《One Week Trip to Where?!✔️》wednesday - part two


W E D N E S D A Y - P A R T T W O

words: 1798


The group occasionally glanced at Peter, who was eating like nothing happened. It was silent besides the occasional clink of forks and plates. They were anxious. They had no clue what random turns this retreat could still take. The took the full hour of lunch to cool down and relax before the next part of the day. Peter got up and started to walk away. Everyone watched.

"Peter, where are you going?" Sally spoke up, breaking the silence. He stopped and turned around before answering.

"Bathroom." He said with a small smile. He then walked out of the room. They believed him at first, but he was not going towards the bathroom. They all got up wordlessly and followed him. The peeked past the door and saw Peter going towards the elevator. As soon as he entered, they ran towards it, watching what floor it stopped on.

"Wait, is he going back to the gym?" Flash said as the elevator stopped at the floor they were just on. They clicked the button, waiting impatiently as the elevator came back down. When the doors opened, they shoved each other in, wanting to get to the gym faster. It seemed like hours before the elevator finally stopped again. They peeked out, looking for Peter. They didn't see him, so they ran quietly towards the gym.

They stopped at the corner, peering around it. They saw Peter entering the gym, the door closing behind him. The snuck over to the door, opening it quietly. They were peeking through the crack when the heard Clint speak up.

"Pete, let me down, I've been up here. FOR AN HOUR!" The teens looked up, eyes widening when they saw Clint dangling from the roof. By webs.

"Is Spider-Man part of the prank war, too?" Charles asked as Peter laughed, earning their attention once again.

"Fine, Clint. I guess not everyone can stay upside down for hours." Peter slightly mumbled the last part to himself. He went over to the weapons rack and grabbed a knife. He looked at it for a second, lightly tracing the blade with his finger. He moved quick. He threw the knife with perfect accuracy at the web, effectively cutting through it. The blade was vibranium.

Clint screamed as he fell face first towards the floor. He was about to hit when a glowing red stopped him. The group looked at the woman who just walked in. Scarlet Witch. Peter turned towards the woman.

"Wanda!!" Peter ran towards her, engulfing her in a hug which she returned.

"привет, мини Старк (Hello, Mini Stark)." She greeted back. The group sat, confused at what she just said. They were even more surprised when Peter replied. In the same language.


"Сколько раз я должен сказать тебе? Я не сын мистера Старка (How many times do I have to tell you? I am not Mr. Stark's son)." Peter replied playfully.

"Okay, okay. Fine. Deny it all you want. It's still true." Wanda replied with a smile as Clint passed by.

"Thanks for the save. Score is 3-2 us, by the way." Clint grinned at Peter, clearly feeling smug because they were winning. For now. Peter glared at him in response. Clint continued walking but stopped as a knife wedged into the wall beside him. He turned back to look at Peter, who was grinning. Clint glanced to the side before looking back towards Peter. He grinned as he opened the door.

"Have fun explaining that one." Clint said as he left. Peter look at him confused as he left the room. It took Peter a second but he realized. His spidey sense hadn't been warning him about Clint. It was warning him about his classmates watching him. He froze as he made eye contact with them. The door was halfway open at this point.

"... Hi?"

"How do you know Scarlet Witch?"

"What were you guys saying?"

"How did you throw the knife like that?"

"Is Spider-Man here?"

"What language was that?"

"Is Spider-Man on your side for the prank war?"

They all stopped as Abe asked the last question. The stared at him.

"Seriously?" Abe looked at Flash before responding.

"What? It's important information to know!" He replied. The group just rolled their eyes. Peter was about to reply when an orange light started to form in the middle of the room. It formed a partial circle that touched the ground. Doctor Strange stepped out of the portal, his cloak flowing behind him. The students stared at him in awe. You don't get to meet a wizard everyday.

He smiled at them as Vision came through the wall. The students eyes widened at him. Wanda, Peter, and Strange turned around and saw Vision floating over to them.

"Vis, we talked about this." Wanda said, with a small smile. He looked at her.

"I know but the door was closed so I assumed..." He looked at Wanda, then to Peter. "Nevermind." Wanda laughed and then turned to the students.

