《My Wife》Chapter 12
"Haruhi, it's a pleasure to see you again," Yoshio smiled and took Haruhi's hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you again, too, father-in-law," Haruhi smiled and bowed politely.
Yoshio personally escorted her by the hand, much to Kyoya's surprise, to where the other family members had already gathered. Yoshio was mind-blown at the sudden transformation of Haruhi. At their previous meeting, she was indeed beautiful than she usually was but right now, she was just breath-taking. As the doors opened, revealing the other family members, breaths hitched as they all widened their eyes in surprise at seeing Haruhi.
"Allow me to introduce you to them, Haruhi," Yoshio smiled. "The first one to the right is Ootori Akito, my second eldest son."
"Nice to meet you," Akito bowed.
Though Haruhi was much younger than him, Akito could tell immediately that his father liked the girl; after all, he had a smile that he hadn't ever seen before plastered onto his face. If he didn't show respect to him, then he was going to have to face his father's wrath and anger later. Truth to be told, he, too, found the girl interesting. She was a beauty. Her long silky brown hair and large brown eyes, her fair complexion and petite frame drew him all in.
"The one beside him is my eldest son, Ootori Yuuichi," Yoshio continued.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Yuuichi bowed politely.
"The one to the left is my only daughter, Ootori Shido Fuyumi," Yuuichi continued.
"Just like I imagined you to be," Fuyumi smiled, her eyes shining. "You're as cute as I thought you to be."
"Oh..." Haruhi said, not knowing what to make of her words. "Thank you," she politely nodded her head.
"No need to be so formal. We're family now," Fuyumi laughed. "Besides, it's a shock to see Kyoya get such a beautiful wife."
"Wife?!" Yuuichi and Akito both exclaimed at the same time.
"Father, did you not tell them?" Fuyumi looked towards Yoshio.
"Fuyumi," Yoshio looked sternly at his daughter. "Did you forget about what your previous etiquette teacher said? You said too much."
"I apologize," Fuyumi bowed.
Yoshio sighed. "This is fine. It's the perfect time to formally introduce her to you two after all. Haruhi, go on. Introduce yourself."
Haruhi nodded and turned to face the two eldest sons of the Ootori Group. She tilted her head a little to the side and smiled before going on to introducing herself.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ootori Yuuichi-sama and Ootori Akito-sama," Haruhi began. "I'm Fujioka Haruhi, fiancee and prospective wife to Ootori Kyoya."
She bowed and the two were left speechless. Kyoya walked up to Haruhi and put a comforting arm around her, reassuring her that she did a good job. He smiled softly at her, catching the others even more by surprise. Haruhi was indeed one of the most beautiful women out there and for Kyoya to actually get a wife was a surprise to them. But what surprised them the most was the caring demeanor that Kyoya treated her with. He never did that with anyone, not even to Fuyumi who he was the closest to in the Ootori family.
"Pardon my rudeness but what family are you from?" Yuuichi spoke up. "I don't think I've ever seen you before."
"I'm a commoner," Haruhi replied simply.
"A commoner?" Akito repeated before laughing out loud, a stern look in his eye. "How did a commoner like you come here?"
"Akito," Yoshio's voice resounded in the room.
Akito immediately shut himself up backed off. However, everyone was tense with the exception of Fuyumi, who could care less about family statuses and wealth. All she knew was that Kyoya was happy and she didn't mind any more than that. Moreover, she took a liking to Haruhi already. Kyoya glared at his second eldest brother but Haruhi remained unfazed.
"You're right. I'm nothing more than a commoner and I have nothing to offer to the Ootori Group," Haruhi said, her eyes holding a look of authority that shook them to the core. "But since I'm not part of the Ootori Group, I intend to uphold your honor. Do not worry. I don't intend on doing anything that might give you no face," Haruhi smiled.
Akito gritted his teeth and looked away, a blush on his face. Somehow, even though he hated the look of power in her eyes, he just couldn't say anything back to that smile of hers.
