《My Wife》Chapter 9
Haruhi's shoulder-length hair tucked neatly into a bun with a braid acting as a headband. Her bangs were neatly swept to one side as a decorative flower with pearls was attached behind her ear. She wore a champagne organza gown with a sweetheart neckline and a beaded empire waistline. The dress trailed behind her and she opened the large mahogany doors, revealing Ootori Yoshio.
"Fujioka Haruhi, it's a pleasure to meet you," Yoshio smiled, his head nested between his folded hands.
Haruhi gulped and bowed to him, just like she was taught. "Likewise, Ootori Yoshio-sama. It's a pleasure to be able to finally meet you."
Yoshio smiled. "Please take a seat."
Haruhi nodded her head in acknowledgment and did as he said. The server in the room pulled back the seat and Haruhi sat down. Her body was tense and rigid as she looked at Yoshio who was eyeing her.
"Are you enjoying your new life at the mansion?" he asked.
"Yes, I am," she replied. "Much thanks to you."
"That's a good thing to hear. The servants haven't been bothering you, right? The food is also fresh and delectable to your tastes, right?" Yoshio questioned.
Haruhi, taken aback by his concern, replied slowly. "Y-Yes. Everyone's nice to me and I really enjoy being here."
"If you're happy, then that's fine."
Haruhi widened her eyes. "You said the same words that he said," she murmured.
"Excuse me?" Yoshio repeated, not understanding.
"No, it's nothing, Yoshio-sama," she shook her head. "I was just curious as to why you're asking me such questions. The last time we met was at the Ouran Fair, we didn't have much of a nice impression on one another."
"Quite the opposite, Haruhi," he said. "You defending Kyoya made quite the impression on me."
"That third and selfless son of mine always thinks nothing about money and business, most likely due to my strictness and harshness with him," Yoshio chuckled sadly. "Having someone stand up for him was a first and moreover, after Kyoya came into contact with you, he seemed to become more human."
Haruhi remained silent, overwhelmed at the sympathy in Yoshio's voice.
"Excuse me for asking this but, why don't you say this to Kyoya-senpai himself?"
Yoshio laughed. "Even if I told him this, I doubt he'd listen. The only two people that he actually listens to is you, Fujioka Haruhi."
"Yes, you," Yoshio smiled. "He never does anything for anyone and if it weren't for you, he'd be going around gaining benefits and the like each time. Having you by his side really calmed him down and made him realize what joy life brings."
Haruhi twidled with her hair and looked down. "That might be true but even without me, there's bound to be a time when he'll come to realize it."
Yoshio chuckled. "Haruhi, you're as dense as they say you are."
"Excuse me?"
"The only reason why he's changed to who he is now is partly due to the Host Club, but more so, it's you. As a commoner, you offer a different view of opinions from us nobles. Kyoya, knowing that, took an interest in you and began hearing out the different advice from different people. Being able to acknowledge other's opinions is one characteristic of a true leader."
"But that doesn't make me anything special."
"Fujioka Haruhi, you're more than just an acquaintance to him and you've realized that already, haven't you?"
Haruhi stopped what she was doing and put down her glass cup.
"My son likes you. Not as someone that he holds a particular interest in but rather, someone that he wishes to spend his days with."
Haruhi widened her eyes and blushed a little. "That's not true."
Yoshio laughed. "From what I've seen, it seems to be quite the fact. Maybe I should call my son here."
"No!" Haruhi stood up.
Yoshio widened his eyes and laughed heartedly at Haruhi's tomato red face. "It seems that you also feel the same way about Kyoya."
She sat back down, embarrassed, causing Yoshio to laugh even more. Haruhi looked at him in a flustered manner. Compared to the time when they met at the Ouran Fair, he seemed so much more like a dad now. He showed concern for his son and moreover, he actually cared about him. His strictness was a way of showing love.
"Yoshio-sama," Haruhi questioned.
"You can call me father-in-law. Yoshio-sama just seems out of place. Moreover, we're family so no need for formalities when it's just the two of us," Yoshio smiled softly at her.
"Then, excuse me for my rudeness," Haruhi accepted his offer. "Father-in-law."
Yoshio smile grew wider as he heard the delightful words coming from her mouth. How he wished to hear those three words from her for so long. He gestured for her to go on, waiting to hear the question that she so desired to ask.
