《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 21


*its Friday last period*

The principal started to speak on the speaker.

"Remember, students. We have a Teacher-in-Service day on Monday, so no school." the principal said.

The whole room cheered while Tate and I just sat there watching everybody else look ridiculous. Then the final bell rang and Tate and I walked to our lockers. I pulled out my phone and saw a text message from my mom.

It read:

"Paris, you're progress report just arrived in the mail. You have a D in math and a C in science? You're grounded for the whole 3 day weekend which means no phone or laptop, and you cant hangout with Tate. I'm sorry sweetie."

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes.

"What?" Tate said walking over to me at my locker.

"My mother grounded me because I have a D in math and a C in science. That bitchh. She said I cant hangout with you for the whole weekend and I cant have my electronics." I said with an annoyed facial expression.

"Awe, that sucksss." he said with a frown on his face.

Just as Tate and I were about to walk down the hallway, I dropped my books. Tate leaned down to help me pick them up.

"No, its fine, I got them, Tate. Just go get on the bus, Ill meet up with you." I told him.

He nodded and got up and started walking back down the hallway. I picked up all my books and I got up. Just as I was about to resume walking down the hallway to meet up with Tate, a girl walks up to me.

"Dude, what's with the stupid piercing?" the girl asked. It didn't really bother me in a way to make me upset, it just made me a little annoyed.


"Excuse me?" I asked even though I knew exactly what she said.

"Like come on, don't you already have enough? Why add one in your mouth? I'm surprised you didn't get a tongue piercing for.. other things." she said winking.

I rolled my eyes at her stupid statement.

"What, haven't you guys done it yet?" she asked with a devious laugh following it.

"Why is that any of your business?" I asked her even though we haven't.

"Do you honestly think he loves you ?" she asked with that evil smile.

"What are you talking about?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Tate doesn't love you sweetie, he just feels bad for you. He just wants to get in your pants." she said with an attitude.

I walked away pretending like I didn't care, but I actually did. What if she was right? What if he is just playing a whole trick on me just to get what he might really want?

I got on the bus and sat down next to Tate pretending like nothing happened.

"What took you so long?" Tate asked me.

"There were a lot of people crowding the fountain and I wanted to get a drink." I lied, trying not to cry. I held the tears in the best I could.

He nodded his head and the bus started driving. When the bus arrived at Tate and I's bus stop, we got off. We walked into the building and when him and I got to my door, he kissed my cold lips and said, "Ill see you Tuesday, I guess." and started walking back down the hallway.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked him.

"I left my phone in my car last night, I'm going to get it." he told me.


I nodded my head and walked inside my apartment. My mother wasn't home. I ran upstairs and the tears started rolling down my pale cheeks. I flopped on my bed and buried my head into my pillow and cried my eyes out.

I ended up on the floor.

Her words, "Tate doesn't love you" kept playing in my mind over and over again till I couldn't take it anymore.

I was on my floor , curled up in a ball, crying my eyes out. I got up and wiped my eyes with my hand. I looked over and saw my little mirror. I thought about grabbing it and breaking it on my desk and taking one of the sharp, broken glass pieces and dragging it across my wrists and legs to let my pain out.

"No, I promised Tate." I said out loud through my tears to interrupt my thoughts.

But it didn't work. Those same 4 words kept playing over and over again in my head, they wouldn't stop. My mind took over and I reached over to grab the mirror.

"He doesn't love me." I said crying.

Just as I was about to break it, I felt arms wrap around me. It was Tate.

"Baby, no!" he said with his arms around me and grabbing the mirror out of my hand.

"No! How'd you know?!" I said shouting and crying, reaching for the mirror, but he pulled it away from me and threw it to the other side of the room.

"I saw you through your window crying when I was getting my phone out of my car." he said to me.

He positioned himself to lean against my bed with me on top of him. I was laying my head just above his heart. He had his arms around me. I was breathing heavy and still softly crying.

I shifted my eyes up and saw a little wet spot form from a tear but, it wasn't mine, it couldn't of been because it was too high up on his shirt. I move my head to a position where I could see Tate's face.

His eyes were closed, but tears were still rolling down his face.

I move my head back down to a more comfortable position. I started crying more with my eyes closed.

"But, I do love you." he whispered through his tears.

I opened my eyes and looked up at Tate. I didn't know what to say so I just started crying harder.

He placed his hand on my head and said, "I do." and cried harder, too.

"I love you." I said to him, still crying.

We lied there crying with each other till we fell asleep.

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