《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 13


I didn't really recognize her that much though. All I knew is that she was popular and from that little bit of information, I knew this wasn't gonna be good.

"Um, ew." she said looking at me up and down.

"What?" I asked her getting smart.

"Attitude much?" she asked.

"Bitch much?" I scoffed.

"You're gonna regret saying that." she said scrunching her eyebrows.

"Prove it." I said getting up.

"You cant even fight." she bitched.

"Wanna bet!? Have you ever seen me fight a bitch?" I exclaimed.

"No." she said still scrunching her eyebrows.

"Well, you're about to." I said sternly before punching her in the face.

I could hear the gasps around us. She kept trying to hit me as hard as I was hitting her and we eventually ended up on the ground. We kept punching and hitting each other. She was pulling my hair so I kneed her in the chest to make her let go which made her scream.

All of a sudden I feel a tug around my stomach. I was lifted up by someone. When I could fully stand up I turn around and see its Tate.

"Let go! I wanna prove to this bitch that she made a mistake talking shit to my face!" I shouted at him.

"Oh, I think you've proved your point." he told me.

I look over at the girl and she's still laying on the ground. Her nose is bleeding and her eyes are swollen as well as her lip.

"Serves you right, bitch!" I scream as I walk away with Tate following behind me.

I go out into the hallway to cool down.

"What happened out there?" Tate asks me.

Before I could answer, I was called to the principas office.


"Great." I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

Tate's POV:

I just sat outside of the office waiting for Paris to come out.

A few minutes later she walked out.

"So?" I asked as I stood up.

"I got an after school." she said sounding like she didn't really care.

"And what about that girl?" I asked her.

"Her names Michelle, and she has after school, too." she told me.

"Oh, today?" I asked her.

"Yeah." she replied.

We walked back to class and sat down.

The rest of the day was a breeze. When it was the end of 9th period (last period) Paris and I walked to our lockers to put our books away and get our stuff.

I met up with her at her locker and walked with her to the office. Whenever we got to the office doors I gave her a hug.

"I will be back in an hour. Ill be waiting outside for you, okay? Just call me whenever you're heading out." I told her.

"Okay." she smiled.

1 Hour Later

I got into my car and headed to the school. Whenever I got there I waited outside the school doors.

A few minutes later I get a call from Paris.

*on the phone*

Me: Hey

Paris: Hey ill be out in a sec I just got to get my bag from my locker.

Me: Alright see you in a sec.

Paris: Okay, bye.

Me: Bye.

*hangs up*

All of a sudden I see Michelle walking out. Her left eye is bruised and the other is still red. Her upper lip is busted and the bottom is swollen still.

She walks up to me and gets a little too close.

"Hey baby." she says to me as she put her hand on my chest.


"Uh, hi." I said to her pushing her hands off of me.

"Don't be like that." she says.

I roll my eyes and she looks to her left to see Paris walking out on her phone and she immediately kisses me. She obviously wanted Paris to see.

I push her off of me and see Paris standing there with tears in her eyes.

"Paris wait!" I yell as she runs off.

I look over at Michelle and see she has a devious grin on her face.

"You bitch." I say to her before I run off to get in my car.

I rushed home. I run into the apartment building and I see Paris running up the stairs and she runs into her room and slams the door. I go into my apartment and run up to my room and grab my guitar.

Paris' POV:

I ran up into my room and jumped on my bed and slammed my face into my pillow and started to cry my eyes out.

Not even a few minutes later I hear the song "Perfectly Perfect" by Simple Plan playing outside my door.

I get up and slowly walk closer and closer to my door. I realize it sounds like Tate.

I open my door and see Tate standing there with tears streaming down his face. He has his guitar in his hand and he's singing our song.

He was towards the end of the song. Whenever he sang the line "its always been you" he stops.

"Remember.. its our song. Our song," he began with a crack in his voice. He continued with, "Its always been you, not her. Shes a bitch. She just wanted to get back at you for kicking her ass." he said letting out a little laugh. I laughed a little bit too.

"Please believe me. I love you. Only you." he said with tears still streaming down his face.

I hesitated before I answered.

"Of course I believe you. I love you." I told him.

He smiled immediately and kissed me.

We were backing up into my room and we sat down on my bed.

"I'm so sorry she did that." he told me.

"...Its okay. Illl get her back for it next time." I told him winking.

He just laughed and said, "See, this is why I love you."

I smiled and we lied down.

"Wow, I am so exhausted from crying." I told him.

"Me too to be honest." he said.

I moved over closer to him and buried my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"I promised you I would never leave you." he said to me.

"I know and I shouldn't of doubted it." I told him honestly.

"If you love someone, you should never hurt them. And I love you so much, I would never intentionally hurt you." he said.

"I know. I love you too." I said to him.

A/N: Hey guys, ive been trying to update at least one chapter a day and so far that's what ive been doing. I updated 3 today. Hope you are enjoying the book so far. Please vote and show your friends thnx

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