《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 10


The passed few days at school weren't that bad. There was actually a physical fight yesterday which was pretty interesting. Tate walks me to class everyday even if it means he will be late to his own class. He comes over every morning before school which is so sweet. Remember that Peyton girl, well she is actually my new good friend since the other one told my secret about cutting, that bitch. Today is our first day of spring break so we don't have school for the next two weeks. I am so happy I don't have school on birthday which is today. Peyton said she was gonna take me to Dairy Queen for my birthday. She said she was gonna pick me up at 12, its 11:45 right now.

"Hey, Paris, isn't Peyton picking you up in like 15 minutes?" my mom asked me.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well, don't you think you should go get dressed?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I told her as I got up from the couch to go upstairs.

Whenever I got into my room, I shut the door so I could get dressed. I already had my clothes picked out. I picked them out last night. The shirt I was wearing was my, My Chemical Romance; So Long And Goodnight shirt and I was wearing that with my black yoga pants.

I heard a knock on the door, Peyton must be early. I went over to my phone and checked to see if I got a message from Tate. I didn't. I was so confused as to why he didn't text me, especially on my birthday. "Maybe he is still sleeping." I thought to myself.

I ignored it and ran downstairs with my phone in my hand to answer the door. I opened the door to see Peyton standing there.


"Hey!" I said to her grabbing my shoes.

"Hi, you ready?" she asked.

"Yep," I said to her. "Bye mom!" I finished while walking out the door.

We were driving for five minutes until we arrived to Dairy Queen.

Whenever we walked inside, there weren't many people there and I was glad.

We both asked for chocolate ice cream cones and sat down at a table towards the back of the place.

"So, happy 17th birthday girl." she told me.

"Thank you, Peyton." I said.

"No problem, so how's you and Tate?" she asked me raising her eyebrows up and down smiling.

"We're good." i told her laughing. Her question reminded me to check my phone to see if Tate had texted me. I turned it off in the car.

Whenever it turned on i check my messages i had kind of a smile on my face, but when i saw that he hadn't texted my smile disappeared.

I guess Peyton noticed. "Are you okay?" she asked me.

"I don't now its just that Tate hasn't texted me yet, and its my birthday you know." i told her honestly.

"Paris, maybe hes just busy." she said.

"I don't know." i told her not sounding convinced.

"Girl, he loves you. I can tell wheneve he looks at you. And i know you love him too. Don't let one small thing get in the way of that." she told me.

I felt a small smile grow on my face.

"My other friends and i talk about it all the time." she said.

"About what?" i asked her.

"How you and Tate have such a cute relationship. We always say how lucky you are to have someone that loves you so much that he would do anything for you." she replied.


"Thanks for that." i said to Peyton smiling.

"Mhm." she said smiling, too.

We were there for an hour until she drove me home. Whenever i got home i went straight up to my room trying not to think about the fact that Tate still hast texted me. Not even a few minutes after i got into my room, my phone went off.

I looked at my screen and saw that it was a message from Tate. I jumped up to read the message.

The message read:

"Hey birthday girl! Hope you had fun with Peyton. Sorry that I didn't text you earlier. I really need help on something though. Can you come over to help me with it. My dumbass teacher is making me. Thanks, i love you

I was so happy that he texted me.

I replied, "It's okay and yeah ill be over in a sec. Love you

I walked downstairs and put on my shoes.

"Mom, Tate wants me to help him with something his teacher is making him do. Ill be back later." i told my mother as i put on my shoes.

"Okay, see you later." she told me.

When i got my shoes on i walked out the door. I went over to Tate's and walked in like he said i could and i went straight up to his room. I knocked on his bedroom door instead of just walking in.

He opened his door and smiled at me and immediately kissed me making me smile after we pulled apart.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside of his room and shut the door behind him.

The lights were dimmed a little bit on one side of the room and the other half was completely dark. I never knew his room could do that to be honest and i was kind of confused because there was nothing out that he could be working on.

"Soo, what was it that you needed help with?" i asked him.

"Nothing, i just needed to get you over here," he told me and continued, "For this.." he finished turning on the light to the other side of the room.

There was a stereo and a table with a bunch of snacks on it. Above the table had a sign that said "Happy Birthday Paris!"

"Oh my god, Tate!" i said smiling.

Tate walks over to the stereo and puts on "I Wont Lie" by Go Radio.

"Tate, this is so sweet i cant believe you did this." I said nudging his arm.

He just smiled at me. I walked over to the table with snacks and looked up at the sign.

"Did you make--" i said before i stopped when i turned around to see Tate holding a little box.

The box was black and had a blue ribbon around it.

"Happy birthday Paris." he said handing me the box.

"Whats this?" i said smiling as i grabbed the box.

"Open it up and you'll see." he said smling.

I opened the box and saw there was a necklace inside. The necklace was circle shaped and it was silver colored. On the front of the necklace said "You Are Loved"

"Awe, Tate. This is so cute." i told him.

"Look on the back of it." he told me.

I turned the necklace around to see the back and it said "Love, Tate" with a heart.

I smiled and said, "Thank you. I love you." and gave him a hug.

"I love you too." he whispered into my ear making me smile,

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