《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 2


Mikey and Mouth jumped up, Mikey ran to the door opening the glass one. I jumped up too and stood behind Brand's couch.

"Mikey the screen door!" Data exclaimed but it was too late, Data had crashed through the door and knocked Mikey over. Mikey crashed into Mouth, Mouth crashed into me causing me to knock Brand to the ground and Brand knocked Chunk over who knocked over a statue of a nude man.

Brand had some how landed on top me, he has worry and concern written all over his face. He stood up and helped me up. I smiled and sat on the arm of Brand's chair. He nodded and sat next to me. We looked at Chunk who was holding the statue and knowing Chunk with his history of breaking things he'd most likely break it.

"Hey I bet you'd thought I was gonna break it? Ha ha" Chunk said proudly and placed it on the coffee table but not fully so as soon as he let go it fell off and probably broke.

"Oh my god!" Mikey yelled jumping over the coffee table and picked the statue up making sure everything was good.

"You idiot!" Brand yelled as Mikey did.

"You see it's perfect!" Chunk smiled.

Mikey then realises that it is broken and started freaking out.

"Oh my god!" Mikey shouted.

"What?" Chunk asked

"That's my mum's favourite piece!" Mikey shouted once again, then showing it to the rest of us.

"You wouldn't be here if it wasn't" Mouth smart mouthed, I smacked the back of his head causing him to slightly glare.

"Shut up Mouth!" Both Brand and Mikey exclaimed.

"Hey, any of you guys ever hear of Detroit?" Data asked changing the subject.

"No" Brand said.


"Soitenly that's where Motown started, It's also got the highest murder rate in the country. Well let me tell you what, that's where we're moving when we lose our house tomorrow." I frowned remembering about the move.

"You shut up about that stuff! It will never happen! My dad will fix it" Mikey said pointing his finger at Data.

"Yeah sure he will, of he gets his next four hundred paycheques by tomorrow afternoon" Brand said. I know Brand he doesn't want to move either, but he's putting up a shield and only slightly letting it down. He stood up and walked to the exercise bar and hung by his feet.

"That's wrong Brand, it won't happen!" Mikey yelled once again.

I saw Irene Walsh with a woman by her side walking up the stairs, I quickly alerted Mikey and he reacted quickly.

The younger of the boys panicked and said hi about three times, while Brand said it once and I gave a sweet smile.

"I see Data dropped by, boys and Samantha this is Rosalita. She's going to help me until my arm is better" Irene explained.

Once again we all said hi, the four younger goonies trying to act normal after what happened two minutes ago.

"Ummm boys Rosalita doesn't speak a word of English and I know some of you have taken some Spanish in school..." she began.

"Well Mrs Walsh, I speak perfect Spanish and if it any help to you I'd be glad to communicate with Rosalita" Mouth said.

"You're a life saver Clarke, come follow us" Irene said walking off with Mouth following after the two women.

"Mikey, no more potato chips. Hello Irvin" Irene said passing Brand who was still upside down.

"It's Brand, Ma." He corrected.

Mikey and Chunk had been hiding the broken statue with their bodies and as soon as Irene was in the kitchen they turned around looking back at it.


"Do you think your mum will notice?" Chunk asked his mouth full of chips.

"I wonder if she'll notice" Mikey said.

"That's what I said!" Chunk exclaimed.

"Of course she'll notice, she notices everything!" Mikey exclaimed.

I had stood up and walked to the kitchen entrance, Brand lifted his upper body up and moved to the side so I could get through. I smiled and walked to the kitchen drawers and grabbed some super glue. Brand walked up behind me to see what I was doing, I showed him some super glue and walked back to the others and gave it to Chunk and Mikey and they started to glue the statue back together.

Once they had finished they realised it was upside down.

"You idiot you glued it upside down!" Mike groaned.

"You dork, If god made you that way you'd all be pissing in your faces" Brand remarked. I had to hide my giggle which I was able to do. Brand sat back on the couch as before and continued using whatever it was that he was using.

Irene, Rostita and Mouth came back from their little tour of the house. I smiled at Irene who gave one back.

"Listen boys I'm going to take Rostita to the supermarket, we'll be back in an hour Mikey, I want you kept inside. Brand, if he's coming down with asthma don't want him out in the rain." Irene explained.

"He should be kept inside a plastic bubble" Brand said.

"I'm serious Brandon, That's not funny. He takes one step outside and you are in deep, absolutely the deepest...." she says stumbling for a word.

"Shit ma" Brand said,

"I don't like that language, but that's exactly what you're going to be in and Dotta" Irene said then turning to Data.

"Data..." he corrected.

"Right use the back door from now on" she said sternly.

"Okay" Data said disappointed.

Irene's face grew to motherly anger and pointed in the direction of the statue, Mikey and Chunk. Their faces showed panic, but Irene's lack of clearness of the situation made things worse.

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