《Loved by Tate Langdon》Chapter 7


We are on our way to Sally's to get my turquoise hair dye. I cant believe he offered to help, such a sweetheart. I don't really know how hes gonna help. Maybe ill have him hold my little mirror behind me so I can see the back of my hair. Yeah I think that's what I will have him do.

*in the car*

"So, how many times have you dyed your hair?" he asked me curiously.

I get this question a lot and as soon as its asked I immediately think 'wow this is like the hardest question ever'

"Um..... that's a really hard question. But, I think maybe around.... uhh.. 20, 25 times??" I said sounding like I wasn't exactly sure.

"Well shit. How hasn't your hair fallen out?" he asked laughing.

"Dude, that only happens when you bleach your hair a million times." I told him exaggerating.

He just laughed and continued on driving.

*five minutes later*

When we arrived to Sallys and walked inside, he looked around like he had no idea what he was doing. I found it a little funny how confused he was. I walked in front of him so he could follow behind me. I went into the semi-permanent hair dye aisle and looked for manic-panic's atomic turquoise.

"I found it!" I said excitedly. I was a little worried they weren't gonna have it, but they did.

"That doesn't look like a turquoise." he said sounding serious.

I cant believe I actually had to explain this to him haha. xD

"Oh my god, dude, whenever you apply it blonde hair it turns lighter, duhh." I said seriously yet joking.

"Oh, my bad, haha." he replied laughing.

I just laughed and went along to find the bleach. I found the purple packets of sensitive scalp bleach and had Tate carry it.


We went to go checkout and I started shaking. It's my anxiety. I cannot checkout things at the cash-register.

Tate must've seen me shaking.

"Hey, you're shaking again. Are, are you okay?" he asked obviously implying that he saw me shake whenever I first met him.

"um, yeah. I just have anxiety and cant check things out." I said honestly but about to cry.

He grabbed the things out of my hand and asked for the money.

Whenever I gave it to him, he held my hand and he walked up to the register and paid for it for me. It was so sweet.

"Thanks for doing that for me." I said to Tate while walking out of the store.

"No problem, I hate to see you so nervous." he said.

I just smiled at him till we got into the car. The drive home was silent until we were a block away from my apartment.

"So, are we gonna do this now or what?" he asked me.

"Yeah, if you want to." I told him.

"Alright, so taking a guess... we're dying your hair in your bathroom?" he asked but most likely knowing that answer.

"Yup, haha." I replied.

Whenever we got into my house I saw my mom.

"Hey honey, hey Tate." she said to us smiling.

"Hey mom, we're gonna go dye my hair." I told her.

"Oo, nice what color this time?" she asked me.

She is always cool with me dying my hair. She has told me herself before that she loved seeing new colors on my head.

"Turquoise, it was Tate's idea." I told her.

I look over at Tate and hes blushing just a little bit.

I giggle to myself and look back over at my mom.


"Oh, right you and Tate are together now right." she said to us raising her eyebrows up and down.

I quickly grabbed Tate's arm and pulled him up the stairs with me shouting, "Bye, mom!"

Tate's POV:

Awe, she told her mom about us, how cute.

We're in the bathroom now and we're about to dye her hair. She went into the closet in the bathroom and grabbed a shirt of which looked like her hair dye shirt bc there is different colors all over it.

"Get out for a sec so I can change." she told me smiling.

"Oh what, I cant stay?" I asked her laughing and then she laughed and pushed out the door.

She didn't take more than 15 seconds. She opened the door back up.

"You can come in now" she told me.

I walked in and shut the door behind me. She was taking out the bleach, opened it up, and poured it into a bowl. She poured the developer in there, too.

While she was mixing it I asked, "How long do you have to leave that stuff in?"

"Um.. 40 minutes."

After she got done mixing it she started applying it to her hair. I decided to join in on helping her.

*40 minutes later*

"Alright, the times up and I need to rinse this out. Ill be right back, stay here." she told me. And I did exactly so. I just sat on her bed for about 5 minutes twittling wih my fingers.

She got out and came in dressed and had a towel in her hand scrunching her hair with it. She looked so cute.

"Alright, I need to blow dry my hair." she told me.

"Why?" I asked bc I honestly didn't know why she couldn't just apply the dye to her hair wet.

"Because, the labels always say apply to dry hair, I don't know why." she told me honestly.

I sat on her bed while she sat on her floor blow drying her hair which took like ten minutes i would say. I never really noticed how thick her hair was. I also didn't notice her hair was curly. She had always had it straight whenever i would see her.

"Oh, i didn't know your hair was curly." i told her.

"Haha, yeah it is." she told me laughing a bit.

"How come you never wear your natural hair?" i asked wanting to know, bc it was so beautiful.

"Its too hard to deal with." she told me honestly.

I just smiled as she went over hair with the brush again.

We walked back into the bathroom and starting dying her hair. She just had me hold her mirror so she could see the back of her head.

An hour passed of letting her hair dye sit.

"Alright, now i gotta go rinse this out, too. Promise you'll still love me bc ill look different?" she asked me actually sounding serious.

"Yes, of course, Paris. I love you for more than your looks." I said as i looked her straight in the eye.

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