《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 16


A/N: Question at the end in the author's note. Please answer thnx

We got up and he intertwined his fingers with mine. When we got downstairs, we walked to my front door to put on our shoes.

"Hey, where you guys going?" my mom asked while walking out from the living room.

"We're going on a walk." I told her not saying the reason being bc I passed out last time.

Tate looked at me and then looked back at my mother.

"Okay be back soon." she said.

I just quickly smiled and put on my other shoe. When Tate was done putting on his shoes we walked out the door. As we walked down the hallway we locked fingers again. We kept out fingers together and walked out the building.

As we were walking down the side walk, people were staring at us.

"Why are people staring at us?" I asked Tate, confused.

"Um, they're not staring at us, they're staring at you." he said to me.

I didn't know what he meant. Why did he stretch "they're staring at you" so far?

"Why..?" I asked really wanting to know because I had no idea what was going on.

"Uh.. I didn't want to tell you, but you were on the news last night." he told me scratching his head.

His answer to my question made me stop and look at him.

"What?" I asked looking back and forth at his left and right eye.

"Well, you know, its the city. A lot of people saw you pass out last night." he told me kind of glaring a bit.

I didn't know what to say. I have serious anxiety. Being on the news.. I don't know what to do. I immediately started to shake.


Tate looked at my hands and then looked back up at my face. He grabs my hands and kisses them both.

"hey, its okay. I know you have anxiety but it will be fine. You weren't that big of a story. It was just like, 'girl walking with boyfriend and passes out'." he told me sincerely.

I frowned and looked away from him.

"C'mon, lets walk." he said tugging at my arm. I didn't budge.

"Paris, if you're not going to walk, then I guess ill have to carry you." he said smiling while walking towards me and he picks me up making me giggle and forget about the news.

"Put me down!" I shouted while laughing and smiling.

"Are you going to walk?" he asked me laughing along.

"Yes! Put me down!" I said continuing to laugh.

He put me down but kept his arms around me. We stood there for a little bit just staring into each others eyes. His beautiful brown eyes.

I smiled and said, "I love you." I really meant it.

"I love you, too." he said to me.

He smiled and he leaned in slowly to kiss me. When his lips reached mine, I thought to myself that I felt so thankful. Thankful to have him.

When we pulled our lips apart he said, "I could not live without you, Paris." He said it like he could read my mind.

I figured that if i died, he would be upset, but he would be able to live without me.

I ignored what I actually thought.

"I couldn't live without you either." I told him because I know I couldn't live without him.

We continued to walk and my stomach growled.

"Hungry?" he asked me.

"Uh, yeah a little." I said laughing a little bit.


Tate looked to his right and saw a small restaurant.

"Wanna go there?" he asked pointing to the little restaurant called 'Misty's'

"Sure." I said.

We walked towards the restaurant and walked inside. There wasn't that many people there. It seemed there was only teenagers there, I didn't see any adults. All the teenagers were laughing and smiling nd looked like they were having a good time.

We sat down at a table and a waitress walked up to us.

"What would you guys like?" she asked.

"Pasta salad?" he whispered to me and asked.

I nodded and he turned back to the waitress.

"Two bowls of pasta salad, please." Tate told her.

The waitress wrote our order down and walked away.

I started cracking my fingers and Tate cringed.

"Ewww" he said smiling but still cringing.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"The cracking noise creeps me out. Ew." he said still smiling.

"Oh well in that case..." I said before I started cracking my fingers again. Tate started to cringe more.

"I can do this all day because they can bend different ways. Double-jointed, baby!" I said laughing.

He sat there squirming, but still smiling and I think I even heard him laugh.

The waitress brought over out bowls of pasta.

"Thank you." Tate and I both said.

We started to eat out food. The rest of the time we were there was loads of fun. Tate kept playing around with his food like a 6 year old. He was picking up the cold noodles and putting them in a plastic spoon, pulling the dip back and letting go making the noodles fly into my hair which made me laugh each time.

He did it so many times that I decided to do the same. The waiters and waitresses didn't seem to care.

We kept laughing and telling jokes, it was one of the most fun times I've ever had at a restaurant. We were there for an hour and a half.

"Should we go?" I asked him.

"Probably." he replied.

We got up and he put money on the table and we walked out of the door. We decided to keep on taking our walk.

Tate and I were walking and I look over to my left and see a sign that says there is a park near by.

"Hey, why don't we go to the park?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure." he replied smiling.

We walked towards the park. Whenever we got there we saw that there were these huge set of swings.

"Ill beat you there!!" Tate shouted running towards the swings.

"What a little child." I whispered to myself smiling.

I chased after him and got to the swing first. I sat down and he ended up behind me scaring the shit out of me.

He laughed and pulled the swing back pushing me back and forth. We were laughing and having a great time.

We stayed there till it got dark. We walked home at around 7:30. Tate and I were walking till we got to our apartment building.

We got to my door and we stood outside of it.

"Ill see you tomorrow." I said to him smiling.

He smiled back and leaned in to kiss me. When we pulled apart, we smiled again.

"Bye, Paris. I love you." he said walking backwards toward his door.

"Bye, I love you too." I said to him opening my door.

We both walked inside our apartments and I felt a smile grow on my face as I shut the door behind me.

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