《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 17


"Harry!" I laughed. "Wait up!" I giggled, running after him. He stopped to wait for me, laughing himself. "Piggy back!" I squealed, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He laughed but stooped down so I could hop on. We skipped down the hall like that, laughing.

"Having fun?" He asked, laughing.

"Yes!" I cheered, but we got quiet when Snape came around the corner.

"Potter! Weasley! What are you doing?" He sneered, looking between the two of us. Harry was still holding me up, so I slapped his arm lightly.

"Put me down!" I hissed. He dropped me to quick though, so of course, I fell on my bum. "Ouch!" I whined.

"I'm waiting!" He snapped.

"We were just on our way back to the common room Sir!" Harry scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. I was still on the ground. Do I want to get up and face the wrath of Severus Snape? No. Am I going to? No. Good luck Harry!

"Oh really? May I ask why, you felt the need to carry Ms. Weasley?"

"Uh, we were just having fun Sir," Harry looked down at me and motioned for me to stand up, but I pretended I didn't see it.

"Get off the ground Weasley!" He snapped, his black eyes flashed to me, so I sent him my glare and stood up, leaning on Harry. "The corridors are no place for 'fun'! If I see it again you'll both be in detention. Is that understood?" We nodded mutely, but I continued my glare. "Dismissed!" He walked past mumbling about being just like our fathers. Both of us. Well good.

"You know, Dad says he hated our parents! That they all hated each other!" I whispered, leaning towards Harry more. He nodded.


"Makes since." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him along behind me.

"Lets go!"


"When do you think your dad will write back?" We were sitting at dinner with Hermione and Ron. Harry had asked.

"Don't know. There's probably a letter up there now, laying on the bed!" I shrugged, taking a bite of my potatoes.

"Well we should go see!" He said, standing up. I wasn't done eating, but I was curious myself. I had told Ron when we got back because the common room was empty. So of course he followed, along with Hermione.

We ran all the way to the common room, but we were lucky enough to get away with it. No Snape this time! "Wait here!" The common room was empty again, lucky day huh? I hopped up the stairs, skipping three at a time and finally reached my dorm. I walked in and sure enough, there was a letter. I grabbed it and skipped downstairs. "I was right!"

I hopped over the back of the couch and they all crowded round. I opened the letter an began reading.

Dear Gracie,

Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Did they find out who let the troll in? Is your friend Hermione alright? I don't know if you've told them we've been talking, but if you do, thank Harry and Ron for me! Please be safe!

As you said, on to the match! Congratulations! That's brilliant honey. I'm sure the cups been given and like I said, they have you and Harry. You must've won! Saved Harry eh? You said Snape jinxed the broom? I take it you helped him get it under control? Tell Hermione that setting Snape on fire was a brilliant idea! I'm sure Madam Pomfrey patched your arm up quickly, but I'm not pleased to hear that you were hurt. The Slytherins always played dirty. Nice of Fred to give him a taste of his own medicine!


I loved the pictures! Your so beautiful Gracelyn! And yes, I'm sure of it now. We do look alike. And Harry looks so much like James! You two seem very close, as do you, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. It's a comfort knowing you have such good friends!

They made you take vertaseum? Snape was always a git, don't worry. Don't let him walk all over you! You have my full permission to throw whatever he gives you right back at him! That doesn't sound like good parenting, does it? Let it slide maybe?

From the sound of it, the boys are taking good care of you! Make sure they keep it that way! Tell Harry to look out for my little girl! And Ron too! All the help those boys can get, I'm sure your a handful! You are my daughter. And I couldn't be more proud!

I'm so sorry I didn't write back sooner. Things were a little hectic here and I fell ill. But I don't want you worrying! I'm fine now, better than I was before actually. I was actually showing off your picture. Hope you don't mind. Your very welcome, I was happy to tell you your name and I promise I'll let you know your last name soon.

Write me soon!



"Tell him I'll do my best!" Harry said, he and Ron finished a little after Hermione and I. That letter was very embarrassing, but I loved the part where he called Snape a git!

"Your dad sounds wicked! My dad's so boring!" Ron sighed, leaning back.

"Hey! He's my dad as well!" I snapped, but I couldn't help but to smile. My dad was wicked.

"What's your full name?" Harry asked, turning back to me.

"Gracelyn Paige blank! I said, smiling at him.

"Gracelyn Paige. I like it!" He smiled at me so of course, I smiled back.

"He really doesn't like Snape does he?" Hermione giggled and I shook my head no. "He's right though, Snape does take it out on you and Harry!"

"I know right?!"

"Wanna share your dad?" Ron asked, looking hopeful. I thumped his head in response. That was a stupid question. "He's right, you are a bloody handful!" He mumbled, so I slapped him again and Harry and Hermione laughed.

"I'm going to turn in for the night!"

"Bye Gracie!" They chorused.

"Night guys!" Don't I have great friends.

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