《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 16


************Harry's POV***************

"This is pointless!" Ron threw his hands in the air. He's said that everyday this week. The break has been so boring with out Gracie. And Hermione too of course. I hope she likes her ring. I got Mione a book.

"I know! We even checked the restricted section! And Snape is up to something!" I used my cloak, but Filtch busted me an I had to get away, quick. "I know I've seen that name somewhere!"

"Mione is going to kill us! They come back today you know?" Ron threw me a chocolate frog Gracie had sent him. I tore it open and checked the card. Dumbledore. I decided to read the back again anyway.

"Ron this it it!" I yelled, jumping up and waving the card around.


"On the back of the card! Dumbledore worked Flammel on the SORCERER'S STONE! That's what Fluffy's guarding!"

"What's that?"

"I don't know, we'll ask Mione and Gracie!"

"Ask us what?" They chorused. They stood side by side in similar clothes and they had curled their hair. When they moved, they moved in sync. Ron and I exchanged a glance. What happened? It's like a second set of the twins!

"Uhm. What the sorcerer's stone is?"

"It's a stone that gives eternal life. Why?" They chorused again. Freaky.

"Well uh, that's what Fluffy's guarding!" I said, handing over the card. I looked at Ron again and he was staring at them in shock. I wanted to, but Gracie doesn't like being stared at. It's bad enough when she snaps at you, the way their acting, I have a feeling Hermione would too!

"Oh Harry! Thanks for my present! I love it!" That time it was only Gracie, but she and Mione were wearing identical smiles. She tapped Hermione's hand and then came over and gave me a hug. Hermione went over to the couch. I hugged her back though, I had really missed her.


"So how was your Christmas?" I asked, looking at the two.

"Fantastic! Uncle Lupin was great!" They chorused. I looked at Hermione.

"Uncle Lupin?"

"Good as an uncle! He treats me like family! He really is brilliant!" Hermione looked at me with a beaming smile on her face. I smiled back. Then I turned to Gracie.

I know she's been hiding something lately. I saw her before she left. I saw her with Malfoy in the hall. And I saw her eyes after word. They weren't even directed at me and it made me wish I was dead. Malfoy looked like he was going to wet his pants, it was priceless! And I didn't know she was that strong!

I have a feeling whatever she's hiding has to do with her father. I can always tell whenever something happens with that. She always stops eating. She'll eat I mean, but not the same. She just picks. And her eyes glaze over, she just looks so sad and hurt. But there's that glint of happiness, maybe hope.

Ron noticed too. He pointed it out. Maybe. Okay not really, but he did see it. He asked me about it. We've talked about it. Ron's almost as upset as I am about her not telling us, but we don't want to push. Hermione definitely knows. Ron wants me to ask, and I want to know. So I think I will. Right now. Yeah. Right now. Ask Harry!

"Hey Gracie?"

"Yeah?" She turned to me, smiling. With those eyes. Her eyes are so pretty. I smiled back.

"Will you go to the library with me?"

"Sure!" She hopped up and held out her hand, I took it happily, but she hid her face. Mione giggled from the couch, Gracie shot her a look, and Ron and I looked between the two. "Lets go Harry!"


We left the common room and started walking down the corridors. We walked in silence for a minute before I realized I still had a chocolate frog in my hand. "Uhm Gracie?"


"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked, laughing. I held it up for her to see, and she started laughing to.

"Here. Let me see!" She giggled. That giggle. I shuts sat staring at her like some stalker, but I couldn't help it. She's so beautiful and, and she's my best friend! Even Ron and I aren't this close! She took it from my hand and broke it in half, then she handed half to me and bit a piece off hers with a small smile.

I laughed and took a bite of mine. We laughed some more and kept walking to the library. Once we were inside, I grabbed her hand and led her over to a table, good thing the library's empty.

"Gracie. I wanted to ask you something," I started. I watched her for a minute, measuring her reactions. Her eyes looked guarded, but there was also curiosity. "Please don't be mad at me! But there's something wrong and I can tell! Ron noticed to and we just want to help!"

Her eyes welled up. Is she, is she crying? "Gracie?! What's wrong?"

"I'm, I'm sorry. It's just, it's a touchy subject. And I wanted to keep it a secret for a while. I don't want everybody to know!" She wiped at her eyes furiously. She made a sniffle noise, looking up at me with those big hazel eyes.

I took her hand in mine. "You can tell me Gracie."

"It's my dad. I-I've been talking to him. I don't know who he is or where, but I have to give the letter to Dumbledore so he can deliver it. He says he loves me and never wanted to let me go. And guess what!"

"What?" I smiled at her, trying to be encouraging.

"He says your dad was his bestfriend! And Uncle Lupin says they loved each other like brothers! And the biggest part, we knew each other as babies! We were bestfriends too!" She smiled at me, wiping her eyes again. We were friends, as kids? And so were our dads?

This is a lot to take in. I don't know what to say. "You don't have to say anything. It's a lot. But your right, I needed to tell you. I feel better now. But um, there's something else," she bit her lip and looked away from me.



"Oh yeah. Uhm, I saw you. In the hall that day. I saw everything. That's how I knew for sure something was wrong."

"Oh well okay! Ready to go back?" She asked, standing up. I nodded and stood up, taking her hand in mine. We set off down the corridors again.

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