《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 15


I woke the next morning to see Tate shaking me gently.

"Wake up Paris. You need to eat, then we can go." he told me.

I opened my eyes and blinked till I could see him correctly. I sat up and he handed me the tray of food.

"I don't want it." I told him pushing it out of the way.

I saw a frown appear on his face.

"Paris, you have to eat." he told me again pushing it towards me once more.

I just sat there being stubborn for a few more seconds and then finally decided to eat.

I grabbed the tray of food and started eating. The food wasn't that good. They made me eat orange slices, broccoli, and chicken. They made me drink milk too. I hate milk.

It only took me a few minutes to eat because I wanted to get the hell out of there. As soon as I was done, Tate took my tray and set it on the table.

"here." he said handing me some of my clothes.

"Where'd you get my clothes, I was wearing different ones yesterday?" I asked him.

"Your mom let me in to get them, I figured you'd want clean clothes to wear ya know." he said to me.

I thought it was sweet how he was thinking of me.

"Oh, my mom. Why hasn't she come to visit me?" I asked him grabbing my clothes from his hands.

"I asked her that too whenever I got to your house but she said that she was, but the visiting hours were already over and that you were leaving so early in the morning, so she just decided to wait till you get home." he told me.

"Oh, okay." I told him getting up and walking into the bathroom.


I came out a few minutes later wearing my shirt that says 'I'm Not Emo. I'm Scene. Get it Right lol" and my black and white Aztec patterned leggings.

My shirt was from two years ago and I cant believe that's the one he grabbed put of all of them.

It was practically a crop top on me. I walk out and Tate turns around to look at me.

"..Oh." he said wide eyed.

"This is a shirt from two years ago as you can see." I said laughing and pointing the shirt.

"Sorry.. I didn't realize that it was that small." he told me laughing along with me.

"Its fine, ill just walk out the door looking like a hoe ya know." I said sarcastically.

"No, you're not because now I'm gonna give you my jacket." he told me taking off his jacket and handing it to me.

"Thanks." I said grabbing the jacket from his hands and putting it on. I zipped it up so nobody could see my ribs exaggeratingly stuck out, but I wish I could say that I was actually exaggerating.

The jacket was so big on me. The sleeves would just hang off of my hands and the length was really long. But, I wore it anyway because it smelled like him.

"Ready?" he asked me.

"Mhm." I told him.

We walked out of the room and he signed my discharge papers and we left.

As we were walking out it was pouring down rain. We ran to Tate's car and hopped in.

"So, am I taking you to your house, or mine?" he asked me.

"Um, I don't know. You don't really spend that much time at my house, we always spend most of our time at yours, so I think we should hang at my place." I told him truthfully.


"Alright, sounds good to me." he said as he looked at me and smiled.

He looked back over at the road and continued on driving. Then I remembered my mom.

"So.. does my mom know about everything you told me?" I asked him.

"Yes she does." he said kind of blank faced.

I was actually quite scared to go home now. What if she yells at me for not eating or if shes really hurt. She's probably scared half to death about the fact that if I don't recover in two weeks then ill most likely die.

I just kept thinking about the worst, but replied a simple, "Oh."

Whenever we got to my house, I walked inside without saying hi to my mom. I was actually kind of hoping she wasn't gonna notice Tate and I walking in. But, she did.

"Hey, honey. How are you feeling?" she asked as she gave me a hug.

I was actually quite relieved that she wasn't yelling at me. But, then again she could just be saving her yelling until Tate leaves.

"Um, I'm good." I lied.

"Alright good. If you need anything ill be here," she told me. "And hi Tate." she said smiling at Tate.

"Hello, Viviane." he smiled back.

"Well, mom, we will just be upstairs in my room." I told her grabbing Tate's hand and walking up the stairs.

"Okay." my mother said to me.

When we got into my room we sat on the bed Indian style in front of each other.

He grabs my hand and asks, "So, how are you really doing?"

"I don't know. I'm just scared of actually dying. I mean, I'm not scared of dying, I actually really want to die, but I'm, I don't know.. concerned.. for other people.. if they care ya know." I told him honestly.

I noticed whenever I said I wanted to die that Tate's face looked sad. He's the main reason I'm "scared" to die from this disease. I know he loves me. I know he'd be a wreck without me. I mean, he's told me so many times that he doesn't want to lose me, I'm starting to believe it. I really love him and I don't want to be the reason he's hurt.

"Paris, I care. A lot. And I would hate to see you die. That's why you need to eat. Please.. promise me you will eat to survive.. for me?" he asked me sounding really concerned.

"I will try." I told him not really knowing what else to say if I don't exactly know hats going on in my own mind.

"Good." he said and smiled.

"Well, its still the morning. What do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Well, we can finish our walk?" he asked me.

"Sounds great." I told him.

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