"It's not like Haruhi has nothing to offer though," Yoshio spoke. "With her connections to various aristocratic families, she's bringing in quite the benefit to our group."
Yuuichi nodded his head in acknowledgment and looked towards Haruhi. "One more question if you will."
Haruhi nodded her head, letting him continue.
"By marrying Kyoya, what benefit will that bring you? After all, he's but the third son of the Ootori Group," Yuuichi said.
Yoshio remained silent and looked towards Kyoya who remained calm on the outside but was seething and boiling with rage.
"You're right, it won't bring me any benefit," Haruhi said, walking up to Yuuichi and staring up at him with unwavering eyes. "But I'm not the type of woman that could be talked by money and power. I care nothing about that sort. Kyoya-senpai helped me in my most troublesome time and I intend to pay him back, no matter how long it takes. Moreover," she smiled. "Kyoya-senpai isn't so bad once you get to know him."
Kyoya widened his eyes in surprise and smiled.
"You..." Yuuichi looked at her in a new light.
Out of all the women that had approached Kyoya, each and every one of them got swayed by his words when he said that they could marry him instead of Kyoya. The little girl in front of him was different and felt it. She blinked at him and stepped back a little.
"Sorry. Was I too close?" she apologized.
Yuuichi laughed. "Father, I'll approve of her."
"Elder brother?" Akito exclaimed.
Yoshio smiled. As expected of his eldest son, always knowing what his intentions are. Akito looked conflicted and stared at Haruhi before grudgingly giving his approval, too. Fuyumi clapped her hands in delight at seeing the conflict resolved.
"Now that this is over, let's go to the party already!" Fuyumi exclaimed as she took Haruhi's hand and began dragging her along.
Kyoya followed close behind the two with a smile on his face. Yoshio, Yuuichi, and Akito soon followed the three in their usual business manner facade. Yoshio looked towards his eldest son and second eldest son, questioning the two.
"Your fiancee and wife didn't come?" he asked.
"Nanako had another party to attend to," Akito replied.
"I left her at home," Yuuichi answered. "You know how she is."
Yoshio nodded in understanding. "It's better if those two didn't come. They talk too much and act too much like fools."
Yoshio walked ahead, leaving Yuuichi and Akito behind. Yuuichi and Akito understood perfectly why their father hated their partner so much for they, too, hated them. Their partners were merely tools that got them what they wanted in the business world. They didn't care about some trivial things like romance and love but now that they saw Kyoya and Haruhi today, they couldn't help but envy Kyoya. Not only did their father approve of her and even speak highly of her, but also the two looked so lovingly at one another. They envied that kind of relationship that they were never going to have.
The party was beginning and guests were already beginning to arrive. Yoshio, Yuuichi, Akito, and Kyoya went to greet the guests as always, leaving Haruhi and Fuyumi behind. However, before Kyoya left, he led Haruhi to an isolated couch area that was covered with transparent white curtains, dedicated only to the Ootori family.
"Stay here until I come back," Kyoya smiled, settling her down.
Haruhi nodded her head. "Good luck."
"I will," he smiled. "Since you did your best, I, too, will do my best."
He kissed her hand lightly and left, leaving Fuyumi to her. Haruhi waved her hand at him as he made his way to the front entrance. They were seated on the second floor, overlooking the grand and magnificent ballroom. Haruhi saw the guests starting to pile in and was surprised that she could remain so calm.
"Haruhi-chan, you're not nervous?" Fuyumi asked.
Haruhi smiled up at her. "No. I'm fine. Besides, Kyoya-senpai's doing his best down there. I'm not in the situation to just run away."
Fuyumi chuckled. "You really are adorable," Fuyumi hugged her.
"T-Thank you?" Haruhi replied.
