《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 22


"Paris Marie Parker, what is he doing here!?" my mother shouted waking both Tate and I up. The tears are still stained on out faces.

"Vivian, don't blame Paris. I knew she was grounded, but I came anyway, I'm sorry." Tate explained.

My mother raised her eyebrows. I cant believe he took the blame for what was my fault. I couldnt let him do that.

"No, Tate you don't have to do this," I said to Tate, "Mom, he was just trying to make me feel better, I told him he could come over." I said facing my mother, completely ignoring the fact that I almost relapsed which she didn't even know there was anything to relapse about.

"Paris, why would you tell him that he was allowed over if I clearly told you earlier that you were grounded?" my mother said.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. I was just--" I paused before continuing, "..upset.. and I didn't want to be alone." I said, not telling the full truth about what actually happened.

"Upset?" my mother asked.

"Uh, yeah. Some girl at school today was making fun of my smiley piercing and my other piercings and it kind of brought me down." I said.

"Ooh, well, sweetie you could've just talked to me about it," she started. I tried not to roll my eyes with her "mom talk". She continued, "But, I know I know. I'm your mother and teenagers don't tend to talk to their parents about their problems. I could honestly understand why you would want to have Tate here." she finished.

Was she actually going to let Tate stay?

"Now I'm only going to do this once, so don't think you can do this again, okay? I'm going to let Tate stay for a little while longer, but not for the next two days." she told me.


A smile grew on my face.

"Thank you mom." I said smiling. She nodded her head and left the room shutting my door behind her.

I turned my attention back over to Tate, whose chest I was still laying on.

"Well, that story sounded pretty convincing, now didn't it?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

My smile disappeared and formed into a half frown. I think he knew I didn't make that story up.

"Uh, what do you mean?" I asked even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Paris.. did that actually happen to you today? Did some bitch call you out on your piercings?" he asked me sounding confident on already knowing the answer.

I looked down at his chest and starting playing with the wrinkles on his shirt. I slowly nodded my head without looking up at him.

He placed his hand on my head and gently brought it down into his chest. He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Don't listen to her." he said. "Predictable" I thought in my head. I had a feeling he was going to say those words, everybody does.

"Tate, its not that easy. I cant just that easily ignore the fact that half of the goddamn school hates me because I'm different. They always have something to say about me, always." I told him. I could feel tears form in my eyes. I very rarely talk about how I feel. It was very hard for me to say those words.

"Baby, I know, I'm sorry. It just bothers me that I cant always be there to help you in your time of need. Like when somebody is talking shit and I cant be there to tell them off, it hurts me. I didn't know what else to say." he told me honestly.


"Its okay, I understand. But, ill be okay as long as I know you care, ill be okay." I told him smiling a little bit.

"I do care." he whispered and kissed the top of my head.

I leaned my head up.

Tate's POV:

"Hey, why don't you tell me a little bit about your life before you moved here? Like who were your friends? How long were you friends with them? Stuff like that." I asked her trying to change the subject.

"Oh, okay," she started looking up to think, "I had only a few friends. There was Danielle, she was my best friend, then she turned into a bitch. There was also Hayden, Lana, and Skye. They weren't as close with me as Danielle, but we were all still pretty close." she said.

I smiled and said, "How nice, was that it?"

I saw her smile disappear and look down.

"Uh, well... I had 2 others named Blake and Justin, they were my bEst friends." she said still looking down.

"Were?" I asked, afraid it was a touchy subject.

"Um.. well they kind of, both um.. committed suicide." she stuttered.

My eyes widened and I was speechless.

"I met them both in 2nd grade. I met Justin first at the park. We instantly became friends, but since I was so young, I didnt tell my parents that I was hanging out with a dude," she started with a small smile starting to grow on her face, "Then, one day he brought down his brother, Blake. We all became close friends. Over time we became even closer. " she finished and finally looked up with a smile.

I smiled, too.

"Want to tell me more about them?" I asked.

She nodded and said, "Justin, Blake and I would hang out at the park everyday. My parent still didn't know about them though. Six years later, we were still friends. In the summer of 2014.. Justin committed suicide.." she said with a tear rolling down her face, her smile decreased in size.

"Blake and I were broken for months.. We didn't know how to handle it. Justin, Blake and I would always record songs in his dads recording studio whenever he went to work bc he didn't know about me either. So, Blake and I decided to record a song that Justin wrote. It was about me.. he would always write songs, Blake would too." she said as the smile started to reappear on her face.

I smiled at her stories.

"But, eventually, Blake committed suicide, too," she said, "But, I remember this time that it was pouring down rain outside and Blake and I were at the park underneath this brown shed thing. Blake pushed me out into the rain and I screamed. He ran out and lifted me up on his back and kept pretending to drop me. It was one of the best times with him because we stayed there till it got dark. It was the spring so it didn't get dark till about 7:30 ish."she finished with a smile on her face.

I placed my hand on top of hers.

"They must of really loved you." I said.

Tears kept rolling down her face as she smiled and nodded her head. She was playing with my fingers as she nodded.

"'I loved them so much." she said through the tears.

"I bet you did, tell me more stories about them, they seem to make you happy." I said to her smiling.

She looked up at me and smiled.

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