《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 11


"C'mon." he whispered and pulled my arm in his direction.

He was leading me towards his bed. He played a projection on his wall. It was a slideshow of me. There was a song playing in the background. It was "Perfectly Perfect" by Simple Plan.

One picture had a caption that said:

"You're beautiful"

Another said:

"You're mine"

And another said:

"You are loved."

There were many others too but with no caption.

Aaand another said:

"...by me."

Last one was a picture of me and him that his mother had taken of us. The picture was him with his hands on my face and him kissing my nose.

It said:

"Don't forget that you are loved."

When the slide show ended I looked over at Tate and smiled. He looked at me and asked, "Did you like it?"

"Of course I did, Tate. It was so sweet. Do you really think I am all those things in that song?" I asked him still smiling.

He stroked my cheek with his hand, smiled, and said "Of course I do."

I continued on smiling and then said, "I really like it."

I placed my hand on his and paused before I kissed him. Then he pulled apart from my face.

"Well, then I guess I have a surprise for you." he told me.

I just watched him as he got up and went into his closet. He pulled out an acoustic guitar. I was actually quite surprised he had a guitar.

He stared at me with a smile on his face and the guitar in his hand. He motioned his hand towards the floor as he sat down. I got up and sat down on the floor in front of him. He start to play the intro from the song "perfectly perfect" on the guitar.


Then he starts to sing:

"You might not think you're a supermodel, but you look like one to me. I'd rather have your picture in my phone then on a cover of a magazine. Its hard to think that a girl like you could have any insecurities."

And he keeps on singing the song. He looked into my eyes the whole time he sang. He was smiling, too.

He just keeps on singing and then gets to the part that says:

"You don't have to try to change a single thing, its just the way you are, sweeter than anything. Maybe I'm a fool, but its always been you," and whenever he sings the line that says "its always been you" he nods his head towards me symbolizing its me and continues, "cause no one ever makes me smile the way you do."

I smile my brightest bc he is the only light I've ever known. He makes me so happy I cant even explain it. Peyton was right, I am lucky to have him.

He finishes the song and grabs my hand and says, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I say with tears in my eyes, "That was amazing. I cant believe you did that for me."

"Anything, is what I would do for you." he told me getting up to put his guitar back.

"I never knew you could play guitar, or sing." I told him honestly.

"Well, its not exactly something I tell everyone." he told me sitting back down.

"Why not? You're great." I told him.

He strokes the side of arm and moves his hand up to my face and says, "I only tell people who are special to me." and smiles.

I smile and say, "You're special to me, too."


He continues on smiling.

"I promise, I will never leave you." he told me.

I smile as he stands up and holds out his hand for me. I put my hand in his and he pulls me up. I am now standing in front of him with our hands still in each others.

"Can you dance?" he asks me.

"Um, no." I tell him laughing a little bit.

"Well, we'll see about that." he said smiling and walking over to the stereo and put on "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes.

He walks back over to me and he puts one hand on my waist and the other in the air waiting for my hand to intertwine with his.

I hesitated before I put my hand in his and my other on his shoulder.

We started slow dancing and I was a little confused as to which way to move, but he guided me.

We were staring at each others feet the whole time so we wouldn't step on them. When we got a little used to it we looked up at each other smiling and laughing. We were going along with the motions and he says, "See, I knew you could dance."

I just smile and let out a little giggle. He smiles with me and we continue on dancing. When the song ended, He moved both of his hands onto my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders. He pulled me closer, my head was now leaned against his chest and his chin was resting on the top of my head. His hands were still on my waist and we were just standing there close together.

"I don't ever wanna let go of you." he told me.

"Then don't." I said.

I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"Alright, I wont." he said.

Then suddenly he removed one of his hands from my waist and grabbed both of my legs at the same time and carried me to his bed.

He lied me down on his bed and he lied next to me. I was faced in the direction to where I was looking at his wall and he was laying behind me in the same direction I was, with his arm around me.

She told me not to let go so I didn't. Laying with her felt so right. Dancing with her felt so right, too. I don't know what I would do without her. I got her the necklace that said "You Are Loved" because I want her to be reminded everyday that she is loved by me.

"I love you." she said to me.

"Baby, I love you, too." I told her.

I could just feel her smiling against the pillow.

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