"I'm so glad to have such a cute younger sister-in-law like you," Fuyumi squealed. "Honestly, Yuuichi-oniisama and Akito-oniisama's partners are so annoying. Being with them is so tiring."
"Is that so?" Haruhi commented.
"That's why I swore that if Kyoya was also going to get a wife for business matters, I would make her life a living hell," Fuyumi declared, flames lighting up around her.
"O-Okay," Haruhi said, a little startled.
"But seeing that he didn't and that he even went so far as to get a wife that was this cute, I can finally get a breather," Fuyumi relaxed as she smiled at Haruhi. "From now on, please take care of Kyoya."
Haruhi smiled. "That goes without saying."
Fuyumi smiled, a blush on her face. "Oh! That's my husband over there," Fuyumi pointed out. "The one with the auburn hair and glasses."
Haruhi squinted into the distance, not really sure who she was pointing to.
"He really doesn't stand out at all, right?" Fuyumi laughed.
"Sorry," Haruhi apologized.
"No need to," she waved her hand. "Even though he's not exactly the type to stand out, he's really kind."
Haruhi smiled at seeing the blissful expression on her face, knowing that Fuyumi must really like her husband even though it was an arranged marriage.
"Anyhow, it was fun talking to you, Haruhi-chan!" Fuyumi planted a kiss on her cheek. "Next time, you should visit the Shido House!"
"I'll keep that in mind," Haruhi nodded.
"Oh wait, one more thing," Fuyumi stopped and turned around.
Haruhi tilted to her side in question. "What might it be, Fuyumi-san?"
"If you want to make Kyoya at least a little bit happy, I have the perfect way in which you can do that," Fuyumi grinned.
Haruhi perked up and was now curious. She wanted to make Kyoya happy, regardless of how she wanted to pay back his kindness. Fuyumi leaned in and whispered a few words to her, in which Haruhi's face turned a slight red in response.
"Will that really make him happy?" she said, doubtful.
"It will, it will," Fuyumi chuckled.
Haruhi doubted that something that simple would make someone happy but she decided to take Fuyumi's words on it.
"I understand."
With that, Fuyumi disappeared into the crowd, her champagne dress trailing behind her as she went to go meet with her husband. Haruhi watched from the second floor and tried finding Kyoya. She saw him in an instant and smiled. Even though he looked just like everyone else, his features stood out to her. He caught her eye and flashed a smile at her before going to greet the other guests.
Haruhi looked around and saw that no one dared to approach her area, for all of them were fearful of the Ootori Group. Not to mention, they didn't want to dare oppose the person sitting inside.
So boring, Haruhi sighed.
She was hungry and as she looked around, everyone was already eating. Just as she decided to go down to the first floor and grab some food, a butler appeared in front of the curtains and bowed down to her.
"Haruhi-sama," he began. "Kyoya-sama has ordered me to attend to you as well as bring you the food that you wish to eat."
The butler slid in a cart of food and placed it next to her before excusing himself back out. The curtains closed behind him and Haruhi thanked him. She stared at the cart of food next to her and unconsciously started drooling. She gulped and immediately grabbed a plate and began piling it up. Her eyes sparkled with delight as she ate it. Finally, her stomach had stopped grumbling.
Having nothing to do, she once again looked over the balcony and her stomach dropped to the floor as she saw the people that she dreaded the most: the Host Club.
She stepped back and sat on the couch again, where she was hidden by the darkness and the curtains that surrounded her. She was sweating bullets as her heart and mind raced quickly inside of her.
They're here! she screamed in her mind.
She knew that they were going to be here but she wasn't yet mentally prepared for it yet. She took in deep breaths and tried calming her heart down. She peeked over the balcony once more and indeed, it was the infamous Host Club. Haruhi narrowed her eyes and she saw Kyoya with them.
"Haruhi-sama, is there something wrong?" the butler asked, seeing that she was over the balcony.
"I'm going to step out for a bit," Haruhi looked at him.
