《The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand Walsh》Chapter 3


"What is that?" She asked.

"Oh shit, what?" Chunk asked panicked.

"What is that? That is a mess I want it cleaned up before I get back" Irene said and they finally realised she was talking about the chip mess on the wooden floor.

"Samantha, could you make sure they don't go running off please?" She asked, I nodded with a smile she nodded and waved Rostita over and they walked out.

"Yo Mikey, what's your dad gonna do with all that stuff in the attic?" Mouth asked.

"I don't know he's probably going to give it to the museum or whoever they pick to be the new assistant curly, or kerney..." Mikey explained struggling to say curator.

"Curator" Brand said for him.

"Wait! Maybe there's some stuff for us! Maybe there's something we can keep from the outsiders, maybe there's some rich stuff" Mouth said enthusiastically.

"No, no you guys" Mikey said shaking his head.

"Food! Lots of food!" Chunk said happily.

The boys all began rambling on about things they could find, while Mikey was trying to convince them not to. Brand jumped up and began running to the attic with me and the others following after.

We climbed up the attic stairs, Brand shining the torch at objects in the room.

"Hey look at this, I didn't know dad had all this stuff up here" Brand said.

I wondered off and looked at an old record player. I smiled looking at all the old details and designs, I stopped listening to the boys and went into my own world.

"Bowie, I've got something for you" Mouth said. I turned around and looked at him and he flung a spider in my face. I slightly screamed and jumped back falling over my feet and into a pile of boxes.

"Damnit Mouth!" I shouted, fun fact I am absolutely terrified of spiders after a bad camping trip experience. My sleeping bag had a spiders nest in it and when I woke up I was covered in spiders.


Brand rushed over as Mouth ran away, he helped me up making sure I was okay. I placed my hands on his shoulders giving him a reassuring smile.

"I'm okay, but thank you" I said. He nodded with a small smile and looked at the record player.

"Of course this what attracts your eye" he said with a playful smile.

I smiled shrugging, noticing he was staring at me in aww. I jumped in shock when I heard glass shattering. Brand and I ran over with Data and Mouth and saw Chunk and Mikey with a map.

"Look it says 1632, is that a year?" Chunk asked.

"No it's your top score on Pole Position." Mouth said sarcastically.

"Yes it's a year Chunk" I said looking at the map.

"Look here it's a map of our coastline" Mikey said.

"What's all that Spanish junk right there?" Brand asked.

"Mouth you said you know Spanish, translate" Mikey said pointing at the writing.

"Ye intruders beware crushing death and grief, soaked with blood, of the trespassing thief" Mouth translated with some weird voice.

"You guys this map is old news. Everybody and their Grandfather went looking for that, when our parents were our age. I mean, I mean, haven't you ever heard of that guy, what's his name, uh, the pirate guy One-eyed Willie" Brand explained.

"One-eyed Willie" Mikey whispered.

"One-eyed Willie, yeah! He was the most famous pirate in his time. My dad told me all about him once." Mikey explained.

"Dad will tell you anything to get you asleep" Brand said, causing Mouth to slightly snicker.

"No see One-eyed Willie stole a chest of treasure It was full of rubies and emeralds and..." Mikey explained.

"Diamonds?" Chunk asked.

"Diamonds then he loaded it all up on to his ship and they sailed away into the sunset. Until the British King, see he found out about it and then he set up this whole armada to go out after him, then the armada it took em a couple weeks, but then they caught up with Willie and, and then there was a whole, big war between the armada and Willie's ship, the Inferno and during the firefight there was these guns bursting here and cannons bursting there and then Willie fled, cause he didn't want to stay around, cause he knew he'd get killed if he stayed around. And then he got into this cave and the British, they blew up the walls all around him and he got caved in and he's been there ever since." Mikey explained some more.


"Forever?" Data asked.

"Forever" Mikey said.

"And ever?" Chunk asked.

"Trapped" Mikey said.

"Wow" Chunk said intrigued.

"You sound as corny as dad" Brand said not believing in the treasure.

"My dad tells me the truth, you know what he said?" Mikey said looking at Mouth and Chunk.

"What?" Data asked.

"He told me that One-eyed Willie and his bunch were down there for five, six years. And they were digging all these tunnels, and caves... setting boody traps...." Mikey continued.

""Booby traps" Data corrected.

"That's what I said, setting booby traps so that anybody who tried to get in there would die. And then do you know what he did? He killed all of his men."

"Why?" Chunk asked.

"Because he didn't want them to get to his treasure." Mikey answered.

"But Mikey, if he killed all his men and he stayed trap down there how'd the story and map get out?" I asked.

"See I asked my dad the same question. He said one of the guys must have gotten out with the map, and, and the..." Mikey got cut off by Chunk.

"Hey I believe you Mikey" he said smiling.

"Yeah well I don't" Mouth said and they all began arguing.

Something shattering stopped them all from talking and we all looked at Chunk.

"What did you break this time Chunk?" Brand asked.

He came over with a picture frame and an old newspaper article.

"Hey you guys look at this, hey you guys ever heard of this guy? Look, Chester Copperpot?" Chunk asked.

"Okay it says, "Chester Copperpot: Missing while in pursuit of local legend. Reclusive scavenger claims, 'I have the key to One-eyed Willie'." Chunk read out.

"Whoa, do you guys realize what we could do?" Mikey asked.

"Nobody ever found nothing, you guys I mean, why do you think this map would be up here in this attic when it could be in some safety deposit box somewhere, right?" Brand said slightly hitting Mikey.

"That's right and anyway, if Chester Copperpot didn't find it, how would we find it?" Mouth asked agreeing with Brand.

"But, what if? You guys, just what if this map could lead to One-eyed Willie's rich stuff?" Mikey asked looking up at me and Brand as we were standing up and looking at something else.

"Maybe" Data sighed.

"Then we wouldn't have to leave the Goon docks. Come on." Mikey said trying to convince us.

"I really don't want to leave this place" I said quietly that only Brand could hear, even though I didn't know that.

"I don't wanna go on any more of your crazy Goonie adventures." Chunk said standing up.

The doorbell rang causing us all to look in the same general direction.

"Maybe it's One-eyed Willie" Mouth said sarcastically.

"Shut up Mouth!" We all shouted.

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