《My Wife》Chapter 11
The day before the party will start, Haruhi and Kyoya decided to pay Ryoji a visit at the hospital. From the reports that Kyoya had received, he's been doing fairly well and much to everyone's surprise, his chance at walking again had greatly increased.
"It's been a while, Dad," Haruhi smiled.
She set the basket of gifts and fruits down and went to sit beside her father. Compared to the last time she saw him, he looked much more energetic.
"You've gotten even cuter, Haruhi," he squealed in delight.
"You're exaggerating," Haruhi replied.
"I am not," Ryoji pouted before whispering into her ear. "As they say, love always makes a maiden look and turn more beautiful."
Haruhi blushed. "Dad!"
Ryoji chuckled in amusement and noticed Kyoya standing outside. "Kyoya's not coming in?"
"He said he isn't. Says he had a call to make or something," Haruhi replied, beginning to pour a cup of tea for both Ryoji and herself.
"Hmmm," Ryoji hummed to himself.
He noticed Kyoya's glance their way before going back to whatever it was that he had been doing. Ryoji grinned in amusement and then looked back at his daughter, who remained oblivious to all this.
"My daughter really is loved!" Ryoji hugged her.
"Careful, dad!" Haruhi yelled, almost spilling the tea. "That was dangerous."
"Sorry, sorry," he stuck out a tongue in apology.
Haruhi smiled, glad to see that he was his usual playful self. "How's hospital life? You're eating well, right?"
"Thanks to Kyoya and the Ootori Group, life couldn't be any better. Moreover, compared to normal hospital food, the food is absolutely delicious for a VIP patient," Ryoji exclaimed. "Don't bother with me. I want to know more about what's happening on your side, Haruhi. I heard that there's going to be a party tomorrow."
Haruhi's face paled before nodding. "Yeah."
"And apparently it's going to be your debut into society," Ryoji pressed on.
"Mhm," Haruhi replied, not wanting to think about it.
"You're going to be alright, Haruhi! Don't sweat about it," Ryoji reassured his daughter. "No matter who you're in front of, always hold your head high, have dignity, and most importantly, smile."
Haruhi looked at her dad in surprise and gave a weak smile. "Thank you, dad."
"Oh, but if there're any people bothering you, make sure you give them a real kick in the ass," Ryoji urged. "Just lunge out at them and show them that you're not supposed to be taken lightly."
"You just contradicted yourself with that last statement of yours, dad," Haruhi remarked.
"Oh? Did I? Well, whatever," Ryoji laughed. "Anyway, just act like you usually do. Papa knows you can do it. So have confidence."
"I will," Haruhi smiled.
A knock came at the door, interrupting the father-daughter moment that the two were sharing. It was Kyoya. Kyoya looked at Haruhi, who in turn looked towards the clock and gave a short gasp of surprise.
"It's already been an hour?"
"Time really goes by fast, huh?" Ryoji sighed before smiling at Haruhi. "Go. I know you have stuff to take care of. I'll be waiting for your next visit and hopefully, by then, I'll be completely recovered."
Haruhi nodded her head. "Take care, dad."
"No need for you to tell me that," Ryoji waved a good-bye. "Kyoya. You should talk to me next time, too."
Kyoya widened his eyes a little in surprise before bowing respectfully. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Make sure you do," Ryoji smiled. "Good luck at the party!"
Haruhi and Kyoya bowed slightly to him before excusing themselves for the day. Ryoji rolled his wheelchair to the window and looked down at the parking lot to see Kyoya opening the car door for Haruhi. He smiled to himself.
"Even though time goes by so fast, time goes by so slow when counting in years," Ryoji sighed. "Those two should just hurry up and marry and give me a grandchild. Don't you think so, Yoshio-kun?"
"I completely agree with you," Yoshio said, stepping out from behind a curtain.
Ryoji and Yoshio shared a knowing smile before looking towards the parking lot again, Haruhi and Kyoya's car driving away.
"Our Haruhi won't face any troubles tomorrow, will she?"
"That I do not know but, there will be prejudices and discriminatory words from the other guests," Yoshio. "Needless to say, Kyoya and I will make sure that nothing bad will happen. Though, it all depends on Haruhi in the end."