"Why did you choose me to be Kyoya's wife?"
Yoshio looked up at her, rather surprised. "Why do you ask that?"
"When taking into account social status, background, and wealth, there are a lot more women out there who have the quality to become his wife. So why choose me? A mere commoner who has nothing," Haruhi clarified.
"Do you really need to ask?"
Haruhi tilted her head.
"It's true that the Ootori family desires connections more than anything but when it comes to marriage, I always wish that my sons find true love in their marriage rather than something meaningless like wealth and status."
"But at that time, Kyoya and I were but mere strangers."
"I know my son just by looking at him. The way he looked at you was different from the way he looked at other women. My older two sons believe that they can win my favor by marrying someone of power but I care nothing about that. What I desire to see is a marriage filled with love, just like the love between my late wife and I."
Haruhi listened and observed him. His eyes held a soft gaze as he talked about his wife, showing how much he cared for her and loved her, even now.
"So, I really hope that this marriage will bear fruit," Yoshio smiled.
Haruhi gloomed. "Don't tell me that father-in-law already wants a grandchild."
Yoshio laughed. "It's still too early for that but I would be lying if I said I didn't want one. Besides, the heir to the Ootori Group still hasn't been formally decided yet. Haruhi, who do you think should become the heir?"
Haruhi finished swallowing her food and looked at him, her eyes clear and unwavering. "I hold no interest in whoever becomes the heir. Just by being by his side, I'm content. I have no desire for wealth or status. I don't plan on offering my opinion."
Yoshio smiled, satisfied at her answer. "As I thought, I really do like you."
Haruhi chuckled. "After talking with you, my view on you has really changed."
"Hm? How so?" he mused.
"Judging from the way Kyoya-senpai always speaks about you, I expected you to be a horrible person," Haruhi bluntly stated, no offense intended. "But seeing you now, I can see that in reality, you really do care for him. You just don't show it directly."
Yoshio widened his eyes. "You're a really honest person."
"Is that bad?" Haruhi tilted her head and chuckled nervously. "Some of my friends commented on how extremely rude I can be when I'm honest."
He laughed. "No, nothing of the sort. In fact, that's the trait that I like about you the most. An honest and direct person suits Kyoya the best in comparison to a person that just fakes their way through everything."
The two smiled at one another and thought highly of one another's opinions. After this light dinner talk, Haruhi had a better opinion of Yoshio. He asked her to keep their conversation a secret because only by showing Kyoya his strictness, will he continue to strive to become someone more successful. Haruhi agreed and nodded her head.
"Well then, I'll be seeing you at the dinner party a few weeks later."
"Yes," Haruhi bowed.
"It'll be interesting. Oh, and also, there'll be fat tuna there," he grinned.
A tick mark grew on Haruhi's head and yelled, "Why do you guys all tease me about that?" she sighed, annoyed.
"Because it's interesting," Yoshio's glasses glinted.
Like father like son, she thought.
"Until then, Haruhi," Yoshio said as he began rolling up his car window.
"Wait!" Haruhi called out.
"Hm? What is it?" Yoshio asked.
Haruhi looked at him and spoke. "Those words that you said to me, I hope that you'll be able to say it to Kyoya-senpai himself in the near future," she smiled.
Yoshio widened his eyes and chuckled. "Thank you. I, too, wish for that to happen."
With that, Yoshio's car sped away and Haruhi was left standing in the parking lot alone. Her chauffeur already had the car already and he gestured for his mistress to get in. Haruhi smiled and thanked him for driving her so late and he smiled in reply. Haruhi stepped in and he closed the door behind her. For the rest of the drive home, Haruhi gazed at the night view of the skyline and smiled to herself. Talking and clarifying things over with Kyoya's father really did lift a huge weight off of her shoulders.
"You have a really nice father, Kyoya-senpai," she murmured, affection brimming in her eyes.
"Young master, it's better if you stay inside," Serena said.
"That's right, that's right. Fall has just begun and the night breeze is cold. What if you catch a cold?" Nasha added.
"I'm fine," Kyoya said. "You two can go back in if you want to."
The two looked worriedly at one another and stepped to the side. With their master standing outside in the cold, how could they dare to go back inside by themselves? They watched Kyoya pace around in front of the mansion, looking up from time to time at the main gates.
