《My Wife》Chapter 10
"Haruhi, let's go somewhere during the winter break," Hikaru suggested.
"Can't," Haruhi replied.
"We didn't even say anything yet and you've already decided?" Kaoru whined.
"I have something to do that day so it's impossible," Haruhi answered back, tidying up the tea trays and sets. "Go ask some other people."
"But inviting you would be much more interesting," Hikaru and Kaoru said.
"You two," Haruhi began.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, can't you see that you're troubling Haruhi?" Tamaki intervened. "It's obvious that she doesn't want to spend her winter vacation with you."
The two twins pouted. "Who said?" the two raised their objections, heat steaming from their heads.
"I said," Tamaki declared proudly.
"Just shut up, idiot Boss!" Hikaru kicked him into the corner.
"What's with that rudeness!" Tamaki shouted, pointing at the twins as well as everyone else. "For your information, Haruhi would rather spend her winter vacation with me than with you two evil twins."
"Who said? Who said?" the twins repeated.
"I said," he once again stated proudly.
"Just go away, you homo character," Hikaru and Kaoru kicked him to the side for the final time.
"So, Haruhi. What about it?" the twins grinned.
Haruhi felt the agonizing pressure that the two were putting on her but even so, she had to refuse. She really did have plans that day and her whole entire schedule for the week was preoccupied with dancing and etiquette lessons. Moreover, she had to go get a dress fitting done. She glanced over to Kyoya who gave her a knowing look.
"Sorry, but I really can't," Haruhi apologized. "How about next time, Hikaru? Kaoru?"
"You always say next time," Kaoru pouted.
"But when are you actually going to go hang out with us?" Hikaru added with his face inches from hers. "If it's money, we'll pay for you."
"That just makes me not want to go even more," Haruhi turned away from him. "Anyway, I just can't. I'll make it up to you sometime later."
"Promise?" the two asked.
"Promise. If I break it, I'll swallow a thousand needles," Haruhi smiled at the two.
The two grinned and the tender moment between the two was interrupted by their ever-so-annoying President and the cute shota boy of the club. The two ran up to Haruhi with tears in their eyes as Tamaki began lecturing the two.
"How can you make Haruhi swear on such a horrible thing?!" he pointed his finger at the twins. "You want our dear Haruhi to swallow a thousand needles?! This is abuse!"
"Haruhi, swallowing a thousand needles is going to hurt," Honey said. "How about we change it to swallowing a thousand pieces of cake?"
"I'd rather swallow a thousand needles," Haruhi replied. Eating a thousand pieces of cake seemed just as painful, or even more painful than swallowing a thousand needles. She liked sweet things but with that number of calories, she would end up exploding.
"Haruhi, how could you say such a thing?" Tamaki yelled, his hands on her face. "See what you did to her?!"
"Boss, Haruhi said it herself. It's not like we told her to," Hikaru said, throwing his hands up.
"Besides, as long as she keeps her promise she won't have to swallow them. Use your common sense already," Kaoru said, already bored of their Boss's behavior.
Tamaki thought about it. If Haruhi broke her promise of hanging out with them sometime later, which he'd very much like for her to do, then she would have to swallow a thousand needles, which he didn't want. But on the other hand, if Haruhi did keep her promise, which he wouldn't like for her to do, then she wouldn't end up having to swallow a thousand needles, in which he would be glad. He was conflicted and his brain was in a turmoil.
The twins grinned at their successful plan to sidetrack their Boss and high-fived one another. However, their victory was short-lived for they saw their King beginning to rise again. His nose was high and he had a smug grin plastered on.
"I guess it can't be helped," he said dramatically, rose petals floating around him as he gazed at them. "I'll be accompanying you guys on your next vacation. Children always need adults to look after them, right?"
"Hell no," Hikaru, Kaoru, and Haruhi yelled simultaneously.
Tamaki wasn't affected by the twin's response but rather Haruhi's. "To think that my beloved daughter would also have the same response," Tamaki cried exasperatedly and fell to the floor, fading into dust.
"We don't need you to come," Hikaru said, annoyed. "We can always ask our parents to come with us."
"That's right," Kaoru agreed. "Dad and mom want to meet Haruhi again, too."
