《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Five


The party was being held in a large clearing just through the trees. It is where the pack held most of the important events because it was large and beautiful, overlooking a lake with the mountains in the backdrop.

String lights were hung across posts giving everything an enchanted feeling. The food was set up neatly on white clothed tables and the music was playing loudly.

Quinn took a seat while Alivia went to find Ruben. It was only 9:10, so Quinn had another hour or so before she'd sense her mate, if he was even here. The mating bond wasn't felt until the exact second the young werewolf turned 18.

I guess I can enjoy myself for an hour she thought, looking over at the food tables contemplating getting a plate. I shouldn't. That's what they'd expect me to do. Of course fatty can't resist eating every chance she gets. Why do I do this to myself Quinn thought being suddenly interrupted from her thoughts.

"Ah, it's the birthday girl" said Christopher excitedly. "I'm glad you could make it"

"Well, I made a promise, so here I am" she said shrugging exaggeratedly.

"Loosen up. I want you to have a good time. It's your birthday after all."

"It's yours too." Quinn said followed by an awkward pause.

"So has it happened for you yet? I guess not or else you wouldn't be here talking to me" she laughed.

"11:02, what about you?"

"10:08." She said "but I won't be sticking around that long to find out."

"Why not? Don't you want to know if your mate is here" he asked, almost insulted.

"Not at all" she said practically laughing. "I'm afraid of what will happen. Who would want a fat mate after all?"


He placed a finger under her chin and lifted it up so that she was looking directly into his eyes, "Anyone would be lucky to have you as a mate" he said sadly.

"With all due respect Beta, we both know that isn't true" she pulled her face away from his grasp and got up. "Now, if you'll excuse me I could use a drink." She hurriedly walked away heading towards the open bar.

"Wait!" He said, running after her. "I wanted to give you something first."

Quinn stopped and turned to look at him. "Give me something?"

"Yeah, a gift... a birthday gift" he said shyly. "After all, it is your birthday too and I wanted yours to be just as special as mine."

"You didn't have to do that... this party isn't about me, it's about you." Quinn said, slightly flustered.

"I wanted to" he pulled out a small box and placed it in her hand. "It isn't much but I thought you'd really enjoy it."

Quinn stared at it hesitantly before Christopher interrupted her thoughts. "You don't have to open it now" he chuckled "I just wanted you to have it before things got crazy. I didn't want to forget."

"Thank you," Quinn said with a smile. "I... I'm going to go get that drink now." With a small bow of her head, she turned around and walked towards the bar. She wanted to remove herself from that situation. She just didn't know how to handle how nice he was to her, and with the things she was feeling. She just had to get away. It's really going to sting when he finds his mate she thought as she approached the bar.

"Can I just get something sweet and strong? Anything, I don't care what it is"


"Sure thing" said the bartender, a young man that was part of the pack's kitchen staff. "Here ya go."

"Thanks" responded Quinn, chugging it down before asking for another... and then another.

Giving in, she finally headed towards to food tables.

"Don't you think eating is a bad idea? I mean, couldn't you stand to lose a few pounds?" A woman's voice called from somewhere behind Quinn.

"Leave me alone. Tonight's my birthday. Give me a break just this once." Quinn begged praying for some mercy.

"Oh no, your poor mate. I feel bad for the wolf that the moon goddess chose for you" she said tauntingly.

"I guess that's what rejections are for" Quinn said walking away, the tears building in her eyes.

"Yep, you'll end up just like your mother"she yelled, causing people to stare at Quinn, some erupting in laughter.

I need to get out of here she thought. Not even bothering to tell Alivia, she ran into the trees, pressing her back against one and slumping to the ground. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew it.

She sat there, under that tree, lost in thought for what seemed like an eternity, not realizing how far she had gone into the woods. She looked down at her phone, the time reading 10:58.

Shit! I need to get home now. She jumped up from her spot on the ground and walked in the direction she thought was back to the party. Fuck, I'm lost. She thought until she heard the music. She slowly made her way back looking at her phone once more. 11:28.

Man, I'm so late. She made it to the clearing, ignoring the party goers and walking past the trees, toward her home. Just then she smelled something, her wolf stirring inside of her.

Quinn spun around on the balls of her feet trying to figure out where that smell was coming from. The smell of rich coffee and sweet vanilla cream radiated from a single figure, overwhelming her sense and making her dizzy. Oh no, she thought. Quinn and the figure locked eyes and both whispered mate.

Suddenly, Quinn bolted in the opposite direction of where the man stood and ran towards home, afraid of what could happen next. Her wolf howled in pain inside of her head, wanting to turn back and meet her fated mate.

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