Just where is she? he yelled in his mind. She should be back by now!
His thoughts were racing around frantically, thinking about the many things that his father would be demanding of her. He might even be blackmailing her for all he knew!
Haruhi laughed on the side. "Like you don't."
He sighed and bit his lower lip in desperation. He looked down at his wristwatch, which read a little after ten at night, before looking back to the looming black gates. The only light visible was those from the lamps, shining softly down onto the ground. A cool wind blew past Kyoya and he crossed his arms, trying to warm himself.
"Hurry up and come back dumb commoner," he murmured.
Time was slowly passing by and before he knew it, it was already eleven. Nasha was already beginning to doze off and Serena was still standing upright, but even she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. It was getting colder but Serena knew that Kyoya wouldn't listen to her. The only person he ever listened to was Haruhi.
Kyoya's face was etched with worry as sat on the grand stairs, continuing to look at the gates, as if they were going to open anytime soon.
"Why isn't she back yet?!" he shook in anger as his fist slammed down onto the marble stairs.
Serena had never seen such an angry look on her young master's face and the look in his eyes screamed murder. He cared greatly about Haruhi and it was obvious to all those around him. The servants watched in worry, wondering why their mistress was yet to be back. They all feared Ootori Yoshio and they feared for Haruhi. If by this time, she wasn't back yet, something dreadful must've happened already. Things never go well when one is alone with him.
Just as Serena was about to urge Kyoya to return back into the mansion, Serena widened her eyes in shock and shouted.
"Kyoya-sama! Look!" she pointed to the gates.
Kyoya looked up and as soon as he saw it, he stood up quickly and ran down the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him. The wind breezed past him and he stumbled a little, but nevertheless, his eyes were set on the approaching car that drew up to the mansion. The chauffeur came out and opened the door, helping Haruhi step out.
"Kyoya-sen-!" she smiled but stopped mid-way as he lunged out and embraced her.
Taken aback, she stumbled back a little. If it weren't for Kyoya's firm arms supporting her, she might've fallen to the ground. She felt his black hair graze against her face and neck and heard his soothing voice loud and clear.
"You idiot!" he yelled at her.
"Huh?" she widened her eyes at him, not understanding why she was getting yelled at.
"Why did you come back so late?! Do you know how anxious everyone was?!" he screamed. "You didn't even bring your cell phone with you! If you couldn't get out of that dinner, then you could've just talked your way out of things just like you always do!"
She saw the worry and agony in his eyes and voice, stunning her. "I'm...sorry," she said in shock.
"In times like these, why are you so stupid," he clutched her arms and brought his head down to her shoulder.
His hands were cold to the touch and it sent goosebumps on her skin. His breath was cold and his face pale. She wondered just how long he had spent waiting outside for her when the night air was so crisp and chilly. She brought her hands to his head and patted him gently, soothing and comforting him.
"Kyoya-senpai, I'm fine," she smiled. "Besides, isn't it rude to call someone who's at the top of their year 'stupid'?" Haruhi pouted.
Kyoya's eyes scrunched up as her voice brought a wave of relief over him. Just hearing her speak was enough to send him into the emotional end. His lips pulled into a tight line as he moved away from her and looked down at her.
"It's fine because I'm the one saying it," he smiled at her, his face contorted with both happiness and satisfaction.
"That doesn't make sense at all," Haruhi pointed out.
"Only to you," he grinned.
Haruhi turned her head away but she reached out to hold his hand, which he was preparing to offer. The two smiled silently to themselves and the servants in the mansion breathed a sigh of relief. Their young mistress was back safe and sound and most importantly, as the same person she always is. Kyoya and Haruhi walked back to the mansion, hand in hand, as Serena and Nasha clung to Haruhi while other servants prepared a hot drink and some warm blankets for Kyoya.
"So, what did my father talk to you about?" Kyoya asked, settling down into his computer chair, coffee mug in hand.
"Just about how I'm enjoying my stay here," Haruhi replied.
Kyoya looked at her and set his mug down, inching his way towards her. "You sure that's all that you two talked about?" he looked at her in the eye.
"Other than the party, that's all," she looked back at him with firm eyes.
Even if she was lying and he pressed her even further, she wouldn't give in. That was how she was and he understood that after months of observing her. Her stubborn attitude was the main part of her and knowing that he decided to not press on. He sat down next to her and leaned his head against the side of the bed.
