《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 18


The Next Morning

 "Hey Paris, wake up." my mom said to me while shaking me.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at her.

"Why are you on the couch?" she asked me, confused.

"I um I couldn't sleep so I uh came downstairs to watch tv but fell sleep." I told her sounding groggy and barely opening my eyes.

My mother just nodded her head and walked in the kitchen. I just lied there for a minute and then finally I slowly walked up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I flopped on my bed and reached over to my stand and grabbed my phone I unplugged it from its charger and lied on my bed. I typed in my passcode, unlocking it, and saw I had a message.

I opened up my messages and the text was from Tate. My face lit up and I clicked on his name. I read the message and it was really long. It was sent at like 12 in the morning. After I was done reading his text, I felt a smile grow big on my face.

I decided to reply:

"Awe, Tate I love you. You don't even understand how much that text meant to me <3. I promise I will not leave you. Ever. You're my everything. <3333 Just come over whenever you can so I can hug you for this text xD <3 c: cx"

I couldn't stop smiling. Just the fact that I know I have somebody to tell my feelings to and have them understand, have somebody that wont judge me, somebody that loves me and every flaw and so much more.. just makes me so happy. I have such a lucky feeling inside me.

Not even a few minutes later, he texted me back saying:

"<3333 Ill be over in like 5 minutes. I need to take a shower, see you then. I love you <3"

I texted him back and said okay and sent a heart emoji along with it. I decided to go over to my mirror and quickly brush my hair. I also out on some clean clothes. My shirt was black and said "Music Is My Escape" along with my black leggings with rips going horizontally down the front of them. I got up and sprayed some vanilla bean perfume all on my body and walked downstairs.


When I got downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and went straight to the fridge, like always. I saw nothing in the fridge so I went back into the living room and sat next to my mom on the couch. She was watching Grey's Anatomy and I hated that show. So I went on my phone waiting for Tate to arrive.

Shortly after that, I hear a knock on the door. The sound of the knock made me jump. I got up and I walked to the door. I opened to the door and saw Tate standing there wearing a green and navy blue striped, long sleeved shirt with blue-black jeans.

He smiled his beautiful smile at me. I stood there smiling back.

"Come in." I said motioning my hand inside.

He walked in with his hands in his pockets. He reached out one of his hands and intertwined his fingers with mine.

We walked over to the couch and sat down. My mom had walked into the kitchen without me realizing.

"Who was at the door?" my mom shouted from the kitchen.

"Tate." I replied shouting back.

We kind of just sat in silence pretty much. We had out hands together though. Both of our hands were intertwined while resting on his left thigh.

"Mother, can I change the channel?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sure honey." she told me.

I leaned over to pick up the remote off the coffee table in front of the couch. I clicked through, channel to channel until I found something interesting. 

I ended up watching old episodes of Friends.

"Is this okay?" I asked Tate, making sure he didn't mind.

"Yeah, its fine. My mother and I used to watch this all the time to be honest." he said with a grin on his face.

I smiled and turned my head back to the tv screen and Tate did the same. I sat there watching the show then I kind of got lost into space.



I started thinking about piercings. All the piercings I have are my gauges, second ear hole, third, fourth, industrial, tragus, helix, anti helix and septum. Most of them are ear piercings besides septum, its a nose piercing.

I really wanted an oral piercing. I couldn't decide whether I wanted a smiley or my tongue pierced. If I got my tongue pierced, it would be venom bites. Its basically the same thing as a regular tongue piercing, but there's two of the barbells. They're more towards the tip then the middle. One on the right side and the other on the left.

"Tate, I really want an oral piercing, but I cant decide whether I want my smiley pierced, or my tongue. If it was tongue then Id get venom bites." I told him hoping he'd help me decide.

"Um, what's a smiley and what's venom bites?" he asked me.

I giggled and pulled out my phone. I went on to safari and searched for smiley piercings first.

I showed him this picture:

"That's a smiley piercing." I told him after I showed him the pic.

Then I showed him the venom bites:

"And those are the venom bites." I told him after I showed him that picture.

He nodded his head.

"Well, they're both interesting. I really like the venom bites. But, then again, think about it. The smiley would be a 1/10 pain level and the venom bites, probably a 4 or 5/10. Plus, if you get your tongue pierced, you can only eat certain things for while and plus the swelling. But, even though the smiley hurts less and it shouldn't be that swelled, you still have to watch you don't accidentally rip it out and the way you brush your teeth." he told me honestly.

To be honest, I had nooo idea he knew that much about piercings.

I raised my eyebrows shockingly. I thought about what he said for a minute or two.

"Well, now this is way harder." I said laughing a little bit.

He laughed along with me.

"I am honestly leaning more towards the smiley, but its your decision. I think it'd be real cute on you." Tate said smiling.

I smiled back letting out a little giggle and looked down at my lap.

"I really like the smiley, too." I told him honestly.

"Well, then get it." he told me.

I nodded my head and got up from the couch. I started walking towards the kitchen and I see out the corner of my eye that Tate is watching me walk. I just playfully shake my head and start slightly dancing while I walk to make him laugh.

"Mom, can I get my smiley pierced?" I asked her whenever I got into the kitchen.

"Smiley?" she asked, turning towards me.

"Yeah, its the little piece of skin that connects your upper lip to your gums." I told her lifting up my upper lip and pointing to it.

"Yeah, I guess that's okay." she told me after I put my lip back down.

I smiled in excitement and said, "Thank you."

She smiled and I turned around to walk back into the living room.

"I'm getting it done." I told Tate, sitting back down on the couch next to him.

"Great, when?" he asked me.

"I don't know, hopefully tomorrow if she can drive me." I told him.

"I can drive you." he told me putting his hand on my thigh.

I look up at him and smile and nodded my head in agreement.

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