《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 5


"Tate, hi." I said to him with a huge smile on my face. I still had a little fear inside me because I just tried to kill myself. What if he gets angry with me. But, he just wrote on the chalkboard that he loves me. He loves me. :)

"Hey, beautiful. How are you feeling?" he asked me glancing over at the chalkboard.

I smiled at the hint and replied, "Good, just a little tired." I mimicked him by looking over at the chalkboard.

"I see you saw my message. on the chalkboard." he said to me winking.

I wonder if he will say it out loud, like to my face.

"yeah, I did." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"I love you... I really do." he said with such a serious face with a hint of a smile. I even think he was looking into my eyes.

Before I could reply he quickly said, "And I mean it. I really do. I have since the first time I opened the door to see your beautiful face. I know we just met, but we have been through so much already. I cant ever get you out of my head. You're on it constantly. Whenever you are upset, I am too. Its like you're a part of me. And I don't wanna lose that part of me."

I was speechless. The only thing that I could've thought to say, the only thing I wanted to say, was that I love him too.

I spoke my mind by starting off with, "Oh my god, Tate, you have no idea how much what you just said means to me. I wouldn't even be here without you. You saved my life. You honestly saved my life," I paused a little bit before continuing, "I love you, too."

He just stood there smiling so big. We were looking into eachothers eyes. His beautiful brown eyes were looking right into mine. He suddnely walks over to me, gently puts his hands on my kneck and glides them up to my cheek bones, and he kisses me.

The kiss lasted for about 10 seconds. I cannot believe Tate Langdon just kissed me.


Whenever we pulled apart he kept his hands on my cheeks. My hands were on his waist. Even though we pulled apart our faces were still close together. We were staring into eachothers eyes again. We both were smiling. I let out a little giggle.

Then he finally asked me those 4 words, "Would you be mine?"

I was speechless once again, but only for a few seconds, not even. I realized there were small tears in my eyes.

"Of course, Tate." I said almost crying, but still smiling.

That's when he kissed me again.

Tate's POV:

I cant believe I just kissed her. It felt so right. And now we are dating. I am so happy I don't even have the words to explain how happy I actually am.

"Are you as happy as I am?" I asked Paris smiling.

"No." she said to me. My heart kind of dropped.

I guess she realized my pain so she started to laugh and said, "Dude, I meant cause I'm probably happier than you are."

"Oh, I totally doubt that." I replied giggling.

She just smiled at me. That beautiful smile that she had, it makes me feel so happy to know that its there because of me. I just remembered that she had earlier tried to kill herself. Man, its very hard for me to think of her having so much pain that it actually led her to attempting suicide. She means so much to me and I really don't want her to leave me. I will say those words a hundred times if I have to if it means she will believe it enough for her to stop feeling that pain.

I am so worried that she will try it again. if she does I don't think I will be able to live with myself knowing that I could've stopped it. But, I shouldn't think like that. I should just be grateful that shes here with me now.

I think ill vow to myself that I will do anything for her to believe in herself, for her to love herself. And for her to know that she is loved.. by me.

Paris' POV:

"Hey, I think I am gonna go home a take shower and put on some decent clothes so I can look less like a trash can." I said to him chuckling a bit.


"Alright, but you look beautiful to me. Just putting that out there." he replied smiling.

I just laughed and started to walk towards the door. As I was walking I turned around to wave goodbye and said, "Ill see you later."

He just smiled that adorable smile of his. I walked down the stairs and said goodbye to Constance. I picked up my shoes and walked out the door. I figured I would just forget about putting them on since I live only next door. Whenever I got home my mom started asking questions.

"Hey Paris, how was it at Tate's?" she asked me.

"Great, actually. We're um.. going out now actually." I said with a small smirk. I decided not to tell her about my suicide attempt bc I know she will flip her shit. And I didn't want her to feel the pain I felt.

"Well, honey that's great. But, don't you think its a little too early, you guys just met." she stated.

"Mom, I really do like him. A lot actually. And I know he likes me too." I said confidently. If she knew he saved my life she would be agreeing with me. I just put it to the side and finished, "I am gonna go take a shower, ill see you in a bit." and I ran upstairs into my room to get my clothes and then ran into the bathroom. I set my clothes on the sink.

I turned on the water to the hottest level it goes. I love taking hot showers. I slid off my clothes and stuck them in the hamper. I stepped in the shower and started to wash my hair. As I was rinsing my hair I realized that my red hair has really faded. It was almost a darker shade of pink. I though that maybe that I would dye it a new color soon. I have had this red for awhile.

Whenever I was ready to get out of the shower I looked at the clock and noticed ive been in the shower for about a half hour. I dryed myself off and put on my clothes. I was wearing my Pierce The Veil; Collide With The Sky albulm cover shirt and my brick wall leggings. I opened the bathroom door and walked into my room. I sat on my floor and brought out my mirror. I grabbed my brush and starting combing it through my curly hair. Once I had it all brushed I brought out my hair dryer and strated to dry my hair. It took ten minutes since my hair is so goddamn thick. I went to grab my straightener and realized it wasn't in the place it usually was. So I got and searched my room and realized it was on my stand by the tv and it had a note layed against it.

it read:

"Paris, you are the most important person in my life right now. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much and you're the best. Please don't leave me, you are loved.

Love, Tate

I just thought to myself how much he meant to me. I don't know what I could do without him.

Tate's POV:

Whenever she told me she was going to take a shower I thought about how much I wanted her to know that she means a lot to me. I knocked on her front foor. Her mom answered and I told her that I have something special for Paris and I needed to put it in her room. Her mother just smiled at me and told me where her room was, even though I already knew where it was from whenever she.. you know. But, i figured she didn't tell her mom so i ignored it.

Whenever i got into her room i had to put it in a place where i know she will see it right away. I figured she would grab her straightner so i put it in an abnormal place and set the note against it.

I wanted her to read it and know i meant for it to be cute.

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