《Gay one shots》Boo...(kellic)(Cashby)



I hate this...

I really do...

Why do we have to come here in the middle of the fucking night.

It's creepy and scary.

Right now my friends, Oliver, Alan, Alex, and Jack are in a cemetery...

We are...well by "we" I mean My friends are looking for the tombstones of our high school heroes. While Alan and I leaned against a big rock...

Because about two months we had a break in, and these two senior students named Victor Vincent Fuentes, and Austin Robert Carlile were killed because they fought the trespassers but were brutally beat to their deaths.

It's so sad thinking about it. I know Vic's little brother was heartbroken for weeks, that his boyfriend of two years Tony perry. Was feeling so bad for Mikey.

I was taken out of thoughts when I heard Oliver's voice "FOUND VIC'S!" Then I heard jack's "FOUND AUSTIN'S!" I followed Oliver's voice, and there infront of me I saw Vic's tombstone.

I remember how Vic was fearless and he talked to anyone either they were friends or a stranger. He was so kind to everyone he never gave anyone the cold shoulder. He never judged anyone by their appearance.

Same goes to Austin. Austin was careful with everyone. He was the captain of the football team, while vic was the captain of the soccer team.

That's how the two got along so well, because they loved sports and when vic had trouble Austin was there, and when Austin was in trouble vic was there. They were like total opposite but they fitted together in there own little friendship.

People were making rumors up that they were dating each other. But other people say it's a lie because Austin wasn't Vic's type. And Vic wasn't Austin's type.

I was broken out of my train of thought when I heard a branch snap.

Oliver began to look around but he didn't find anything.

I gave a "What the hell?"look and I shrugged the feeling off.

"This is creepy can we like go now?" I said impatiently

"Yeah yeah" Oliver said we were walking all together when we heard a scream.


"RUN!" I yelled and we all departed ways and ran for our life's.

"ALAN ! Alan " I yelled

I kept running my lungs began to hurt and feel them burn, I leaned against a tree and took deep breaths.

"Where could he be?" I asked.

It was so quiet until I felt someone's breath on my neck. Making me freeze on the spot.

"Boo" I screamed and pretty much jumped 10 feet off the fucking ground.

"OH MY GOD PLEASE DONT KILL ME!" I screeched and the person began to giggle.

What the hell.... What kind of a murder giggles?!I opened my eyes to see the person I never thought I was gonna see...



"Vic? What? " I said

"Hello Bostwick !" He said cheerfully.

"The names Quinn. I thought you knew that?" I said rudely.

What the hell I'm doing? Talking to a dead person and then begin rude to them. Doesn't that make them mad and want to like punish me or some shit like that?..

"I know. But I also know you hate it when people call you Kellin Bostwick " he said. He was so close right now I felt his breaths on my face.

"Um, not to be rude or anything but your really close right now " I said putting my hand on his chest firmly to push him away a little but sadly he didn't budge

"Why? I like it this way" he purred, then he got even closer that how chest were touching and he grabbed my hand that was on his chest and put it on his shoulder.

I was blushing like crazy.

"I-uh.um..." I was lost in words that I didn't know what the hell to say to him.

His dead!


And I'm blushing because of his actions. Rephrase that.. A DEAD PERSON'S FLIRTING ACTIONS!

"I know a lot about you Quinn" he purred into my ear, making me shiver and blush more.

"Like what?" I asked. I was biting my tongue so no moans would come out. Shit he hasn't done like anything to me and here i am feeling aroused about this.


"That you used to have a crush on me. from the back of every class I had with you, while you sat next to your little ginger haired bestfriend Alan. You would always stare at me and when I turned around you acted like you didn't care about my appearance and you were doing work which you weren't " he said. Smiling at the end.

"I don't understand what your talking about"

"Oh please Quinn. You know what I'm talking about. And don't you lie now sugar plum, because I also know you suck at lieing anyways. "

"Sugar plum? And we're practically having a normal conversation like if you were alive. Vic your dead." I squeaked all out at once.

"Mmm I like it when you blush just by me in your little space bubble." He gave me a sky smirk.

Here comes the fucking blush again

He began to play with the end of my hair, and twirl it in his finger tips..."Tell me Quinn, did you feel empty when you found out I was dead. Did you cry?" now he was nibbling at my neck. So soft and careful at first, then he began to bite lightly

"I uh..mmm" I tried so speak but yet again I was trying so hard to hold back a moan..


