinn and Alivia were off to Christopher's party.

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