"Well, this is Vision. I am Wanda and this is Doctor Strange." She gestured over to the boys beside her. "Is this everyone?" She asked as she looked at Vision. He nodded. "Wow. It seems like more people on the team would have abilities." She mumbled slightly. "Anyways, what do you guys want to do?" She smiled at the group.

"Can we see your powers?" One of the teens asked. She smiled.


"Of course. You guys are smart, right?" The teens nodded, eager to see her powers. "Good. Telekinesis is the main one." She held her hands up as they became engulfed in the familiar red. The students were lifted off of the ground. They squealed in excitement. It was like being in a zero gravity zone. She slowly let them down. Some of them were on the ground/ laying on their backs or on their stomachs.

"Telepathy." She said, communicating with them in their minds. They looked at her. Some were waiting for her to do it again, others didn't realize she had done it. "I can communicate this way for different periods of time, depending on how many people I am talking to."

"I can also manipulate chaos magic." The teens gave her a confused look. She smiled. "This." She created a ball of energy from her hands, playing with it as the teens stared. She twirled it around her fingers before throwing it up, making it explode near the roof.

"My more.. dangerous power is I can show people their fears, or dreams. I can, in a way, warp peoples reality." She explained, nervously playing with her hands. "I only use it when I have to. I can also look into people minds."

"Can you show us?!" The teens asked, all at once. Wanda though back to when she used it on the Avengers. It almost tore them apart, yet that was her goal back then. She glanced over at Strange, silently asking for permission. It was a dangerous thing. He gave her a slight nod.

"Who wants to go first?" She showed all of the teens a short memory. If it got too scary for them, she altered it, making them better. A few of the teens were shaken up but they were ok. Then it was Peter's turn. She stood in front of him, the class watching. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She looked at him, unsure of what was about to happen.

He was a hero, he has seen some pretty bad stuff. Any of that could appear in what he saw. He nodded.

"Yeah. If anything happens, you can pull me out of it." He said. It seemed like he was trying to assure himself rather than her. She took a deep breath and raised her hands up to his head, the teens watching from the side. Her eyes lit up red as the energy from her hands passed over to Peter. His eyes glowed slightly before he blinked a few times.

A few seconds later, both him and Wanda screamed, backing away from each other. Vision ran over to Wanda, and Strange to Peter.

"Peter..." Wanda started, still breathing hard, while leaning into Vision's arms. Peter stood, supported by Strange, gasping slightly.

"I'm fine. I just... need a second." He said as he walked to the door. "I need to find Natasha. I'll be back in a minute." He said as he stood at the door. Wanda stared at him sadly, catching her breath. As the door closed, she turned to the teens, who looked at her with concern.

"That's why I don't do that anymore.." Wanda said, forcing a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. Everyone turned their heads as they heard a loud sound. They looked all around trying to find where it came from. "It looks we have some unexpected visitors." Wanda grinned slightly.

The class looked back to her. They all started asking her who it was. She laughed and told them they would have to wait to find out. They all groaned but remained excited.

"Strange, your turn." Wanda said as she passed by him. He nodded as she made her way to the second floor, watching the class from above. Vision floated over to her as Strange was telling the teens how he came to be Doctor Strange (the hero, not the surgeon).

"What did you see in his mind?" Vision asked, his words light and careful. Wanda stared absent-mindedly at the kids below.

"Vis... it- it was scary. I tried altering it but it was still horrible. It hurt seeing Peter like that. So pained and heartbroken." She looked down at her hands and then to Vision. "He's been through so much even before he was Spider-Man."

"You can't protect everyone, Wanda, especially from their past. The only thing you can do is make sure they stay safe in the here and now. You have to be there for them no matter what." She smiled. He always knew what to say to keep her calm. She placed her hands in his.

"Thank you, Vis." She smiled, looking into his eyes. He brought her hand up and kissed it lovingly. He smiled back at her. He was about to respond when the door was slammed open. Everyone turned towards the three people that walked in. One of them was Peter. The other two: Thor and Loki.

"HELLO, Midgardians of Peter's class! I am Thor and this is my brother, Loki!" Thor yelled, greeting the heroes and the teens in the room. Peter flinched as he stood behind him. He walked over to the teens, greeting them one by one after asking for their names. Loki turned to Peter.

"Did you miss me?"

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