"Allow me to follow," the butler followed her down the staircase and onto the first floor.
Haruhi hid behind a column and peeked out from behind it. The butler stayed close to her, not questioning what she was doing and Haruhi appreciated him for that. The others were busy dancing or eating and hadn't noticed her behind the column. At this distance, she couldn't hear what Kyoya and the others were talking about but decided to just observe them.
"Kyoya," Tamaki greeted. "As always, the parties that your dad hosts are extravagant."
"You tell him," the twins chimed.
"Just look at all these guests," Hikaru said.
"And the number of effort spent," Kaoru agreed. "Even renting out such a large venue."
"Not to mention the cake tastes awesome," Honey exclaimed.
"Agreed," Mori nodded his head in agreement as he munched on a chicken.
"So, where's your father?" Tamaki asked, looking around.
"He's at the other end of the room talking with the other guests," Kyoya replied. "Do you need to greet him?"
"Yeah," Tamaki sighed. "Father told me to."
"Then we'll see you later, Boss," the twins waved him off.
"Huh?!" Tamaki stopped, his jaw hanging open. "You guys aren't coming with me?!"
"Why should we?" they all tilted their heads to the side in question.
"Hikaru! Kaoru! Don't you two also have to greet him?" Tamaki pointed a finger at them as he started sweating bullets.
"But we already did," Hikaru pointed out. "Right, Kaoru?"
"Yeah," Kaoru replied.
"You should just go greet him by yourself," Hikaru and Kaoru chimed in unison. "Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai already greeted them, too."
"Just when?!" he yelled, not believing it.
"When we first entered," Honey replied. "Tama-chan was busy attending to the ladies. That's why we didn't call you."
Tamaki fell into shock as he wept silently. He looked towards Kyoya with a pitiful look, causing him to sigh. Honestly, why did he have to be so annoying every time?
"Stop crying. You're making a commotion," Kyoya scolded.
"I'll accompany you," Kyoya sighed, irritated. "Besides, father's coming over this way, too."
Just as he had said, Yoshio was indeed coming their way. Seeing that the heir to the Suoh conglomerate was here, of course, the head of the Ootori Group had to personally greet him. Haruhi saw that they were all busy with other guests and calmed down. If they were busy, then that meant that they wouldn't notice her.
"Sorry for making you accompany me," Haruhi smiled embarrassingly at the butler. "You probably find me weird, right?"
"Not at all," the butler chuckled. "You're just...interesting."
"That's the same thing as weird," Haruhi laughed.
"Shall we go back?" the butler smiled.
"Yes," she replied.
As Haruhi stepped out of the column and was about to go back up the stairs to her resting area, she stopped when she heard Kyoya's name being mentioned by a group of businessmen. Haruhi looked down and widened her eyes as she listened intently to what they were saying.
"That third son of the Ootori Group, what is he planning?" a man said.
"He should just remain silent and obediently by his older brothers' side. Like the accessory he's meant to be," another laughed.
"He's just the third son," another cursed. "What makes him think that he has a chance of being the next heir?"
"Exactly," another agreed, his voice full of distaste.
"Trying to climb to power," a man shook his head. "He should just give the power to his older brothers."
"His chance at becoming the next patriarch is basically zero," one laughed.
"But seeing him struggling to climb up the stairs to society and reach his older brothers and father is amusing," another said, sipping his glass of champagne.
"He's just trying to gain favor."
They continued talking dirty about Kyoya and Haruhi could see that many were avoiding that group of businessmen. Haruhi wasn't the type to involve herself in something so troublesome but hearing them badmouth Kyoya...she just couldn't take it. She was shaking in anger and her eyes were wide with anger. The butler looked worryingly at her. Haruhi told herself to calm down but it wasn't working. Their last sentence was the final blow.
"He seems obedient but he's wagging his tail in front of his master to gain favor," a man said. "He's basically no different from a dog.
Everything shattered in that split second and there was no turning back.
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