《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 17


Tate's POV:

When I walked in my front door the smile on my face couldn't be brighter. I love being with her. Today had to be one of the most fun days we had.

I walked up to my room and I flopped on my bed. I lied there for awhile with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep. I couldn't though.

I opened my eyes and rolled around trying to get comfortable. It was useless, I couldn't get comfortable. I decided to get up and walk over to my desk. I sat down and looked through my drawers. I found a lot of papers but I didn't know what they were. I read through them and realized they were some of my old poems I used to write. I totally forgot about the fact I used to write poetry.

One read:

"All those people, the people at school.

They called me a freak and said I was a fool.

They would always beat me till they saw blood,

They didn't understand who I was..."

And it kept going. I used to write about my experiences throughout the days. I remember I stopped whenever my dad died.

I tell everybody he died awhile ago when I was a child so they wouldn't think that it hurt as much as it would if I knew him for a long time and then he suddenly passed, but it hurt. It hurt so much.

My life was already hard with all the people at school then my own father died. I loved him so much. I would write constantly. I found at least 30 poems in that drawer.

I stopped writing when he died because I didn't see any reason to do anything anymore. I was so depressed. I didn't feel I had any purpose in life or anything important to love anymore. I felt like I didn't have any happiness.


I think I'm going to start writing poems again.

I felt like I didn't have any happiness in me so I didn't find a reason to write, but now.. Paris. Paris is my happiness now and she makes me feel all kinds of ways. She gives me a reason to write again.

I think ill write the poem about her. I kept that thought and reached for my a piece of paper and a pencil. Just as I was about to write something down, I look over at my clock and see that its almost 12 AM.

I quickly got up and went over to my bed where my phone was. I grabbed my phone and decided to text Pairs.

It read:

"Hey, beautiful c: I just wanted to text you and say that I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. You make me so happy and I don't know what I would ever do without your beautiful soul. Or your smile.. your laugh.. your personality.. Or anything.. everything.. about you. I really hope that I make you happy enough because to be honest I keep worrying that I'm not good enough for you and that one day you'll leave me. I couldn't bare that. Anyways, just know that I wont ever leave you. I will protect you. I wont let anyone, or anything.. hurt you. I never felt like that about anybody before. I hope you feel the same. Stay beautiful and stay strong because I know you can make it through everything. Goodnight, I love youuuu cx <3."

 After I sent the text to Paris I smiled and locked my phone. I set it on my stand next to my bed and plugged it into my charger.

I decided that I would write the poem about her tomorrow since it was so late at night.

I lied down and just as I was about to close my eyes to rest them, I heard a knock on my bedroom door.


I immediately open my eyes and got up. I was very confused as to who was knocking on my goddamn door at 12 in the fucking morning.

I walked towards my door to open it. I opened the door and see my mother standing there.

"What the hell do you want? It is 12 in the morning.." I say to her.

"I know I'm sorry Tate, I was just making sure you were here I didn't hear you coming in earlier." my mother told me.

"Its fine. But, yeah I came in awhile ago." I told her honestly.

"Okay, get to sleep. Its very late. How's you and Paris?" she asked me.

I hesitated before I answered because her question made me think of her and how much fun we had today.

I smiled and said, "We're great. We're just really great." I told her.

"You really love her don't you?" she asked smiling back at me.

"...Yeah." I replied to her still smiling.

"I can tell." she said patting me on the shoulder.

I just smiled and playfully rolled my eyes and shut the door. I walked over and climbed back into my bed. This time I actually wrapped my covers around me and rolled to my side.

I closed my eyes and started to think about Paris. The thought of her and I happily together drifted me off to sleep. I even think I fell asleep smiling.

Paris' POV:

I cant fall asleep. I have been laying in bed trying to fall asleep for hours.

I really want to text Tate. I hope he isn't sleeping.

I reach over to grab my phone. I try to get into it but it was dead. I rolled my eyes and plugged it into my charger. It was taking too long to turn on so I just ignored it and got out of my bed and walked to my bedroom door and opened it.

I quietly walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I carefully opened the cabinet so I wouldn't make too much noise. I grabbed a cup and went into the fridge. I got out some orange juice and poured it into my cup. I drank it and I walked into the living room.

I wanted to turn on the TV but I ended up passing out on the couch.

A/N: Guys I know this chapter sucks and its kind of shorter than my others but I'm literally writing this at 11:30 at night and I'm really tired. But, I promise ill write a better one next time. Thanks for reading c:

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