《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | Two


The high school they attended is technically a human school. The pack has been a part of this small town for so long that they've practically made it their own. Some of the teachers are werewolves and many of the students are as well. The humans are unaware of what they really are but there are enough wolves at the school that they are comfortable being themselves, most of the time.

As the girls approached the school Alivia noticed her mate waiting at the entrance. They locked eyes, ear to ear smiles plastered on their faces.

Quinn felt the tinge of pain travel up her stomach, making its way to her throat. Tightening, a sob threatening to escape. I knew I could never have what they have. My mate will reject me just as my mother's mate rejected her, she thought.

"You ready to go" Alivia asked pulling her out of her head. "Yeah," Quinn whispered "let's get it over with."

Nothing was really going on today. Most of the classes were an excuse to say goodbye to friends and teachers, with a couple of easy finals sprinkled in. Lunchtime came around and the feeling in the air was electric. Everyone was anxious for the end of the day and the start of summer break.

Quinn made her way out into the hall. Ruben and Alivia were waiting for her outside of the classroom door. "Quinny!" yelled Alivia throwing her arms over Quinn's shoulder practically knocking her over. "Did you miss me?" She grabbed Ruben's hand as the group walked to the lunchroom together.

"Always" Quinn laughed "what will I do without you once I head off to culinary school?"

"Once you find your mate, you might now even want to leave" teased Alivia, nudging Quinn with her elbow.

"Not this again" She said, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly.

"Yes this again! Your birthday..."

"Let's talk about this later, okay?" Quinn interrupted.

"Fine.." Alivia said, dropping the subject. The group made their way into the large cafeteria.


"I hope you ladies don't mind if we sit with Evan and Christopher at lunch today. We have some things to talk about before Christopher's birthday party" Ruben said breaking the awkward silence.

"That's fine with us, right Quinn?"

"Yeah, Yeah, I'll sit with you guys." Quinn said as the group reached the food line. They were chit chatting about school as they slowly made their way up the line. A human girl passed Quinn, elbowing her as she walked by.

"Get out of the walkway, fatty" said the girl with a smirk on her face as she made her way back to her clique's lunch table.

"Stop it Alivia! She's human. It isn't worth it" Quinn practically had to hold Alivia back from waking over and hurting her.

"She can't just treat people like that! Someone has to teach her a lesson! The dumb cunt can't push my friends around!" Alivia screamed in her direction, earning disapproving glances from the lunch ladies.

Ruben grabbed Alivia's hand attempting to calm her down. His touch instantly centered her and after a sigh she looked at Quinn. "You can't let people treat you like that. You have to stand up for yourself."

"I know. I'll do better, but in the meantime, I have you." Quinn smirked and slightly nudged Alivia, getting a small smile out of her.

"I won't always be there to defend you, you know."

"I know, Alivia and when the time comes, I'll be okay." Quinn told her friend, but she didn't know if she was trying to reassure Alivia or herself.

They got their lunches and looked around the room for their future alpha and beta to be. Ruben was the pack's soon to be gamma and the three were best friends. Evan sat with his mate Sarah, a beautiful she-wolf with dark skin, vibrant hazel eyes and long braided black hair. She was our future Luna and she was worthy of the title. Evan was everything you would expect from an alpha. He was tall and strong with milky white skin, hair the color of charcoal and bright piercing green eyes.


Christopher, the pack's future beta was also incredibly attractive. Quinn couldn't deny that. His skin was tan, lightly kissed by the sun. He had bright blue-green eyes and a mess of blonde curls on the top of his head. Sometimes when he slicked them back a single, what she liked to call a Superman curl, would fall over his forehead disobedient as if dying to be set free from its gelled jailer. He had the most beautiful and genuine smile she had ever seen. He was the only of the three that hadn't found his mate. He turned 18 soon and then he would know.

Quinn had always had a small crush on him, butterflies flutter in her belly whenever he acknowledged her presence. She thought it was silly to feel this way, he was a beta and was destined to have a strong mate. So, she often kept her distance.

As they sat down, Quinn contemplated who she might be and what she might look like, blissfully unaware of the conversation that was happening around her.

"Isn't that right Quinn?" Alivia nudged her with her elbow, hard.

"Ouch!" Quinn exclaimed, rubbing her arm "what was that?"

"Your birthday" Christopher said "isn't it the same day as mine? June 27th?"

"Oh, yeah, but don't worry. My mom is just going to sing me happy birthday and we're having some cake. It's not going to interfere with your party at all"

"Don't be silly! We can combine the parties, there's no reason I should be getting all of the attention" Christopher assured her with a smile.

"Oh no! That's okay. I mean, thank you for offering but you're the beta. Your birthday is far more important than mine. Besides, I like my little party with my mom."

"At least come to the party" he said placing his hand on hers. "I would like you to be there."

Quinn just stared at his hand on hers before quickly snapping out of it. "Oh no, I couldn't" Quinn said shaking her head and moving her hand from under his. "It's not really my thing"

Before he could insist Alivia cut in "she'll be there, I'll make sure of it."

Why does he want me there anyway I thought to myself. I'll just be sitting at the table watching everyone else dance. No one ever wants to dance with the fat girl.

"Quinn, do you and your mom have the menu choices for Chris's party?" Asked Evan. He always intimidated her when he spoke. There was so much power radiating off of him.

"Of course, we'll have that to all of you Monday morning. We'll make sure everything is perfect for our beta's party" Quinn said, slipping out of the chair she was in. "Now if you will all excuse me, I have to go." Turning to Alicia, "see you out front after school?"

"Of course" Alivia said "I'll see you then."

Quinn went to the restroom and sat in the handicap stall for a while. She often felt overwhelmed in those situations. Being around them was sometimes too much.

Getting up, She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed. I hope I never find my mate, she thought, I don't think I could stand the rejection. I guess that's why I don't want to go to the party. I'm not as strong as mom, I might just die.

'I don't have anything going on in any classes for the rest of the day. I finished all of my finals, so, I'm heading over to the cafe. Meet me there after, so we can ride home? I have to make it back for dinner' she said in a mind-link to Alivia .

'Yeah, sure. Is everything okay?'

'Of course, I just need some coffee and alone time. No sense staying here if I don't need to'

'Okay, I'll meet you there as soon as I'm out'

'Great.. I'll see you later'

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