"That child will be able to go through it."
"You seem confident," Yoshio laughed. "She's going up against the upper class of society. For you to be so sure that she'll be fine, what makes you believe that?"
"I know that she'll be alright because she's exactly like her mom," Ryoji smiled warmly. "If there's anyone that can go against social prejudice, it would be Haruhi. Kotoko was able to do the same thing, after all."
Kyoya smirked. "Fujioka Haruhi. I, too, am sure that she can do it."
The two remained silent with smiles on their faces, looking forward to the outcome of the party and the events that will happen there. Before Yoshio could excuse himself, for he had work to attend to, Ryoji spoke up.
"Are you really going to announce the two's relationship tomorrow?"
"Why of course," Yoshio stopped and said. "If I didn't, that Suoh would start meddling in my affairs and tweak this marriage that I finally got my hands on for Kyoya."
Ryoji nodded his head. "Truthfully speaking, I'd rather have Kyoya as a son-in-law than that reckless and dense son of the Suoh family."
Yoshio laughed, understanding fully-well. "Well then, I'll be excusing myself. Ryoji-san."
"You should come visit often, too. Especially when Haruhi and Kyoya visit."
"We'll see about it," Yoshio chuckled.
The door slid shut and Ryoji was left alone in the vast patient room. Once again, he had nothing to do and decided to start playing some games. In these months of being hospitalized, he was able to catch up with what was going on in the outside world. Though, he mostly played the games that were in his room in the meantime.
"You should sleep early today. We don't want bags under your eyes, right?" Kyoya said, touching the bottom of her eye. "Though it seems you already have some."
"So critical," Haruhi smiled up at him.
"You should be used to it by now," Kyoya said, touching her forehead with his.
She nodded her head. "Yeah."
Haruhi liked his simple and gentle way of caressing her, showing that he cared for her. She liked when he reached up to touch her face from time to time. She liked how he would stroke her hair to comfort her. Moreover, she liked how he would always look directly at her and stay close to her.
"It's already half past nine. You should go to sleep," he said.
"I'll go if you let go of my hand," Haruhi laughed, seeing how Kyoya was still holding onto her hand.
"By now, I don't feel like it."
The two giggled and Kyoya made the final adjustments to the details for the party tomorrow with his one free hand before shutting down his laptop. His eyes were heavy and he simply wanted to sleep. Haruhi's warmth and presence only made it more possible for him to fall asleep.
"I don't feel like going back either," Haruhi said, conveying her thoughts.
"Then," Kyoya began and looked at her. "Do you want to sleep together tonight?"
Haruhi stared up at him, her eyes already beginning to grow heavy. She knew that Kyoya didn't mean it in the way that normal people would think. Rather, he simply just wanted to sleep with her in the same bed. Haruhi felt the same way. With the party tomorrow, they both felt nervous and just needed someone to comfort them. The only person that they would allow to do that was each other.
"I'd be glad to," Haruhi smiled up at him with half-tired eyes.
Kyoya smiled and helped Haruhi up. The two were already in their pajamas so all they had to do was climb into the bed and under the cover sheets. Haruhi's brown hair, which had grown to her hip, sprawled across the bed. No one minded her long hair because it suited her. Kyoya's eyes were set next to him on the drawer. Haruhi stared at him, getting a good look of him without his glasses, which she had only seen once.
"Is my face that interesting to look at?" he opened his eyes.
"Just observing," Haruhi smiled and closed her eyes. "Good night, Kyoya-senpai."
She reached out and took his hand and held it in hers. Kyoya looked at her and seeing her smile meekly, he allowed her. Her hand was small and warm, easily engulfed in his large ones. Her eyes were closed and within a few minutes, she had already fallen asleep, her breathing constant and steady. Kyoya gazed softly at her and observed her features. He reached his hand out to her face and brushed back a lock of hair.
"Good night, Haruhi," he whispered.
She smiled to herself in her sleep and Kyoya tightened his grip on her hand. The two fell into a deep sleep and for the rest of the night, they didn't let go of each other's hand.
