《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 3


"So, how do you like it here so far?" I asked Paris leading her to my room.

"Pretty good." she replied with a smile following behind me.

Whenever we were in my room I sat down on my bed and motioning my hand towards the bed for her to sit.

"So, your room is nice." she told me sitting down looking around my room.

"Thanks, I just had it remodled." I said to her honestly.

She smiled at me and said, "So, why is it that you hate school?" She sounded like she really wanted to know.

"Well...." I hesitated to tell her, "Nobody really likes me." I said worrying about the fact I'm opening up to her bit by bit.

"How can somebody not like you? You seem so honest and nice." she told me.

I smiled at the compliment and continued, "Everybody thinks I'm weird bc I wear black and I'm quiet."

Hes opening up to me. This is great we are getting so close. And to think I thought I was going to hate being here.

"That's terrible. You know, not everybody likes me either." I told him honestly.

"Yeah, I find that very hard to believe." he told me laughing a bit.

"I'm serious, I basically go through what you just told me," I said. "Everybody hates me actually."

Suddenly the smile on my face disappeared.

"Tell me about it." he said looking at me reaching over to rub my hand.

There go the chills up and down my spine again.

"Well.. if I tell you something you have to promise not to tell anyone." I said so seriously to him.

I know what I am about to tell him is so serious to say whenever we just met, but I really feel so close to him and that I can trust him.


"I promise." He said honestly looking into my eyes. He looked so interested.

I slowly remove my hand from under his and start pulling up my long sleeves revealing my many scars and few day old cuts.

I can see in the corner of my eye his eyes starting to widen. I look over at him with a frown on my face. I see tears forming in his eye sockets.

"You... you cut?" he asked but already knowing the answer by the obvious visual. I could tell he didn't know what to say.

Before I could answer, he sits closer to me. he takes my arm and lays it on his lap. He takes his thumb and starts gently tracing over the scars on my wrist. He then suddenly lifts up my arm and kisses my scars and cuts. I felt a small smile form on my face.

He then asks, "Why woud you do this to yourself?"

I didn't know how to reply. I left a long pause before the silence was broken.

Tate then lifts his long sleeves up and shows me his scars. My heart nearly fell down to my feet. My eyes grew so wide and my face couldn't look more concerned.

He begins by saying, "I used to cut all the time bc of the bastards at school. Also bc my mind is a monster. It takes over sometimes," he takes a long pause before continuing. "I know what it feels like to feel alone. To feel so alone. And Paris I don't want you to ever feel alone. Please can you promise me.. promise me you wont ever cut yourself again?"

I hesitated before answering, "I promise."

I honestly cannot believe I just promised that, but now I know I cant break it. I cant break it bc I promised Tate. It was Tate I promised.


I cant believe such a beautiful girl like Paris cuts. She doesn't deserve to feel the way she feels. God, it hurts to just think of people hurting her.

I look over at the time. It is already 9 pm.

"Holy shit it is already 9:00." I told her.

"Dude, woe." she said.

"Hey, maybe your mom would let you stay. I mean you do only live next door and I know my mom would be cool with it. That is if you want to.' I asked her.

"Of course, Id love to. I would just have to call my mom." she told me smiling.

"Alright go ahead and call her, ill go let my mom know." I said to her as I walked out of the room.

*on the phone*

Mom: hey sweetie

Me: hey, Tate invited me to stay the night, is that okay?

Mom: Is Constance okay with it?

Me: Yeah.

Mom: Then its okay with me honey just come home whenever.

Me: okay thanks mom, love you bye!

Mom: bye sweetie love you, too.

*hangs up*

Tate just walked back in and sat down back on the bed. I am so happy I'm staying. I wonder where I'm sleeping though.

"So, where am I sleeping?" I asked him politely.

"Well, you can sleep in the bed with me if that's fine with you? I'm not gonna do anything I promise." he said honestly , laughing a bit.

"That's okay with me." I said laughing too.

"Aright, well.. are you tired?" he asked me.

"Kind of." I replied honestly.

"Well we can go to bed now if you want?" he asked me.

"Sure, okay." I answered smiling.

He started to take the covers off of the bed and told me to lay down so I did. He crawled into bed next to me covered me up as well to himself.

"I hope you know, I'm a cuddly sleeper." he said laughing.

"Haha , me too." I said smiling and laughing.

"Well what do you know." he said smiling and started to wrap his arm around me as I buried my head into his chest.

He smelled so good. I felt so safe in his arms. Everything was so quiet and I almost was asleep and then he asked, "Have you ever.. tried to... kill yourself?"

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