《Gay one shots》That butt is mine! (Brayden)


I thought It was fun to make this. 😄.


Okay sometimes I love our fans but sometimes I just want to bitch slap some of them....

All the girls check out Brandon when they seem my baby In public. And I even catch them checking the love of my life's ASS!!

Like no sweety that human is mine. Including that fucking ass!

Brandon thinks it's a no big deal.

But the thing is I get jealous.

Yes this sharp jaw line guy that looks fearless. Get jealous! Don't judge me you slug...

"You guys are in stage in ten minutes!!" I random i don't give a fuck what his name is yelled at us.

Not much people were around so. I had a devilish smirk on my face. I warped my arm around Brandon's small waist.

"Don't you do it. " He said

"Do what?" I asked in a innocent voice that said a bunch of bullshit to people if they knew me well.

"Don't. You. Dare." Brandon said. In a serious voice. He face was faced in my direction but his back was still against my chest.

"What's this baby?" I said and I went to touch his butt. Which made him squeal loudly but he covered his mouth trying to act normal which had me laughing but I shut my mouth, shoving my face into Brandon's shoulder. So none of my giggle fits would come out.

"God I hate you..."

"No you don't. Because we all know you love Tree with all your heart." Taddie said which. Made the guys laugh including me.

** after the concert. Right now the meet-and-greet.**

After the concert we all had to go to the meet-and-greet.

To be honest. It was fun meet fans. Some fans who are like about 15-19. Some show us some tattoos they have. Others give us drawings they have Done. Some are self portraits of one person of the band or all of us together.

Those type of fans are sweet to the heart.

But then there those type of fans...who try to hit on you. Or in more intactly. HIT ON BRANDON!!

I don't like those type of fans sometimes I just wanna get a broom and hit them with it telling then to shoo and to be far away from my baby Hoover.


I've told Brandon about it but he says to ignore it. I can't freaking ignore it. But I can't because then my jealousies gets the best of me and I just wanna have Brandon by my side 24/7. So I can hug him so I can show the world that I love Brandon Hoover and no one can stop my loVe!

Later the meet-and-greet was over and I grabbed Brandon's hand for a second while made him blush and turn his head giving me a sweet smile.

**on da bus!**

We all sat in the front of the bus watching a random movie Ben picked out.

Brandon was laying his head on my lap while I played his hair twirling it around in my fingers.

He mumbled in a sleeping voice, stuff mostly saying "do that again".

I awe at his actions so I kissed his forehead making him smile.

He later fell asleep from me playing with his hair so much.

I took out my phone taking some pictures of Brandon and I posted one on Instagram. Writing on the bottom "a Brandon Hoover seen in his natural habitat."

I tagged him and not only a few minutes right after posting fans began to comment.

Like "awe cute." "You should have doodled his face with sharpie lol ". "Kiss kiss kiss" "OTP goals" "Brayden"

And the one that made my jealous rate rise.

"Wish I was the one he be laying his head on my lap. Sexy Hoover *winky emoji*"

Ooo that really pushed my jealously buttons sky fucking high...


It was morning and I woke up in my bunk, because i carried Brandon to my bunk so we could cuddle.

I looked over at Brandon and he was still sound asleep.

I took the opportunity to leave little kisses on his neck. To wake up slowly.

Which is did.

Mission compete "mental high fiving myself" hehe lol.

"Why did you wake me up Tree. I wanna sleep it's our day off anyways baby...." Brandon whined while turning to face the bunk wall.

I laughed softly. I laid my back on the bunk bed, turning onto my side so i was facing Brandon's back.

"Awe is wittle Brandon mad because I woke him up. So cute." I said in a baby voice. Then I began to bite at his ear.


He giggled. "No stop Hayden! "

He turned to face me and I took the chance on kisses him but he pulled away quickly.

"Nope nope!" Brandon said

"Why not..." I whined in a little kid voice.

"You young man haven't brushed their teeth and you mouth tastes gross. Mine does as well and I don't wanna kiss. " He said

"Fine but if you want to climb out your gonna haven to crawl over than babe. " I said. Letting a smirk creep up my face.

He groaned. "Fine" and with that he got up begin careful not to hit his head and he was now on top of me practically straddling but he was trying to jump off.

"No stay like this Brandon!" I whined

"No Tree. I'm going to brush my teeth."

"Hey if you guys are planning on getting it on first thing in the morning. Maybe get it on when no on is on the fucking bus" I heard Dave said.

"SHUT UP DAVE!" We both said at the same time.

Brandon finally got off my lap and made his way to the bathroom.

***the next day and at the concert***

"You guys are up in 5. " The random shit face guy said.

"Hey Brandon guess what?" I asked.

He turned around facing me and gave me a "mmhm" in response.

"You lips look cold. Don't worry I'll warm them up" and with that I grabbed Brandon's hips pulling him close to me while smashing my lips on his.

"Why are you so touchy now? Wait don't tell are you still jealous over the little girls hitting on me?" He asked laugh softly into my shoulder.

"Is it a crime?"

"But Tree. There girls. That word I'm gonna say it again THERE GIRLS Tree. You really think I would leave you over a girl " he said laughing at me begin jealous.

"But I've caught them staring at your butt! No they can't do that because your butt is mine. And mine only !" I whined and I grabbed his butt. Making him squeal and blush.

He hid his face in my neck.

"I can't believe you just did that."

"Yes and I did. And I'll keep on doing it. Until they notice that you are mine. And mine mine mine!" I said hugging hayden by his waist tight. Then hayden wrapped his arms around my neck while giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Guys get on stage in 30 seconds." The guy yelled at us.

"I love you Tree"

"I love you Hoover" I said smiling then kissing my boyfriend.

**in the middle of concert**

We were in the middle of playing the song "mnster"

I went to Brandon's side of the stage, and began to jump around with joy and energy.

I looked at Brandon and he was having the time of his life. Jumping up to Taddie's

Hits on the drums.

I begin the sneaky fuck I am I speed walked towards Brandon moving behind him then I moved my arm out then I touched Brandon's butt.

He jumped up and looked at with a face written "why would you do that here and now?!" I laughed at his actions.

The song finally ended and when everyone stopped and we were about to play the song "wake me up" I quickly grabbed Brandon by the waist and smashed my lips on him not giving him type to react to my little out break.

Everyone cheered some even I heard sniffs and a girl that had red jeans, a crown the empire. Glasses and her hair in a pony tail along with her tips dyed **i described myself right now :3**

She said "oh my god my OTP is real!! My feels!" she yelled out loud enough for me. To pull away from the kiss and I clutched my stomach from the laughter she gave me.

"Now your mine for sure now Brandon. "

Brandon rolled his eyes. The. He grabbed the hem of my shirt pulling me towards him capturing my lips with his.

Oh Hoover mine forever...

Plus dat booty.


Over 1000 words

I feel gifted. I planned this one shot doe last night.

#Brayden for life !


Anyways if you want you can follow me on Instagram

.>> X._HateFuck_.X

Okay bye bye aliens love ya ♥️👽

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