《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 20


Whenever we finally got there, we stepped out of the car. Paris and I walked into the piercing shop, and sat down in the waiting area.

"Hello, whos getting pierced?" a lady walked in and asked.

"Um, I am. I want my smiley pierced." Paris stood up and said.

"Okay, aaaand you're the boyfriend I'm assuming?" the lady asked me.

"Um, yeah." I smiled standing up.

"Alright, well you both can come with me." the lady said leading us towards the piercing room.

The lady sat Paris down in a chair and I sat in a smaller chair next to her.

"I am Nina by the way." the piercing lady said.

Paris and I both nodded. Nina turned around with the curved needle and set it down on a tray next to her. She grabbed an alcohol wipe and lifted up Paris' upper lip with a clamp. She cleaned her smiley and took the hallow needle and inserted the jewelry in the opposite end of the sharp part.

"Ready?" Nina asked Paris.

Paris nodded her head and grabbed my hand.

I squeezed her hand as Nina put the needle on her smiley. She stuck it through and inserted the jewelry. She did a final clean and told Paris how to clean it and all that stuff.

We got up and waked out the door and into my car.

I started the car and asked, "So, what do you want to do now? Want to go the mall?"

"Sure, why not." she replied with a smile.

I drove off to go to the mall. Whenever we got there, I parked the closest I could to the doors. Paris and I walked inside and, of course, the first store we went into was HotTopic.

It was all the way on the other side of the mall so we walked down holding hands. People looked at us now and then and smiled.


Every time I looked over at Paris, she was feeling her smiley piercing with her tongue.

"Hey, you shouldn't do that you know. It could irritate it." I told her nudging her shoulder with mine.

She just looked over at me and smiled and stopped messing with it.

We walked into HotTopic and the first thing she went to was the band merch. I followed behind her to see what she liked for the future's sake.

Paris was looking through the Sleeping With Sirens merch, Pierce The Veil, Twenty One Pilots, Bring me The Horizon, Issues, All Time Low, etc.

"You really do like bands, don't you?" I asked with a smile.

She turned her attention towards me and smiled.

"Yeah." she said kind of laughing.

We spent a whole 2 hours at the mall, it was now 2:00 PM.

I heard Paris' stomach growl.

"Want to go get something to eat? You cant forget about doing that remember?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sure." she told me.

We walked out of the mall and into my car.

"Where do you want to go?" she asked me.

"Um, I don't know. How about Wendy's?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sounds cool." she replied.

I smiled and nodded. I turned up the music. The radio was playing "How to Save a Life" by The Fray.

"Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness." Paris started to sing, patting her hands on her lap.

I smiled and started singing, too.

"And I would have stayed up, with you all night, had I known how to save a life." I sang along with her.

She looked over at me still singing with me and smiled and turned her attention back out the window.


We were both smiling at this point. Paris and I both were singing.

Her and I sang till it was over. The next song that played was "Breakeven" by The Script.

Paris gasped and said, "This used to be my favorite song"

I smiled and said, "Same."

She smiled back at me and stared singing, "I'm still alive, but I'm barely breathing.."

I started to sing along, "Just praying to a God that I don't believe in.."

We both smiled and I reached over and placed my hand on top of hers. She and I kept singing till we got to Wendy's.

When we got there, we walked inside and sat down. Paris and I spent the rest of the day there till they made us get out.

Paris' POV:

Tate and I walked out of Wendy's and into his car. My phone started to go off. It was my mother.

*on the phone*

Me: Hello?

Mom: Hey Paris, where are you?

Me: Tate and I are just leaving Wendy's.

Mom: Okay, you're coming home right?

Me: Yeah.

Mom: Okay, did you get your smiley pierced?

Me: Yeah, I really like it.

Mom: Good. See you when you get here.

Me: Okay bye.

*hangs up*

"So I got to go home." I told Tate honestly.

"Alright." he said.

As we were driving to the apartment building, "If It Means A Lot To You" started playing, by A Day To Remember.

I reached over to turn it up. I started dancing around to the beat, making Tate laugh.

Whenever my favorite part came up I started singing, "Till they're singing, la.. la la la, la la la."

Tate smiled at me and I smiled back. We finally arrived at the apartment building. We got out of the car and started walking inside. Tate and I walked to my front door of my apartment.

My back was facing the door and he was standing in front of me looking down at my face. He grabbed my hands and said, "Ill be over tomorrow in the morning to walk to the bus stop with you."

"Okay." I said smiling.

He leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips. We pulled our lips apart and he let go of my hands and said, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I replied.

He smiled and walked over to his apartment door and walked in. I did the same to mine. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple off of the table.

"Hey, sweetie. You should get to bed. Its almost 10 PM. You have school tomorrow." my mother said to me walking into the kitchen.

I nodded and walked upstairs with the apple. I bit into it when I arrived in my bedroom. I sat down on my bed and set my apple down.

I slid my phone out from my back pocket and plugged it into its charger. I lied down and instantly fell asleep without finishing my apple.

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