"In other words, you can't come!" Hikaru and Kaoru declared at their King who once more turned into a pile of dust.
"Tama-chan is really amazing. Being able to turn to dust," Honey commented, poking at the sediments that he had turned into.
"Mn," Mori nodded in agreement.
"Now that that's been decided, it's okay to close up the club now, right?" Kyoya closed his laptop and stood up.
There was quite the number of guests that visited the club today, given that it was a Friday and though they did tire him out, the Club did make a huge mass amount of profit from the selling of the newly produced albums of each host club member. As always, Tamaki's album sold the most with the seniors coming in after him and Haruhi, surprisingly, coming right after them. With an increase in profits, he was in a good mood.
"Kyo-chan, your dad's party is next week, right?" Honey asked.
"Yes. Will you all be attending?" Kyoya asked.
"Of course," Tamaki said. "Why wouldn't we attend the party that your dad invited us to? Moreover, we know how much you hate events like those."
"As long as you don't embarrass me," he said.
"We won't, we won't," the twins chided.
Kyoya raised his eyebrows. He had his doubts regarding those two but didn't mind it.
"Satoshi and I will be attending in place of my parents. Just wanted to inform you about it," Mori spoke up.
"And I'll be representing the Haninozuka family," Honey happily said.
"Having all the members of the Host Club at a party, this will be fun," Hikaru grinned.
"Hikaru," Kaoru reprimanded him by whispering in his ear. "It's not all of the members. Did you forget about Haruhi?"
At the sudden mention of Haruhi, everyone turned to Haruhi who was busy closing up the windows. Noticing their gazes, she turned her head their way and tilted it, wondering what could be wrong. But seeing their pitiful looks, she knew that she was better off not knowing. She hated that look of theirs and grew annoyed every time she saw them; it was definitely about her social status again.
"Poor Haruhi," Hikaru cried, petting her.
"How we wish we could bring you, too," Kaoru agreed, petting her, too.
"I don't need your condolences," Haruhi said, her eyes filled with distaste. "It's just a simple party and besides, I'd rather not go to events like those."
"But there's going to be delicious food there," Tamaki said, wiping his tears.
"It's just a party thrown in amusement for the wealthy, is it not?" Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows. "What a useless thing."
Tamaki waved his index finger at her and shook his head. "That's what you don't get, Haruhi. Those extravagant and elegant parties are a demonstration of one's status and wealth in the aristocratic world. Furthermore, it's also a place where social connections are made. A perfect place to interact and create bonds of friendship."
"That's a mere delusion of yours," Kyoya remarked.
"Exactly," Haruhi agreed, knowing that Tamaki's ideal party vision was like that. "What's the point of flaunting your wealth? Besides, those 'friendship' bonds that you talk about are merely business relationships in my opinion."
"Honestly, Boss acts like a complete child," Hikaru and Kaoru agreed in unison.
"Haru-chan's pretty much right," Honey agreed. "But Haru-chan's also wrong in a sense."
"How?" Haruhi asked, not understanding.
"Like Tamaki had said about parties being a demonstration of one's status and wealth, it's a necessary thing to do as a person who is part of the upper class," Mori explained. "If we don't flaunt our wealth from time to time, those that are under us will begin to spread rumors and start taking advantage of us."
"You have to make them fear your status and power so that you won't be taken advantage of," Honey concluded. "That's why Haru-chan shouldn't think too lightly of these parties."
Haruhi looked at the two seniors and nodded her head. "I agree."
"Haru-chan always gets things fast, doesn't she?" Honey exclaimed and reached up to pat her head.
"She is at the top of our year," Hikaru said.
"Though I wouldn't say that she's the brightest when it comes to certain things," Kaoru said, hinting at how dense she could be.
The other hosts nodded in complete agreement with the exception of Tamaki, who was trying to understand what Kaoru meant. In this Host Club, the only other person who was denser than Haruhi would have to be their Idiot King himself. They sighed. Having this person become the heir of the Suoh Group...they conveyed their heartfelt sympathies to all those involved. It was going to be a tough road ahead for them.
"Then I'll be seeing all of you at the party," Kyoya said, walking out.
"I'm looking forward to it," Tamaki smiled. "The Ootori Group has always pulled off parties of the finest caliber. I'm sure the design and centerpieces this time will be stunning, too."
