《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 12


We fell asleep like that.

The Next Morning

I woke up before her. I kept my arms around her until she woke up which was a few minutes later.

She yawned so I said, "Good morning beautiful."

She looked back at me and smiled and said, "Good morning."

She rolled over to her back to where my arm was around her stomach now. I realized towards her chest is really hard. It was her ribs. I realized they really stuck out. I never noticed this before.

We lied there for a few minutes before I leaned up. She did the same.

"You know what's funny? You didn't eat any of the snacks with me last night." I said laughing a little bit while I said it.

The only problem was she wasn't exactly laughing. She smiled, but it was more of a forced smile.

"Paris?" I said.

"..what?" she said looking at me.

"Why didn't you eat?" I asked her.

"I um.. wasn't hungry." she said not convincing me.

She got up and said, "I need to use your bathroom."

"Yeah, go ahead its just down the hallway." I told her.

As she walked out my door to go to the bathroom I looked at her stomach again and saw how skinny she was. I looked at her arms too and saw they were really thin also.

Whenever she got back I just kind of looked at her.

"What?" she asked me.

"Paris.." I began as I got up and grabbed her hand and then continued, "Are you eating?"

She hesitated before answering.

"O-of course I am. Tha-thats a stupid question." she said stuttering and removing her hand from mine and walked towards my desk.

"Paris." I said walking over to her. "Tell me the truth..please."


She turned around and I noticed tears rolling down her face.

I wiped the tears from her eyes with my thumb.

"I'm sorry.." she said crying.

"Awe..Paris." I said placing my hand on the back of her head and gently pushing it into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest.

"Its gonna be okay," I told her. "Please don't do this."

She lifted her head up from my chest and looked me in the eye.

I moved my hands from around her waist down to her hands.

"Why.. why would you starve yourself?" I asked her eager for the answer.

She hesitated again before answering. "I.. I wanna be skinny." she said.

I could feel my heart break inside my chest.

"But, Paris you are skinny." I told her with tears in my eyes about to let them roll down my cheeks.

"Not to me.." she told me.

That's when the tears really did roll down my cheeks. I cant believe she thought she wasn't skinny. She was skinny. Ever since I met her she was skinny. She looked healthier when I first met her. I only just realized how un-healthily skinny she looks.

Paris' POV:

"Paris.. how could you think that you aren't skinny." he asked me with tears still rolling down his cheeks.

"Just forget about it." I told him

"But-" he said before I cut him off saying, "Just.. forget it."

He seemed like he didn't wanna say anything else because he felt I would get mad so he just left it alone.

I wiped the tears from his eyes and he did the same to me.

My phone goes off so I walk over to his bed to see who its from. It was from my mother.

It said:


"Hey, honey. I think you should come over for a little bit. You can go back to Tate's later."

I rolled my eyes and told Tate, "My mom said she wants me home for a little bit."

"Awe. Okay." he said to me.

"Ill be back over later though." I told him walking out his bedroom door.

"I love you!" he shouted.

"I love you too!" I shouted up the stairs.

I grabbed my shoes and walked out the door.

2 Weeks Later

*alarm goes off*

I lean over to dismiss my alarm. I cant believe that spring break is already over and now I have to go to school.

I got up to get dressed. I put on my shirt that said "Sink or Swim" and out on my plain black leggings. I went to my mirror and brushed my hair and decided to put it in a low ponytail. Today was a lazy day for me since it was the first day back. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs I checked my phone for any text messages.

I got a text from Tate that said:

"Hey beautiful! Ill be over at 6:50. I love you, see you then."

The text made me smile. I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket. I walked over to the fridge and got out the milk. I then went to the pantry and got cocoa puffs. I opened the cabinet and got a bowl and a spoon. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the kitchen table and ate it.

Whenever I was done it was 6:45. There was five minutes until Tate got here. I walked out towards the door to grab my shoes. I decided to put on my white converse since the letters on my shirt were white. I just sat down at the table and decided to text Tate.

I told him that he could just walk in.

Four minutes later Tate walks trough the door. We hugged each other and he sat down at the table with me. We talked for about 8 minutes and then we decided to leave. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door with Tate. We walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus.

A few minutes later, the bus got there and we got on. We went to the back of the bus where we usually sit. The bus ride there was as boring as always.

Whenever we arrived to the school we headed to cafeteria as always.

The first 4 classes were boring, too. Whenever I walked out of my 4th period class, Tate was waiting there for me. He walked with me to my locker and then we went down to lunch.

I decided not to get lunch that day because I didn't like what they were having. Tate though went in line to get it so I just went to our usual table and sat down. Then, a bitchy prep walks up to me.

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