《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 1


A 16 year old girl that lives in Texas who hates her life is now moving to New York. She hates the city bc there are too many people and she has been diagnosed with major anxiety multiple times by multiple doctors. Her name is Paris.

"Mom, I don't wanna go! Please don't make me.." I said.

I don't wanna leave my home. Yes, I know I hate my life and I hate this place and this school but the thought of me moving to a place where I know for almost a fact that I will hate it and having to start all over freaks me out. My dad left me as a child. And ever since then I have resented this house knowing his selfish self has lived here. I don't really have many friends. Since my anxiety levels are high almost all the time, I never really have the guts to talk to anyone. And since I dye my hair frequently, like "emo" bands and wear black, nobody really has the audacity to talk to me either. It's like they're scared of me or something. But, it actually quite amuses me.

"Paris, sweetie, I know you don't want to leave but we have to." mother said to me.

She lost her job because she has missed so many days. Its kind of my fault in a way bc I never wanted to go to school so id argue with her making her let me stay. She would always tell me she wasn't leaving the house to go to work unless id get dressed and get on the bus. But that didn't stop me from not going.

I took a long pause and thought but finally replied, "Whatever."

I ran up the stairs to pack all of my things. We are leaving in the morning and I'm now packing. I am very much a procrastinator and my mom dislikes that. I first packed all of my band merch, then my leggings. Next, i packed my remaining shirts. My mom said she will take care of my furniture. I put all of my jewelry into small bag and stuffed it into the side of suitcase. I draw constantly so i have plenty of sketch books as well as canvases. I got out my huge, empty suitcase and started stacking my sketch books. I then got up and went around my room taking my canvases with my art painted on them off of the dressers and stands and putting them in the suitcase along with the books.


A half hour passed and i was finally done packing. I looked around my room and realized how empty it looked without all of my stuff in there. Of course my furniture such as my bed, dresser, stands, tv were still there bc my mom is getting them tomorrow, but it still looks empty.

It was already 8:00 in the afternoon and my mom had dinner ready.

"Paris, come and eat!" my mom yelled.

"Coming, hold on a sec!" i yelled back.

I slid my suitcases to the side and started to run down the stairs. About half way down the stairs, i could smell the food. It smelled like spaghetti, and i hated spaghetti.

"Ew, mom, you know i hate spaghetti." I scoffed at my mother.

"Honey, i know but it is all we have right now." she replied sounding down.

Ever since she lost her job we have been running low on money and it has been hard to buy food. She spent most of her money on our apartment in New York.

"I know, i know. But that doesn't mean I'm eating it." I scoffed.

"Paris, look at you, you're thinner than a piece of glass. you need to eat." she said to me sounding concerned.

What she said to me hurt my feelings even though it is true. I have been losing my appetite a lot lately. I think it is because I'm depressed. I put my thoughts aside and decided to eat.

"Fine." i replied sternly.

I went upstairs with my food. I always eat my food upstairs. I just picked at my food for while and got frustrated over not wanting to eat. I threw my bowl of spaghetti aside and decided to go to sleep even though i knew i had to wake up the next morning and drive to new York..my new home.


The Next Day

"Come on sweetie. Get up. Paris, get up." my mom said quietly while gently shaking me.

I finally woke up and blinked my eyes a few times before my vision was clear. I looked up at my mom as she said, "Come on, we have to go to the airport."

I rolled my eyes and replied a simple, "Okay."

I sat up and stretched my arms and then stood up and stretched my legs. I went into the bathroom, brushed my hair so i looked half decent, it was 8 In the goddamn morning.

Our way to the airport was silent and boring. Same with the plane ride to New York. I did sleep most of the way though.

"Paris, wake up, we are here." my mother said to me sounding like she just woke up too.

I got up and followed her off of the plane. My grandmother was there to pick us up from the airport and drive us to our apartment.

Whenever we arrived to our apartment, i slowly stepped inside. I didn't look much at the downstairs portion, i just wanted to see my room.

I ran upstairs and found my room. I have never been more happy to be in a place i hated in my life. All i wanted to do was go to sleep.

"Holy shit, i slept for 4 hours?" i whispered quietly to myself as i look at my clock on my phone.

I got up and slowly walked down the stairs and explored to get used to my new surroundings. As i walked into the kitchen i stumbled across my mother who was finishing unpacking the dishes.

"Well, look who is finally awake." she said to me with a smile.

i smiled in reply and walked to the fridge. I opened it up and found some fresh rasberries and decided to grab them and eat them.

I walked into the living room and turned on the tv. I was surprised to see that my mom had already had the cable hooked up. I went onto Netflix and started to watch my favorite tv show, friends. It wasn't long before i fell asleep again.

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