《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 4


I could feel her body stiffen up after I asked her that question. Maybe I shouldn't of asked her. She removed her head from my chest and looked up at me.

"..Um.. yeah..." she answered me honestly.

"I was afraid you were gonna say that.. please don't ever attempt suicide again.. please. I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I told her.

"But... you just met me." she said to me.

"I know.. and ive never been happier." I told her.

I looked down at her and she was smiling. She lied her head back into my chest without answering. She seemed so peaceful so I didn't want to bother again.

I just woke up and its 11 am. Paris is still laying against my chest in my arms. I have never been more happier. I know I am definitely growing strong feelings for her. But, it still bothers me that she didn't answer my question.

*yawns* "Good morning" Paris said.

"Good morning beautiful" I replied smiling.

Paris' POV:

He just called me beautiful. Oh my god.

"So, you think I'm beautiful?" I asked him smiling.

"Of course I do." he replied confidently.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Well, you'd be the first." I replied.

He smiled at me and said, "So you need to get ready."

"Ready for what?" I asked him probably sounding stupidly confused.

"I'm taking you somewhere, go back to your house, put on something nice and ill be over in about 10 minutes." he told me smiling.

I have no idea what he has in mind but I went along with it.

"Okay, don't be too long." I said teasing.

"I promise I wont be." he replied smiling.

I got up out of his bed and walked downstairs. I walked out the door and over next door to my house. I ran up to my room and searched through my dresser to find my black laced dress that went just above the knee. I put on my white knee-high socks and a pair of black flats. I brushed my hair and re-straightened it. I put on some deodorant and lightly sprayed my body with perfume.


I heard a knock on the door and walked normal speed to open it.

"Who's that?" asked my mother.

"Its just Tate, hes taking me somewhere." I replied honestly. I opened the door and he was standing there in a nice shirt with some nice pants. He was holding a black rose.

"Oh my god, Tate." I said smiling.

"Its a rose, I painted it black because i know how you don't like things normal." he explained.

"Nobody's ever given me a rose before." I told him.

He just stood there smiling. God, I love his smile.

"Where is it that we are going anyway?" I asked him as I walk out the door shutting it behind me.

"Its a surprise." He told me winking.

We were walking for about 5 minutes when we arrived at this beautiful beach. Nobody was there, which I liked. He quickly picked me up and started swinging me around. We were both laughing so hard.. so happily. He sat me down on the warm sand and started a fire. He came back over to me and sat down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We just sat there staring at the waves. I felt so relaxed. Then all of a sudden I get a text. It was from one of the girls in my old class.

*text message*

Girl: You are such an emo freak. Lol your secret Is out. Everybody knows that you're a cutter Wow you're so pathetic. Oops, did I say something mean? Better go get the bandages. I hope you die. Just kill yourself already.

I could barely breathe. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I was on the verge of tears. But I didn't want Tate to know I felt this way.


"Who was that?" Tate asked.

"Um.. my mom.. I have to go." I lied.

"Awe, that's too bad, why do you have to go?" he asked.

"Um, she has breakfast waiting for me." I lied again.

I got up and starting walking really fast.

"So, ill see you later?" Tate asked.

I didn't answer I just kept walking. Whenever I was sure I was out of Tates sight I started running and the tears came rolling down my face. Whenever I finally arrived to my house I tried to calm myself down a bit and wiped my tears so my mom wouldn't suspect anything. I ran upstairs into my room and was searching my pockets for my phone. I realized that I must have left it at the beach. I thought to myself oh well its not like ill need it anymore anyways.

Tates POV:

She was so eager to leave.Did I do something wrong? Why didn't she answer me back. I look over to my right and see her phone laying there. I picked it up and noticed a text message. I started to read.

"Oh my god." I whispered to myself.

I jumped up so fast and ran. I ran so fast that I bet nobody would even see me. I didn't even bother knocking on her door whenever I arrived to her door. I ran upstairs trying to find her room. Whenever I found it I busted through the door searching around to see her laying on her bed with an empty bottle of pills in her hand.

"No!!!" I screamed while I cry. I take her two arms and drag them along with her body down the hallway. I get into the bathtub in the bathrrom and lay her on top of me I turn on the shower screaming out, "You cant die on me!! Paris you cant die!!"

I shove my fingers down her throat to make her throw up the pills. I kept doing it until she threw them up. Whenever she did and she woke up I couldn't be more relieved. I hugged her tight and turned off the shower. I was still sobbing quietly.

"I almost lost you, I almost lost your beautiful soul." I said crying softly.

"I.. don't wanna.. I don't wanna be here.." she said stuttering.

"Paris please. I will keep you safe. Please don't leave me." I finally said.

I took her over to my house into my bed. I lied her there and covered her up. She fell back asleep.

"He saved me. I cant believe he saved me," I think to myself with my eyes closed. "But I didn't wanna be saved."

I finally open my eyes and sit up and notice that I'm in Tate's room. But I don't see Tate. As I'm looking around I notice written on his chalk board are the words "I Love You"

Tears form in my eyes. I have a smile on my face. Then Tate walks in.

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