Not even once.
It was finally the day of the party but the maids and servants were busy talking about someone else. Serena and Nasha had entered Haruhi's room to find no one there and scared that the worst had happened, they barged into Kyoya's room only to find the two sleeping in the same bed hand in hand. Of course, this was soon spread throughout the whole mansion and even reached the ears of Ootori Yoshio, who was grinning ear to ear.
"Why are you two smiling like that?" Haruhi questioned.
"Oh, it's nothing," Nasha smiled mischievously.
"You must be imagining it, Haruhi-sama," Serena said, avoiding her question. "Hurry, now. Although the party starts during the night, we still have to get ready."
"You two slept straight into the afternoon, after all," Nasha laughed.
"Nasha!" Serena hit the maid's head. "Excuse her rudeness, Kyoya-sama."
"Excused," Kyoya said. "Haruhi, we'll be arriving early at the venue to greet father so be prepared."
"Understood," Haruhi smiled.
Kyoya looked at her strangely. He didn't get why she was happy to see and greet his father. Did something happen at the last meeting? he thought to himself. But, seeing her happy, he decided not to pay it any mind. If she was happy in meeting his father, then so be it.
"Make sure to put all your effort into it," Kyoya looked towards Serena and Nasha.
"Of course," the two smiled, their eyes twinkling.
"It's okay if you guys don't," Haruhi said, really wanting to win that buffet.
"What are you saying, Haruhi-sama?" Nasha scolded. "It's our duty to bring out your inner beauty and paint it on the outside."
"That's right," Serena agreed. "We'll make you two times beautiful and two times mature. No one will be able to keep their eyes off of you in the end."
"I'd rather not be the focus of attention, though," Haruhi commented.
But her words were ignored as Serena and Nasha were already planning out what to do for her makeover while Kyoya sat at the end of the table, calmly sipping his tea. He had said before that he was going to win the bet but Haruhi just didn't want to believe him. It was going to be her loss, a hundred percent.
"Now then, since it seems like you're done, you guys can start whenever you're ready," Kyoya gestured to Serena and Nasha.
"Yes, young master," the two bowed. "Now then, Haruhi-sama. This way, please."
Their eyes twinkled and Haruhi knew she was once again their prey. She was dragged along by them and Kyoya smirked. She pouted and wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. He, too, was getting ready to prepare himself and Haruhi smiled, looking forward to it.
Serena and Nasha immediately began getting to work with Haruhi's face and hair. As always, her skin was smooth and white without the slightest pimple or wrinkle. The only thing that stood out on her face were the light bags underneath her eyes.
"Haruhi-sama, don't tell me you stayed up late again," Serena scolded.
"I was just finishing some vacation homework the other day," Haruhi replied. "It's fine, right?"
"Vacation homework you can always finish at the last minute," Nasha remarked.
"Sorry but, I'm not a procrastinator."
"Finishing your work early is a good thing but you also have to be remindful of your health," Serena said. "Apparently if you sleep after eleven at night, your life span gets shorter."
"Hmmm," Haruhi thought about it.
"Besides, Kyoya-sama and Haruhi-sama intend to live until they're old, right? So Haruhi-sama shouldn't stay up late," Nasha smiled.
"Nasha," Haruhi said, her cheeks now slightly red.
Serena and Nasha laughed and stopped their idle chatter. The clock read fifteen minutes before two and since they had to arrive at the party at around six thirty, they didn't have any time to waste.
"Haruhi-sama, this way please," Serena said, leading her to a grand bath.
Haruhi stepped in and soaked her body in the warm bathwater. Rose petals floated on top and its sweet fragrance stuck to her. Serena began washing Haruhi's hair while Nasha began scrubbing away the dust on her body and in between her fingernails. They washed her from top to bottom without sparing a single effort.
"Your hair's gotten really long, Haruhi-sama," Serena commented, drying her hair.
"Should I cut it?"
Serena shook her head. "That would be a waste. Besides, having long hair makes it easy for Nasha and me to come up with a hairstyle."
Haruhi smiled. "Then I won't."
