《Gay one shots》Libary (kellic)


Kellin's POV

God dammit why did I wait till the last minute?? Unprofessional man...

I saw the library not far from here so I skated faster on my penny board.


I entered the library. Asking the lady who owns the library where were the history books.

She told me they're on the second floor on the right side.

I thanked her and ran up the stairs.

I need that book, I can't fail I've been a straight A student my entire life.

I looked in every aisle to within no luck to see it. Until finally I found the book on the every last aisle and middle bookshelf

"Finally..." I said quietly.

I grabbed the book and was gonna pull it down from the shelf but it was yanked back viscously.

"hey!" I said and grabbed the book and yanked it back towards me.

Than I'm guessing the dude was getting aggravated that he yanked the book harder making me hit my forehead on the shelf automatically making me let go of the book and I fell onto the floor making a bug thump noise.

I groaned "oh my god. My forehead....ugh...." I touched my forehead softly rubbing so SOME of the pain can go away.

Holy shit I see stars?....

(Now I wonder why didn't the stupid librarian hear our commotion )

Vic's POV

Thank god I came early to the library. I heard from my baby brother that everyone was going early to get the history text books and there was only a few left.

Jesus I've been here like 10 minutes and I still can't find that god damn text book.

I looked at every aisle of history and to see it in the finally aisle.

I speed walked to the shelf and grabbing the book. Only for someone to grab it off the shelf first.


Heck no! I grabbed the book and yanked it ruffly. Only for it to be yanked again.

Know I regret coming to this library. I yanked it back. I felt the shelf shake, and the person who I was parentally fighting over the stupid book.

Let the book go. And I'm guessing they fell the ground.

Shit they must've hurt themselves.

I walked slowly to the other aisle to see the most adorable guy I ever seen. Laying on his back, covering his face with his hands.

Shit an I was fighting over a book with him....

"Are you okay?" I asked

All of an answer he gave me were groans.

Then I really must've hurt him bad.

I got on my knees and helped the guy up on his butt, and letting his back lay on the book shelfs.

"Ah my head hurts...."

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean to hurt you." I said.

Him still covering his face "it's okay I should've said something" hr said. We'll more like he muffled into

the palms of his hands.

I touched his shoulder and rubbed it gently.

"If you want you can have the book...." I said.

In a second he began to laugh. Which made my heart flutter, I smiled. His laugh was so adorable and cute.

He pulled his hands away from his face. And oh lawdy I could have died from so much hotness this guy carried. His smile was beautiful and his eyes were just indescribable!....

I just stared at him. And since his features turned into "why the hell do you keep staring at me in a creepy way"

"Oh sorry" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

He nodded. "Hey um, do I have a bruise on my face or no?" He asked.


I got closer to him putting my hands on the side of his face. Making his head move to the left, then to the right.

"No you don't have any bruises. Sorry again for hurting you...."

"I already told you it's okay" he said showing me that wonderful smile again.

"Just to make it up to you. I'm inviting you, to go get Starbucks."

He just looked at me with a serious face "really?..."

"Absolutely!" I said cheerfully.

With that I helped the hottie up to his feet. Grabbing his bag and mine along with his penny board.


*a year later*

"KELLIN HURRY UP WE NEED TO GET THE TEXT BOOK!" I yelled up the stairs making my voice echo.

"IM COMING GOD!" He yelled back.

"Watch your mouth mister"

Kellin came down the stairs mocking me "watch your mouth mister"

"Oh shut up Quinn" I said smiling at my boyfriend.

"Mmmmm make me." He taunted back giving me the smile I so adore.

"My plessure." I said grabbing him by his hips and giving him a long kiss.

To think now I adore the library...


Been had this update in my drafts and never finished it and luckily on the back to my house I finally did.

Sorry for no updating any of my books this week or the last two weeks. I was on vacation and sadly I couldn't get much internet connection.

But not to fear I have a lot written and I'll be getting that out sooner. Okay vote. Comment. Share.

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Okay bye alien! 👽

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