"You tire me out," he breathed.
Haruhi looked at him, her lips in a tight line. "No one asked you to tire yourself out for me."
"True," he said. "I don't even know why I waited outside."
"If you catch a cold tomorrow, don't blame it on me," she said, fully-aware of Kyoya's attitude and personality.
"I won't," he replied. "Right now's not the time to be sick
He sat up and walked over to get his laptop before coming to sit back down next to Haruhi again. "What do you mean?"
He opened his laptop screen and began clicking and typing away, pulling up a list of people with all their background information and necessary details that society wouldn't ever think of knowing about it. Haruhi looked at it and even though she didn't recognize some of their names, she knew they were well-known and influential figures in society.
"These are the guests for the upcoming party," Kyoya explained. "I want you to memorize all of their names."
"All of them?" Haruhi said. "There are at least two hundred guests."
"Too much for you to handle?" he smirked playfully.
Haruhi pouted. She didn't like him looking down on her. "I never said that."
"Then this should be easy for you," Kyoya concluded.
Haruhi sighed. Memorizing these people's names were easy enough but what she didn't want to do was interact with them. If Kyoya told her to memorize them, then it was without a doubt that she would have to converse with them.
"I understand," she sighed.
"Good," he said. "I'll send a copy to you. Memorize it by the end of the next two weeks."
Haruhi nodded her head. "Will do."
"One more thing," Kyoya said as he turned to Haruhi, who was beginning to stand up to return to her room.
"Yes?" she tilted her head to one side.
"My father also sent invitations to the others."
Haruhi's eyes widened in shock as she heard his words. "You mean those people are going to be invited?!"
Kyoya nodded his head. "As much as I want to pull them out of the guest list, it's impossible. First off, my father was the one that personally invited them and second, despite how they look like, they're still nobles. They'll be representing their family."
She dropped to the ground and hugged her head and groaned. "Seriously?"
"Seriously," he replied.
"Then that means that they're all going to find out."
Just thinking about the commotion that it would cause and how their reactions would be when they find out...the two groaned in distress just thinking about it.
"Well, I'll do the best that I can on my part," Haruhi said, preparing to leave.
"You'll be learning dancing as well as more etiquette starting tomorrow. Good luck," he said, pushing up his glasses.
Haruhi slouched. "I don't need you telling me that."
With that, she exited the room and breathed a huge sigh. The party was enough burden to her but having the other hosts as well learning even more of those social etiquettes made her want to drop dead. For the next two weeks, things were going to be hell and she knew that Kyoya knew it. He took interest in seeing her suffer and with that grin always plastered onto his face, she had an urge to always kick him. She kicked her bed in anger and writhed in pain as she had stubbed her toe.
"This sucks," she groaned, planting her face down onto her bed.
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BL | Not Human Every Time [Quick Wear]
⚠MACHINE TRANSLATIONTitleNot Human Every Time [Quick Wear]/每次都不是人[快穿]AuthorShiseer/澀澀兒Status173 Chapters (Completed)https://m.shubaow.net/138/138273/.INTRODUCTIONWhen Ye Shan was on the verge of death, he was rescued by "people" and was given a fast crossing system.System: The soul of the host's life-saving "human" is scattered in various worlds. If you want to recall it, you must travel through various worlds. May I ask the host, do you still want to save it? whether.Ye Shan: Yes.System: The task of searching for the soul of the "human" is officially opened. Task prompt 1, because of the "human" attribute of the host's life-saving grace, every time the host crosses, it is not human. Task prompt 2, because of the special emotion of the host's life-saving "human" to the host, the host must rekindle its special emotion every time in order to bring back its soul.Ye Shan: What special emotion?System: It is special (chao) special (ji) feeling (chi) affection (han).Ye Shan: ...I regret it now, is it too late?One sentence introduction:Every time you cross, you are not a person, but you have to get the special (chao) special (ji) feeling (chi) affection (han) of the benefactor to complete the task... Come out of the system, let's talk about life!#On the difficulty of repaying kindness, it is difficult to go to the blue sky##On how to use your own charm (not) to complete the impossible task#Content tags: Modern overhead is strong and strong through time and spaceProtagonist: Ye Shan┃Others: Main Subject
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