Kyoya smirked. "Flattery won't get you anywhere."
"I'm sincerely complimenting!" Tamaki yelled, his whole body on fire. He didn't like how Kyoya assumed that his words were nothing but flattery all the time.
"But man, those suits are going to tire us out," Hikaru sighed, walking out with his bag behind him.
"You can just loosen the tie and collar," Kaoru suggested.
"Yeah. But, Mom's going to kill us if we did," Hikaru argued.
Honey walked out and jumped up excitedly as he swung his Usa-chan around. "I hope there's cake there~!"
"I'm sure there'll be cake," Mori reassured his cousin.
"Let's hope so!" Honey smiled.
Haruhi closed the Host Club door behind her and was the final one to walk out. The others were long gone and were already driving away. Haruhi exited the school gates and thought about the party. It was a party to show off one's wealth and as a commoner, she wasn't exactly sure how to express that. She was Kyoya's wife and one mistake on her part would cause a huge blow to the image of the Ootori Group. Just thinking about it was stressful enough and she could feel the queasiness in her stomach.
"Is it getting on your nerves?" a voice came from in front of her.
She looked up and saw Kyoya looking squarely at her. She looked at him in surprise and he raised his eyebrows.
"What's wrong?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head. "It's just that I didn't expect for you to wait for me."
"The others had already left so walking with you this time is fine," he replied.
Haruhi chuckled. "You're right."
"Now then, mind answering me my original question?" Kyoya asked, continuing to walk without bothering to look at her.
Haruhi remained silent before nodding her head meekly. He saw her movement from the corner of his eye and immediately felt guilty. If he had the power to refuse his father's demand to let Haruhi participate in the party, he would. But he didn't. He hated having people carry his burden and never allowed them to. This was the first time he had allowed someone to carry the same burden as him. Moreover, it was the girl that he liked.
"Are you backing out?" he asked.
"No!" Haruhi replied instantly, shocking him. She realized her sudden outburst and became quiet again. "It's just that I'm worried about embarrassing you."
He widened his eyes in surprise. Worried about me?
"What if I mess up the dance or eat weirdly?" Haruhi looked up at him, her face pale to the point that he didn't know whether to laugh or remain solemn.
He let out a slight chuckle and ruffled her hair. "You won't."
"But what if?" Haruhi emphasized.
"Then would you like some punishment if you do?" Kyoya smirked at her. "I don't have your weakness anymore so there really is nothing I can do."
Haruhi blushed at his mischevious and devious grin.
"Haruhi, if you mess up, you mess up. If anything, I'll make sure that you won't."
At that, she sighed in relief but knew that she also had to rely on herself to make sure that she won't be a laughingstock. She hurried up to catch up to Kyoya's face and walked side by side with him. His presence was comforting and having someone by her side didn't feel too bad. Kyoya looked at her and smiled. She looked glad.
"Kyoya-senpai," Haruhi said, her eyes dead.
"What is it, Haruhi?" he asked as if nothing was wrong.
"Why are we here?" she questioned.
She was currently being fawned over by a bunch of saleswomen who were picking out different evening gowns for her to try on. She was wearing a white and golden-colored one right now with her hair done up in a bun.
"What do you think, Ootori-sama?" the saleswomen smiled brightly.
Kyoya shook his head. "The color's too bright for the evening."
"Understood. Onto the next one!" she ordered enthusiastically.
"Wahh!" Haruhi yelled in surprise.
She was pulled once again into the dressing room and stripped off the gown that she had just worn. They undid her hair and this time, tied it onto one side with an accessory holding it together. They pulled a purple ballgown onto her that had a white rose pinned to her waist and layers of cloth stemming out like a flower.
"What about this one?"
Kyoya eyed her from head to toe with a serious expression. Haruhi felt her face beginning to flush as she fidgeted from one foot to another. She looked down and waited for his reply.
"The color's nice but the neckline doesn't suit her," Kyoya said with a flat face. "Keep in mind that this girl doesn't have a chest."
Haruhi felt her face beginning to redden. "Kyoya-senpai!"
"Just saying the truth," Kyoya calmly replied.
