《The Forest for the Trees》Chapter | One


Quinn's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her alarm. The sun was not yet out, leaving her bedroom completely dark. She felt around her bed for the phone, turning off her alarm and glancing at the time.


She quickly threw on a pair of black yoga pants and an oversized white t-shirt, slid into her black crocs and was out the door. With a smile on her face, Quinn quickly made her way to the pack house just a couple of buildings over where her mother was already busy at work in the kitchen.

"No, no Quinny. Not today! You head straight back home" said her mother shooing her back out the door.

"But mom, this is my favorite part of the day. You know how much I love helping you prepare breakfast for the pack."

Quinn wiggled her way from her mother's grasp somehow managing to run back into the kitchen.

"I know baby but it's the last day school and you deserve to take it easy today" she stomps her feet in a huff at her daughter's insistence.

"No" said Quinn defiantly, walking slowly around the opposite side of the island as her mother approached her.

Ellie, Quinn's mother, chased her daughter around the island until Quinn finally gave in.

"Fine! But I'm helping with dinner" Quinn yelled walking towards the door.

"Deal!" Said Ellie giggling at her daughter's response.

Quinn loved the kitchen. She enjoyed the clinks and clanks of the pots and pans, the sounds of the knives cutting through the vegetables, the delectable aromas that filled the air. Above all else she took pride in seeing the faces of her pack members when they ate what she prepared.

Food was her passion. She was determined to go to culinary school and take her mother's spot as head of the pack kitchen. It was all she could offer them and she wanted to do it the best she possibly could.


Begrudgingly, she made her way back to her home. Once inside, went straight into the kitchen, taking a cup out of the upper cabinet near the fridge. She filled it with ice, some cold brew she had been learning to perfect so she could make it for the pack members, and some homemade vanilla cream. Grabbing a lid and a straw, she made her way upstairs to her room.


I guess I should get ready, Alivia will be here soon she thought as she stepped into the shower.

The water was cool on her skin. The ordeal with her mother paired with the muggy summer morning made her hot and sweaty. Her plus size figure didn't help either. I just run hot, Quinn would often say.

Still in her towel, she stepped out of the bathroom, walking across her room and stopping in from of the wooden full length mirror. Her mortal enemy and the bane of her existence.

She looked on disappointingly at the sight of her reflection. Her portly dimpled thighs jiggled as she took a step backward.

She removed the towel.

Her belly hung a bit in front of her. She turned, looking at herself from over her shoulder and frowned. She was plump in all the right and wrong places.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door "Quinny, are you decent?"

"Just a second" yelled Quinn scrambling to put her pajamas on.

Out of breath, she opened the door. "Alivia! You're here early."

"I wanted to get ready here with you, so I just showered and came over. Is that cool?"

"You don't even have to ask. I was just going to do my makeup. You can use the bathroom vanity or the big mirror."

Quinn sat at her vanity while Alivia went into the bathroom. She looked at her big blue eyes deciding on a neutral cat-eye for the day. I'm fat, but I'm still going to look my best she said to herself as she began to paint the products onto her face. When she was done, she removed the black silk scarf from her head and shook out her big dark brown curls. She shook them out at the root and scrunched until the cast was gone and all that was left were soft, bouncy curls that framed her face nicely. She loved her curls. In fact, it was the only thing she really loved about herself.


"You look great" said Alivia walking out of the bathroom with her hair and makeup done.

Quinn smiled, "what should I wear?"

"Ooohh! What about those high waist light olive green pants with that flowy spaghetti strap shirt"

"I'd rather cover my arms" Quinn said, raising her arms and jiggling them slightly.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, "fine, same pants, and this shirt. It has sleeves"

Perfect Quinn thought, grabbing the clothes from Alivia's hands and running to the bathroom to change. She then put on some dark peach sandals and her rose gold necklace and matching bracelet, an early graduation gift from her mother.

"Alright" said Alivia "last day, let's get it!" She said as they both giggled, making our way to her car.

Last day, then graduation, and it's off the culinary school.

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