《Gay one shots》Hide-and-seek. (cashby, kellic, & brayden)


I decided to combine both my fav otps because why not?

It's gonna be really fucking long.


Crown the empire, sleeping with sirens, and pierce the veil were on tour together. But had their day off with everyone bored on the bus with nothing to do. Until Kellin decides they play hide and seek.

Alan and Brandon thought it was an amazing idea so they all put hayden. Austin. And vic to cover their eyes and count to thirty while the rest went to go hide inside or around the bus.

And off the three went to go look for everyone.


I ran to look for Kellin since it was obvious Kellin was easy to find.

And I knew exactly where to find him.

I went to the bunks looking for my babe. I saw his sweater sticking out of my bunk. But I acted like I didn't see anyone.

I walked to the back of the bus and left the curtain a little open to see if my kells would pop his head out.


I heard footsteps and I was for shore that vic passed by. I secretly and quietly like the fucking nigga I am hopped out the bunk and into the mini closet we all put our shoes in excepts Jaime's because Jaime's shoes fucking stink like holy hell I can't even describe....

I closed the closet door quietly and waiting for vic to pass so I wouldn't loose. Because come on this is my favorite game.


*this is how the books gonna be my otps will get there POVs. *

I waited for so long I couldn't hear a single pin drop.

I came out the back room and I opened my bunk seeing no one.

What the hell I was for shore kells was here.

Then I heard a little sneeze.

Coming from.... the CLOSET!


I was holding on a sneeze for so long I couldn't take it and I sneezed.

Fuck I'm pretty sure vic heard me. Or Austin. OR HAYDEN!

Then the door of the closet opened making me squeal seeing it was vic.


"Gotcha!" And with that vic got in shutting the door behind him. And quickly traveling his fingers to my sides making me jump up and down laughing my ass off.

"Baby ! Baby! Stop!" I yelled In between my breaths.

"Only if you say ' I'm the hottest mexican you ever been with!"


"Then I'll never stop" and with that vic began to poke his fingers into my side harder.

"Okay okay! Your the most sexiest Mexican I've been with!!"

And with that vic stopped tickling but one thing led to another and we were practically half naked having a blown out make out session.

Best hide and seek game I ever played.


After I finished counting to thirty. I went out the bus to find my ginger princess first.

I looked around and walked all around the bus to find no one.

I looked up from above me and saw feet dangling and for shore they were Alan's because Alan has the most smallest feet for a guy.

I climbed up the bus ladder quietly as I could but i think when I finally could reach the roof top the ladder squeaked making Alan whip his head towards my direction.


I could have sworn I heard and noise....

Then I heard it again.

I whipped my head towards the corner of the bus which there was the ladder and saw Austin.

He was almost finishing up climbing up the ladder.

Oh god I need a plan. I don't wanna loose!!!

I ran to the opposite side of the bus where Austin was and saw that the trailer where all the equipment of the bands are and I decided if I should jump and break a fucking arm. Or lose the game...

I'll just break the left arm.

And with that begin said I jumped off the bus to the trailer.

But the worst part... i didn't fucking make the jump...


I was so close the catching Alan. But he jumped off the bus to the trailer.

But he didn't land on the trailer!

He like landed sorta on the edge of the trailer but his foot slipped making him fall off the edge of the trailer.


Making him also fall into bushes that had flowers on them.

Hope they don't have thorns..

I jumped off the bus to the trailer then on the ground.

I ran to Alan and went to see he was so like stuck in that bush.

"Austin help!!"

"I don't know Alan. I mean you ran away from."

"I swear to god Carlile if you don't help me out of this bush Ima kick you where the sun doesn't fu.cking shine!"

And with that begin said I quickly got Alan out the bus and both him and I were sitting in the parking lot getting flower petals off of Alan's clothes and hair.

Long story Alan lost and I won. And the plus is when Alan wasn't looking I took a picture of him with a flower stuck on his ear.

So cute.....


I looked from up and down and around the bus but I couldn't freaking find Brandon. I mean his natural color is with all the natural colors of the planet. And it's hard to find him.


Now I know where he is. How could I be so stupid...

Wait don't answer that. Your answer is fu.cking invalid!!

Now off I go to the park near the bus venue.

* a few moments later* *spongebob man voice thingie*

I walked to the playground area careful and saw Brandon sitting on top of a slide.

I carefully when up the stairs. But when I was about to scare him. I freaking fell because of my show fucking lace...

Way to go shoe.


I was chilling in the play ground . Slash hiding. Because I know no one will come all the way over here to just find one person.

I think Jaime and Mike went to go hide bushes near here. But ehh I don't really care about them.

I just don't wanna lose the game. I'm pretty good at hide-and-seek.

I was taken out of my train of thoughts when I heard some shit fall or something.

I turned around and saw hayden.

I quickly pulled myself together and went down the slide.

When I was like at the end of the fucking slide. I fell on the wood chips. And lemme tell you something. The things aren't okay to be laying on them. They really fu.cking hurt man...

I was about to get up and run when I felt hayden fall on top of me.

"Oh my god Hayden! get off!?"


I don't know how but I managed to get hayden off and get up and sprint to the nearest tree.

Lol. Get it because ya know my boyfriends last name is tree and ima climb a tree.

Hehe cause ya know--- you know what. never fu.cking mind forget it.

But back the my story. Okay.

I climb the tree (lol) and sit my butt on the tallest branch.

"Brandon! Get off the tree!"

"NEVER!" I mimicked his voice.

"I don't sound like that!"

"Mmm yeah you do. "

Few moments later hayden tiredly climbed the tree and was at my level.

"That wasn't so hard. "

"That's easy for you to say...." He said making this face that said "bitch please "

"You know I never kissed on top of a tree before."

"Great to know. Because I'm making that wish come true. "

Long story short. Hayden and I began to have a make out session on top of a tree.

But in all honesty.

Best fu.cking game of hide-and-seek.


This is the best one shot I've made so far be happy I updated it earlier than next week 😂.

AnyGay sorry I didn't edit. Had no time.

But be happy I updated. And if there's error please notice me so I can freaking fix I don't wanna look like an idiot. Which i already am.

If you want you can follow me on Instagram.


And I made another account on wattpad.


Go follow it if you want.

Okay bye aliens 👽

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