《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 6


"Oh my god, that is so cute." I whispered to myself after i read the note.

I smiled and continued on going about with what I was normally doing. I picked up my straightener and plugged it in the wall. I set it up to 455, the highest it goes, I set it on my stand to wait for it to heat up. As i waited i went on my laptop and searched the Sally's website to get more hair dye and bleach.

I was having trouble deciding what color i wanted next. I was stuck between dying my ends a cyan blue and same with my bangs and the rest black or dying the whole head a bright turquoise. I decided that i would just ask for Tates opinion later.

My straightener was completely heated up so i started straightening my hair. When i was almost finished i looked over to my left and found my small box of blades under my dresser. I put the straightener down and stared at the box. Shortly after i leaned over to grab the box and looked inside to see the shine of the blades. I picked them up one by one and set them on the carpet side by side. I remembered my promise to Tate about not cutting anymore. I thought for almost a minute about it and carefully picked up each blade and put them in my hand. I walked out my bedroom door and into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me just incase my mom saw. I lifted up the toilet seat and hesitated before i threw each blade in. I flushed them. I just flushed every singe one of my blades.

For once in my life i actually felt strong.

I heard my phone go off with Tates ringtone. I forgot i had given him my number. I answered the call:


*on the phone*

Me: Hey, Tate

Tate: Hey, you almost done?

Me: Almost, thanks for the cute little note. It really meant a lot.

Tate: No problem, anything for you. I have a question by the way. Do you like the stars and the night sky?

Me: Actually, i do haha. Why?

Tate: Me too, i was just wondering.

Me: Alright haha

Tate: So, do you think you could come over in like a half hour or so?

Me: Yeah, that sounds good.

Tate: Okay, ill text whenever you should.

Me: Okay.

Tate: I love you, bye.

Me: Bye, i love you.

*hangs up*

Wow, i really love hearing those three words. They're so nice to hear especially coming from him.

I finished straightening my hair and unplugged it and wrapped the cord around it and put it back where it was supposed to be. I grabbed my mascara and put on a thin coat. I grabbed my deodorant and put some on and same with my vanilla bean perfume. My nail polish was chipping off so i decided to grab my jet black nail polish and coat my nails with it. I let that dry which only took 5 minutes. I had nothing to do for the remainding time, so i just went on my laptop and decided to watch some YouTube videos. Before I knew it, Tate texted me saying i could come over.

I ran downstairs and slid on my shoes and walked out the door. He said that i could just walk in and come up into his room so that's exactly what i did. Whenever i opened the door to his bedroom, it was dark in his room and there was a projection on the ceiling of a live footage of the night sky. Tate had layed out some blankets on the floor and along with pillows. Tate was sitting on the floor with a flashlight. He shined the light over to me and told me to come sit.


"Tate, you did this?" i asked smiling.

"Yeah, i figured you would like the night sky but i just had to ask to make sure." he said giggling a bit.

"Awe, oh my god, Tate. You are literally too cute." I told him walking over to him to sit down.

As i sat down he put his arm around me and gently dragged me down to lay down with him. We were just staring at the stars enjoying the sky.

"So, how come I've never met your dad?" he asked me sounding curious.

my heart just kind of sank.

"Um.. he.. uh... he left when i was just a child." i told him honestly.

I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. I guess one of my tears got onto his shirt and he felt it bc he looked down at me.

"I'm sorry, i didn't know. Please don't cry." Tate told me.

i just kept crying and he wrapped his arms round me tighter and pulled me closer. My head was now buried into his chest again and i was crying my eyes out. He just rubbed the back of my head.

"Hey shh, its gonna be okay. I'm here. I have you." he told me.

We ended up falling asleep like that.

The next morning i woke up before him and i didn't wanna wake him up so i just went on my phone and waited for him to get up.

Not even ten minutes later he woke up.

"Hey Paris. Good morning." he smiled.

I looked up from my phone and smiled.

"Good morning," I said. "Ive been meaning to ask you if i could get your opinion on something."

"What is it?" he asked me.

"Well I'm sure you noticed that my hair is fading and i wanna bleach it and dye it a different color. I was stuck between dying the ends and bangs of my hair blue and the rest black or the whole thing a turquoise color." i told him.

"Oh, well i think you would look really nice with turquoise hair." he said honestly and winked.

"Okay, well looks like I'm dying it turquoise." I smiled.

"Hey, if you need a ride to get the stuff, i could drive you." he offered.

"yeah, that'd be helpful." i replied honestly.

"Okay, id even help you dye it." he offered again.

"Sure, if you don't mind." i told him.

"Of course i don't mind, shall we go get it." he asked.

"Haha we shall." i laughed.

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