《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 19


Tate's POV:

We continued to watch Friends while holding hands. I am not that into this show, but if she likes it, then ill watch it.

Every now and then while watching the show, she'd laugh at their lines. Her adorable little laugh makes me smile. Every time she would do it I would look over at her with a grin on my face. I felt the happiness accumulate in my heart every time.

Only four episodes of Friends played. Whenever it was over it was like 2:00 PM. Up next was The Big Bang Theory and I hated that show.

"Ew." Paris said picking up the remote to change the channel.

I was actually really glad she changed it.

"What do you want to watch now?" she asked me.

"I don't care. Whatever you want to watch is fine with me." I told her.

She just playfully shook her head and smiled. Paris turned back to the TV clicking through channels again.

"Oo! Hannah Montana!" she shouted with excitement.

I looked over at her with raised eyebrows and a smile.

"Um, Hannah Montana?" I asked her kind of laughing a little bit.

"Hey, I am a child at heart. This was my show." she told me with no shame at all.

"Okay, then. No a problem." I told her honestly.

I didn't judge her, I actually thought it was pretty cute.

It was about a minute and a half into the episode and it started to play the beginning song.

"You get the beEsst oF bOTh WorLDss. Chill it oUt take it sLOww then you ROcK out the show!" Paris started quietly singing along while doing little hand movements.

I stared at her and started laughing. She paused her singing to look over at me.


"What?" she asked me laughing, "I cant know the words?"

"No, no. It fine, its just really funny how you're singing right now." I told her laughing, too.

"I can sing better if I really wanted to." she told me.

"Do you want to?" I asked her grinning.

"No." she told me letting out another laugh.

"But, I want you to." I told her.

"'Maybe some other time you could hear my real singing voice." she told me.

I playfully groaned and turned my attention back to the TV.

Hannah Montana was on till 5:30. We sat there that whole time watching it. Well, Paris watched it, I kind of just sat there thinking of her.

Whenever the episodes were over, Paris stretched her arms and legs out. We've been sitting in the same spot for 4 and a half hours. I decided to do the same as she was.

Paris was about to say something until my phone started ringing.

The ringer got louder as I pulled it out of my back pocket. It was my mother.

*on the phone*

Me: Hello?

Mom: Tate, you should come home now. You've been at your girlfriends long enough for today. I miss youu.

Me: Alright, alright. Ill be over in a sec.

*hangs up*

"Baby, I got to go. My mother wants me home." I told her.

"Awe." she said with a slight frown.

"I'm sorry, ill be over tomorrow at 11AM to take you to get your smiley pierced." I said to her.

"Okay." Paris said.

"And ill text you later tonight. I love you baby girl." I told her as I got up from the couch.

"I love you, too." she said smiling.

I bent over to place a kiss on her lips. I couldn't help but smile while we were kissing. I could feel her smiling, too.


We pulled apart and I smiled. She smiled too. I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Bye." I said before I went out the door.

"Bye." she said back to me.

I walked out her door closing it behind me. I opened the door to my apartment and closed it after I walked in.

"Hey, Tate." my mother said to me walking down the stairs.

"Hey." I told her.

I walked over to the steps and started walking up them into my bedroom. I closed my bedroom door behind me and flopped on my bed. I stared at my ceiling for an hour. I don't even know why. I feel kind of "out of it" I guess.

I eventually fell asleep without texting Paris like I told her I would.

I woke up to the sound of a loud knock on my door.

I slowly opened my eyes and got up from my bed I walked over to my door and opened it up to see my mother standing there.

"What?" I said sounding annoyed.

"Tate, Paris called and said she's almost ready to go get her smiley pierced, whatever that is. She said you can go over to get her in like 5 minutes." she told me.

My eyes sprung open. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 10:55 AM. I shut my door in my moms face and rushed over to my dresser drawers to get on some clean clothes.

I put on a plain black t-shirt with black jeans. I grabbed my cologne and spritzed my body with it a few times.

I grabbed my phone off of my bed and ran downstairs. I put on my shoes and told my mother I was leaving. I walked out the door closing it behind me and knocking on Paris' door.

She opened it up. She was wearing a shirt with the Eiffel Tower on it and black leggings. She looked beautiful as always.

"Awe, how cute." I told her.

"What?" she asked laughing a bit.

"The Eiffel Tower on your shirt.. your name's Paris." I replied laughing too.

She laughed again playfully rolled her eyes.

"Bye, mom!" Paris shouted as she shut the door, not letting her mother answer back.

We walked down the hallway and out the apartment building into my car. I turned on the radio and a song started to play that Paris obviously liked.

"Oh my god! Its Johnnie Guilbert!" she said turning it up.

She started singing the lines, "I'm not perfect. Life's not worth.. this pain. It drives us both insane."

Her soft voice made my eyes go wide. She was right, she really could sing.

Paris continued to sing along to every song that played, that she knew, until we got there.

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