I think vic already knew my little situation and he bit a little harder and I couldn't hold it any longer

That I let out moans.

"Does that mean yes?" Vic asked and he began to suck on my neck and I getting so turned on right now that I had to nod my head.

I felt vic rub his hard on against me and I was begin a moaning mess.

"Ugh vic.." I couldn't even finish my sentence because all the things his doing to me made me moan like crazy.

Now wonder I've had this little crush on him.

Technically not a little crush. this huge crush!

I felt him smirk from my neck and he pulled away smiling.

Then he leaned against my ear, which made me shiver...

"How about we take this some place much better " he purred and I felt his left hand run against my waist and his right hand on my hip rubbing circle ever so lightly.

I nodded my head and off we went walking to my neighborhood since it wasn't that far....

This is gonna be interesting...


I was leaning against a rock with my best friend Kellin. we were all--and my all. All these dimwits I call friends, were looking for the tombstomes of our high school heroes....but right now I was doing shit. Making Alex, Oliver, and Jack do all the work.

To say I had a huge crush on the captain of the football team.

Austin Robert Carlile...

When I found out he and his Mexican bestfriend we brutally beat to their own death beds.

Made me cry, making me a mess, the rest of the week when the news got around.

I heard that Oliver found Vic's and jack found Austin's.

I swiftly I went infront of Austin's grave and let a single tear slip out my eye.

I was on the edge on my breaking point, and let a river pour out my eyes.

But before that could ever happen. We heard a branch snap and when I heard it, I felt a big hand cover my mouth, and muscular arm going around my small waist and with that I was hoisted up in the air, begin dragged away from my friends.

My so called friends didn't notice I was begin dragged away into the night, and then I pulled the hand away and I let out a shrieking scream.

With that I heard someone yell out my name.

"ALAN?! Alan!!" Kellin...

I was gonna yell back but the hand clamped on my mouth once again.

I let tears fall.

Who the fuck was this?!

Why do I deserve this?!

My thoughts were all over the place running hundreds miles per hour.

Then the person came to a stop and put my down.

I opened my eyes to let my pupils adjust to how much darkness. Since there only was like street light close enough for me to lean on and see who dragged me away from the graveyard.

I choked on air

"Uh-A-Austin?!" I shrieked

He gave me that smile my stomach does flips to and did a little wave with his hand.

"Hello!" He said cheerfully.

What the actually fuck?

"Um.. not to be mean or anything. But I-uh... your dead..." I said shyly. Letting my bangs hid my face.

Then I felt fingers grab my chin softly, and pick my face up.

There I was looking straight at Austin's brown eyes. And he was looking straight and me, still wearing that smile.

I began to blush, and pulled away from Austin's grasp.

I stepped away a little and leaned against the street light. Because somehow he managed to get close to me making me smell his minted breath.

"Why so shy my little ginger princess?" He said.

Right now, we was so close while invading my personal bubble.

"I.-uh..." I shut up so I wouldn't have to embarrass myself.

I can't believe Austin can get this type of actions out of me.


Then I felt the palm of Austin's hand touch my right cheek and caress it ever so lightly.

"Your skin Is like a porcelain doll. Ever so soft and so touchable" he said softly into my ear making me shiver slightly.

A blush traveled up my face making me take action on covering my face with my palms.

"Awe why hide your face. It's too cute to be hidden it should be let out so I can see your beauty glow." Austin said. To making shake my head "no" and I turned my back on him.

"No..." I groaned.

Than I felt Austin's hands on top of mine and my face. Well sorta on my face though....

And they were pulled off softly, and Austin smiled at me.

"Your faces looks innocent. A lot. But what if I put mine next to yours. Would you look so innocent?"

He didn't even let me think out of his question, until he smashed his lips in mine.

Oh my god oh my god oh my god.

One thing lead to another.

We were basically making out, with Me against the street light. While Austin was grinding his lower half onto mine.

God now I wish I've gone out with Austin before the accident.

But I guess this is way better.


Not edited !

Sorry for errors.

Anyways follow me if you want on Instagram.


And I have another wattpad user is.


Okay bye aliens.

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