《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Three


Quinn snuck around the back of the school towards the forest surrounding the campus. She walked far enough in where she thought no one would see her as she undressed, placing her clothes inside her backpack. I'll get there faster if I shift she thought releasing her wolf.

She held no rank within the pack so her wolf was a modest size. However, she was beautiful. Her dark brown fur contrasted her bright blue eyes. She had small patches of white on her chest, paws, and nose. A peculiar wolf she was indeed.

Off they went, dodging trees left and right. Quinn's wolf gripping the dirt and grass underneath her paws, taking it all on, enjoying the summer breeze. With her wolf in control, Quinn felt truly free. She wasn't limited by her size the way her human body was. She was fast and nimble in this form.

She slowed to a trot, realizing they were approaching their destination. Quinn shifted back hiding behind some bushes to change. She heard a snap of a tree branch as she put her sandals back on and bolted towards the coffee shop, making it inside before she got a glance of whatever it was that made that sound.

The scent, it wasn't familiar she thought to herself but quickly dismissed it as they were in a human town where people freely came and went.

Quinn doubled over, out of breath, trying to gain her composure before heading to the front counter.

I've got to do more cardio she laughed to herself.

"Hiya Quinn" said the human girl at the register "your usual?"

"Yes please, and a blueberry muffin, the biggest one you've got"

"Of course!" Said the girl.

Quinn quickly grabbed her vanilla iced latte and muffin and sat at her usual booth in the corner of the cafe in front of a large window. She loved hiding in that corner booth, watching the people pass by on the sidewalk, making up stories about who they might be and what they're lives were like.


She inhaled the air around her taking in the richness of the coffee and the sweetness of the pastries. This was her favorite place. It felt like home.

She jotted down some recipes she wanted to try at home before making them for the pack.

After a few hours of reading, jotting down new recipes and people watching, Alivia walked in looking around for Quinn. Behind her were Evan, Christopher, and Ruben having their own conversation.

Quinn got up and headed towards them when another wolf from the pack purposefully bumped her shoulder hard, knocking everything out of her hands.

"Watch where you're going you fat bitch" he said inciting giggles from onlookers. The others in his group, also members of the pack, flinging more insults her way.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you" said Quinn lowering her gaze and dropping to her knees to pick up her things.

This didn't happen often. Most of the pack was kind to her and treated her with respect. A few outliers, however, thought wolves her size shouldn't exist. She was an abomination as werewolves superior genetics didn't allow it to be possible. Every chance they got, they made it known to her.

Alivia watched, turning red. As she was about to head over there and give that guy a piece of her mind, Christopher walked right past her.

"Joseph, come back here and apologize to her" his voice booming.

Joseph quickly turned around and lowered his gaze, realizing who had just spoken to him. "Yes beta, I'm sorry Quinn" he said.

"And the rest of you," Christopher commanded, "Apologize to her as well."

Almost in unison soft 'I'm sorries' came from every member of the group. Their heads were lowered in shame and submission, afraid of what the beta to be would do if they looked up.

"You may go and don't let me catch this happening again" demanded Christopher "we are better than that, all of you should be better than that. Bullying will not be tolerated" he looked at Evan waiting for him to chime in.


"That's right," said the future alpha "any of this sort of behavior in the future will be met with swift punishment."

Christopher dropped to his knees and helped Quinn get her things from the floor.

The humans in the cafe looked slightly stunned. Although they never got involved in pack affairs, there were rumors amongst them that the pack was actually some sort of cult. Either way, they coexisted well, staying out of each other's way.

"You didn't have to do that, beta. It's not something that I'm not used to" Quinn said, not looking up to meet his gaze.

"We don't tolerate bullying in this pack, okay?"

"Thank you, beta"

"Call me Chris. I'm not your beta yet" he said laughing as they both got up. "Plus, here I thought we were friends" he said with a smirk, handing her a book he picked up, their fingers touching slightly.

Her cheeks reddened at his comment but she quickly snapped out of it. "I've got to go and help mom prepare dinner for the pack, thank you again" she said with a small bow practically running towards Alivia. She grabbed Alivia's arm and pulled her out the door "please take me home."

"Yeah, what was that about" she asked as they got into Alicia's red jeep.

"Nothing, Christopher is just being the good beta we all know he's going to be" said Quinn hoping she'd drop the subject.

"I don't know, it seems like he's been acting extra nice with you lately. I've never seen him like this"

"It's just who he is, alright. I don't want to talk about it anymore" said Quinn crossing her arms and looking out the window.

"Okay, I'll drop it, but are you alright?"

"I'm alright" Quinn said turning to her friend and giving her a reassuring smile. "I just can't wait to get home."

As soon as they reached her house, Quinn ran upstairs, changed, and ran to the pack house to help her mom prepare dinner for everyone.


After dinner, Quinn was finishing up the cleaning of the Kitchen and sneaking bites of the left over food. She let her curls down from the hair net and began to walk through the door when someone grabbed her arm. She spun around horrified of who it could be.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to tell you that dinner was amazing and I, uh... I wanted to make sure you were okay" Christopher said. "You ran out of the cafe so quickly."

"I'm glad you enjoyed dinner beta, ummm, I mean Christopher" Quinn stumbled over her words when she saw the look on his face at the sound of her calling him beta. "I'm fine, as if it never happened" she smiled.

"Great, I'll let you get home then" he said with apprehension in his voice. "But I wanted to let you know that the workers of the cafe warned the pack members that if they harassed a regular again, they would be banned from the cafe."

"That was very sweet of them" Quinn said smiling at the kindness of the cafe workers. Humans had always been so good to her.

"Yeah, they seem to really like you at the cafe. I can understand why" he said taking a step towards her.

Quinn took a step back, uncomfortable with the closeness between them. "I need to get home, I've got to be back early to prepare breakfast."

"Right, of course. I'll see you later Quinny."

She took that as her out and quickly ran home. You know for a fat girl, I've sure done a lot of running today she thought laughing and shaking off the day.

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