The salespeople giggled to themselves at the playful couple. It was their first time entertaining such a customer and also, having so much fine while at it. Kyoya usually came here with his sister and almost all of the time, he had a sour expression on. Seeing him have such an ecstatic and pleased expression, they knew exactly how much the girl meant to him. That's why they were putting their utmost effort into choosing the right dress for her.
"Then what about this maroon and crimson-colored gold rose dress?" she asked, pulling on another dress.
"Too old-fashioned," Kyoya immediately rejected it.
"Then this light pink dress with a daisy-flowered top and a long shawl train behind it?"
"Too simple."
They were at a lost and Haruhi pitied them. Kyoya was demanding and his tastes were specific. She knew that he wanted her to look perfect at this party since it was her debut into society but honestly speaking, he was going overboard. The salespeople talked amongst themselves and Haruhi sat down next to Kyoya.
"They look bad on me, don't they?" she said, bringing her head to rest against the couch. "My body isn't suited to wear such things."
Kyoya looked at her. "It looks good."
"I said it looks good," Kyoya replied simply.
"Then why did you reject all of them? What other reason do you have other I don't suit those clothes? I mean, they were all pretty!" Haruhi pouted.
Kyoya sighed. "I could care less about the clothes but what I mean is that those clothes don't suit you. Not the other way around."
Haruhi wasn't convinced.
"With your long hair and slender frame, of course, you would look good in anything," Kyoya said in all seriousness. "But they're just not suited for the party. Let's take this dress as an example. It has a nice design as well as color and moreover, it outlines your body well. But it's just too plain for the party we're attending."
Haruhi widened her eyes in surprise but soon narrowed them. Kyoya wasn't the type to compliment and she knew it.
"I compliment people only when I see a need to," Kyoya said, taking her hand. "I'm being genuine here."
Haruhi's lips were in a tight line but she soon sighed. "How long is this going to take?"
"Until we find the right one," he answered.
"Which is how long?"
"As long as it takes."
Haruhi sighed exasperatedly. She couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and just as she was about to go to the dressing room and undress, the salespeople came running up to her and grabbed her wrist. They pulled her into the dressing room and undressed her.
"Wait! What?!" Haruhi said in a panic.
Another dress was thrown onto her and they zipped the back of the dress up. Having gotten on the dress, the salespeople ushered her out of the dressing room one last time and took her to Kyoya. Kyoya looked up and once again, looked her up and down but this time, for a longer time. His stern and grim face melted into a slow grin as he declared his acknowledgment.
"This is it."
The salespeople cheered in victory as Haruhi stood there, stupefied. After trying on so many dresses - about fifty if she had to guess - Kyoya had finally approved of one. She liked the fabric and design of it but she didn't know whether or not it looked good on her.
"Do you want to see how you look like?" he asked.
Haruhi nodded her head. "I don't doubt your judgment but I just want to see."
"You still think you look horrible in dresses?" he laughed lightly. "Don't worry. You look stunning, Haruhi."
Hearing his words, she blushed. But, her breath was taken away as she looked at herself in the mirror. The dress was indeed a beautiful work of art and seeing herself wear it, it almost seemed as if she was a completely different person. She gulped. If she had to say the truth, she had thought that her commoner look would stand out even more with such a stunning dress but she was totally wrong. She actually looked...lovely.
"Fujioka-sama, you're absolutely breathtaking!"
"Agreed!" another saleswoman chimed in. "At the party, you'll be main attraction and star!"
"As expected," Kyoya said, putting a blue and white hydrangea into her hair. "You really don't disappoint me."
"I doubt that I will live up to your expectations," Haruhi plainly replied. "Compared to those eighty-seven other women that are attending, I probably don't stand a chance."
Kyoya smirked. "Would you like to place a bet?"
"Be my guest."
"Then if I win, you'll be listening to my every whim for a whole day," he said.
"Then if I win?" Haruhi peered at him.
"Being my opponent, you'll only resign in defeat," Kyoya smirked, knowing that it would be his win.
"Who said?" Haruhi furrowed her eyebrows at him.
"Fine. If you win, I'll take you to an all you can eat buffet with the finest quality food and appetizers."
Haruhi smirked. "You're on."
"You're going to lose," Kyoya sighed.
"We'll see about that."
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