《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 14


Tate's POV:

"Hey, why don't we go take a walk." I asked her.

She didn't answer, she just sat there staring into space.

"Paris?" I said.

"Oh, what?" she asked.

"Um I was asking if you'd like to go on a walk... are you okay?" I asked her a little confused.

"Yeah.. I'm fine, but going on a walk sounds great." she told me.

"Oh, okay. Well lets go." I said as I got up.

She followed behind me. We walked down the stairs and put on our shoes.

"Mom! Paris and I are gonna take a walk!" I shouted for her to hear me.

"Alright be back soon!" she said.

We walked out the door and headed out the apartment building. We started walking down the street.

"So, where exactly are we walking to?" she asked me.

"I don't know, just anywhere." I told her.

I realized that she was walking kind of funny. She look kind of droopy eyed and she was dizzily walking. She was very clumsy too and ive never noticed her being clumsy before.

I also realized that she was shaking. Her hands and her legs were shaking.

I grabbed her hand and said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

She was pale and her skin was ice-cold.

"Yeah.. I am uh.. fine. I'm fine." she said dizzily.

Then, suddenly she starts to fall over. I immediately stop to catch her.

She was passed out in my arms. I pick her up and carry her in my arms and run to my car. I put her in the front seat and strapped her in. I quickly got in the drivers side and rushed to the hospital. I didn't know what actually just happened. Taking her to the hospital was the only thing I could think of doing.


Whenever we arrived to the hospital, I picked her up in my arms and walked into the hospital. The doctors came to me and asked what had happened.

I told them that we were taking a walk and she suddenly passed out. I told them her skin was pale and ice-cold and she was walking clumsy-like.

They put her on the gurney and took her somewhere. They made me wait out in the waiting room. A half hour later they came out and I immediately jumped up.

"Well by our scans, it seems she hasn't eaten in a week and barey had anything to drink in a few days. If she would've went another day without fluids or food, she could've died of starvation and dehydration. You're lucky you got her here whewn you did." the doctor told me.

"What...?" I said shocked. I knew she wasn't eating.. I knew it.

"She has developed anorexia. Its a brain disease that results in physical changes. She looks in the mirror and sees what she doesn't want to see. She sees a body image that is bigger than what it actually is. She was not aware at all of what she was doing to herself." he said.

"But.." I started to say.

"But, I have bad news... If she doesn't recover in two weeks tops, then there's an 85% chance that she will end up dying." he told me.

I could honestly feel my heart break into a million pieces inside my chest. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to think. I was speechless. I just stood there with a blank expression on my face.

"To recover all she has to do is eat regularly. But, only healthy food. She can have a snack here and there. She needs to have water, too. I take it you're the boyfriend?" he asked me.


"Yes.. I am." I told him.

"Then id suggest you be a great one and make sure she eats healthy. I can tell how much you care about her." he said.

"I will and I do. Thank you." I said.

"Mhm" the doctor said walking away.

Paris' POV:

I just opened my eyes and its kind of blurry. I blink a times for my vision to clear up. I have no idea where I am.

I look over and see Tate standing there.

"Where am I?" I ask him.

"You're in the hospital, baby. You passed out in the middle of our walk." her told me walking over to me sitting down and he grabbed my hand stroking his thumb across mine.

"Oh.. right." I said.

"Paris.. the doc said you haven't eaten in a week and could've died of starvation and dehydration... He also said that you hace developed anorexia." he said.

I didn't know what to say to him.

I saw that tears started to from in his eyes before he said, "He said um.. if you uh don't recover in two..two weeks. Then you will...die.." he said almost crying.

"What...?" I said almost crying, too.

"Yeah, he told me to keep an eye on you, make sure you're eating daily and healthy." he told me.

"I.. I'm so sorry..." I told him with tears starting to roll down my face.

"No no don't be sorry. I should've known.. I should've been there to help you." he said with tears starting to roll down his face, too.

"When am I leaving?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow." he replied.

I just sighed and rolled over to face him more. He scooted closer to the hospital bed, grabbed my hand again and layed his head down on it.

We both ended up falling asleep like that until the doctor came in around 10:30 PM and woke Tate up which woke me up too, telling him visiting hours are over.

"okay." he said.

He got up and leaned over to place a quick kiss on my lips.

"Ill be over tomorrow morning for sure. I love you, goodnight." he told me.

"I love you, too." I said.

I watched him as he walked out the door and shut it. I rolled over to the opposite side I was already laying on and closed my eyes.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

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