《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 2


A Few Days Later

These passed few days have been the same. Boring. It is 1 in the afternoon and I have been in my room since I woke up. I decided to walk down stairs and visit my mother.

"Hey, mom." I said to my mother.

"Oh, hey Paris, ive been meaning to come up and tell you that the family next door has called and invited us over for dinner in an hour." she said.

I didn't reply for a little bit, just standing there blankly thinking about how much I was not looking forward to meeting these people.

"Okay, sounds great I guess." I eventually replied.

In that remaining hour I just sat in the kitchen on my phone. I look at the time and realize it is almost 2:00. I quickly run upstairs to find something to wear bc I was still in my pajamas. I look through my dresser and find a pair of black ripped leggings and my shirt that says "Normal People Scare Me" and put them on. I sit down on my floor and pull out my mini mirror and brush my hair and straighten it. I don't wear much makeup so I just put on a think coat of mascara. I run down the stairs and find my mom waiting at the door.

"Sorry I took so long, I lost track of time." I said as I quickly pull on my black high-top converse.

"Don't worry about it just come on." she politely said to me as we walked out the door.

We walked towards the door next to ours and I was practically shaking. My anxiety was kicking in, it does every time I meet somebody new. My mother knocked on the door and it was only a few seconds later whenever a tall blonde haired boy opened the door. I slowly look up to see his beautiful face and suddenly.. I wasn't shaking anymore. For some reason I just automatically felt safe.


"Hello, welcome. I am Tate." he smiled at my mom and I letting us come inside.

"Hi, I'm Viviane and this is my daughter, Paris." my mother said to Tate.

I smiled after she told him my name.

Wow, Viviane's daughter is absolutely beautiful. Her long red hair is just gently laying against her chest. You can tell by the color that its unnatural and I really like it. Her shirt automatically has me thinking we are going to be good friends. I look at her eyes and see that they're a beautiful green color. They're literally sparkling right now.

"Oh, why hello! I didn't hear the knock on the door my bad." my mother said towards Viviane and Paris.

"No problem, Your son here was just giving us a warm welcome." Vivane smied towards my mother.

I look at my mother and smile and look back over at Paris. I suddenly realize she has started to shake. She must have anxiety I automatically think to myself.

"Well, come in, come in." my mother said to the girls.

Paris' mother went first and Paris slowly followed behind her. I quickly but gently grab Paris' arm making her stop.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask her smiling.

"Yeah." she said back.

I could tell in her eyes that she was nervous to be here. I realized whenever I first opened the door she was shaking but it stopped whenever she looked up at me. But, then she started to shake again whenever my mother entered the room.

I let it go for a bit and continued walking with her to the kitchen, guiding her,

Paris' POV:

Oh my god. Whenever he touched my arm I could feel the chills go up and down my spine. And whenever he asked me if I was okay he really sounded concerned.


I wonder why he asked if was okay.. oh no.. he probably realized I was shaking so bad and figured out I was nervous. He must think I'm weird. Great....

"Here sit" Tate said to me pulling out the chair.

"Thank you." I responded smiling and sitting down.

Tate's mother had already had the plates set out with the food on it. She explained what the food was and started to eat. I picked up my fork and again, only picked at my food.

"Paris, eat." my mother sternly whispered to me.

"Oh, I'm Constance by the way." Tate's mother said.

I suddenly realized that there was no father in sight.

"Where's your father, Tate?" I quickly asked.

Shortly after I asked I realized it might be a sensitive subject and started to wish I didn't say it.

Tate paused before replying, "Um.. he.. he died. A long time ago." he said with a frown quickly growing on his face.

"Oh.. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" I said before he cut me off, "Its okay."

His mother realized the level of awkwardness and decided to change the subject.

"So, Paris, how do you like your new school?" Constance asked me.

"Um, I'm not in school yet. My mother is letting me get a little used to my new home before I start school again." I replied honestly.

"Oh well maybe you'll end up going to my hell hole of a school. Its a bullshitty place filled with bitches." Tate exclaimed.

"Tate, do not use that language around guests." Constance quickly told Tate.

"No its fine." I told her.

I honestly didn't mind that he used that language. I think its nice that he speaks his mind whenever he wants.

"No, but really, it sucks. For me at least." Tate continued on telling me his opinion. But I didn't mind.

"Why is that?" I asked Tate actually wanting to know.

"Maybe we will talk about it later if you are allowed to stay a little longer after dinner. We can get to know eachother." He said to me nicely.

"Oh yes that would be great for Tate, he doesn't have many people to talk to." Constance explained.

"Mom." Tate said sternly towards his mother.

"Don't worry, I don't have many friends either.' I told him smiling and laughing a bit.

He smiled back at me. I looked over at my mom and asked, "So.. can I?"

She smiled and said, "Of course."

Constance came around and grabbed everyones plates and put them in the sink. My mother got up gave me hug and said, "Goodbye, have fun and call me whenever you're ready to come home. I'm only next door."

I hugged her back and replied, "Okay, bye."

"Goodbye Viviane it was nice to meet you." smiled Constance.

"You too." My mother smiled in reply.

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