They pulled back the bangs of Haruhi's hair and started applying the makeup first. They picked a color scheme that would complement the design and color of the evening gown that Kyoya and she had decided on a few days ago. A light foundation was applied, concealing the bags under her eyes, and to make her face glow, highlighter was added. A light blue hue eyeshadow mixed with white was applied before using black eyeliner. They used mascara to define her long eyelashes and used an eyebrow pencil to darken her eyebrows a little. A glossy light pink was drawn on her lips and for the final touch, a tinge of natural blush was added.
"Applying makeup on Haruhi-sama always makes me excited," Serena stood back and examined her artwork.
"Ohhh~" Nasha gasped. "Haruhi-sama became a beauty."
Haruhi sweat-dropped. "So you're saying that I looked like trash before. Which I'm not going to argue with you about since I also think I look like trash."
"No, no, no!" Nasha shook her head furiously. "Haruhi-sama was always beautiful and she always will be! It's just that you look even more beautiful now. Like a princess that came from the moon and stars."
"She'll look even more magnificent with the dress on," Serena smiled, beginning to work on her hair.
Serena straightened Haruhi's bangs and shifted it to one side while Nasha began working on curling the bottom of Haruhi's hair. They used a comb and straightened out the stiff curls, giving it a natural curled look. They pulled the dress off of the hangers and onto Haruhi, zipping it up.
It was a light shade of blue on the top and the outer layer of the dress but the underlayer was a deep clear sapphire color with gradients of purple and a light blue here and there, painting it the color of the galaxy. White specks were dotted onto the dress with tiny pearls and diamonds hanging on the edges of the outer transparent light blue tulle. The top had white flowers on it and a sash made with white flowers and blue ribbon, a lighter color compared to the color of the top and tulle. Gloves of a light white blue shade and white hydrangeas lining the edge reached up to her chest and a white fur stole wrapped itself around her arms, reaching to the bottom of the floor.
A white hydrangea accessory was put behind her ear with tiny pearls and diamonds dangling from it. A pearl necklace with blue diamonds hanging from it was tied around her neck and a diamond blue bracelet was put onto her left wrist. Serena fitted a pair of baby blue and white heels decorated with small hydrangea flowers and white lace onto her feet.
The two stepped back and smiled brightly. The clock read five thirty, signaling that they finished right on time.
"You're absolutely breathtaking," the two gasped.
Haruhi looked up at the two, her large chocolate eyes and long eyelashes batting at them. Her lips were slightly parted and there was a soft glow to her face. She stood up and her rise was graceful. Her long and silky brown hair trailed behind her as she walked. No one would've ever thought that she was a commoner.
"I think it's about time that we go down," Serena smiled.
"I can't wait to see Kyoya-sama's expression," Nasha exclaimed.
Haruhi tilted her head in question. They didn't even allow her the chance to examine herself in the mirror and were already escorting her down to the lobby. She bet that Kyoya told them not to let her see herself because that way, she won't know if she lost or won the bet. Haruhi came down the winding white marble staircases, her each step light and graceful. The servants all widened their eyes in shock and many of their cheeks were tinged a bright red. Kyoya stood at the bottom in his black suit with a blue tie around his neck. His hair was sleeked back on one side while the other side was slightly curled. If she didn't know him by now, she would've thought that he was a different person.
"You're finally h-!" Kyoya stopped mid-sentence and widened his eyes in shock.
Haruhi's eyes looked at him with a dazed yet alluring look in them. Her lips were glossed and her hair trailed beside her. With each step she took, the jewels hanging on the dress dangled and swayed. His breath was taken away in that instant and he just continued staring at her, even when she arrived at the bottom of the staircase.
"Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi tilted her head to look at him. "Is there something wrong?"
Kyoya snapped out of his thoughts and plastered on a grin. "You look...different."
"Does that mean I won the bet?" Haruhi exclaimed. "I told you so. I don't look good in these things."
He laughed. "We'll see about that. I wouldn't be too excited if I was you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Haruhi pouted.
"Nevermind that. Shall we go, my wife?" Kyoya held out a hand.
Haruhi eyed it and smiled, gladly taking it. "Of course."
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