《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 18


Dear Dad,

Mione an I are both fine. But no, they never did find out who let it in. Harry and Ron said your welcome. Harry seemed quite pleased with himself. He also said to tell you he'll do his best. They read the last letter with me. I decided to tell them, I trust them.

We won the cup! Harry is a brilliant seeker and my chaser skills have gotten better and better. I'm going to make the twins promise me we can practice this summer. Right now I'm bored. Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to see Hagrid. I could have gone, but I just didn't really feel up to it.

So. Ever heard of Nicholas Flammel? I have. And the sorcerers stone. And I have a feeling Snape wants it. An he can't have it. I don't know all the details. All I know is that 'Fluffy'I Hagrid's three headed dog, is guarding it. I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I am. I'm worried.

I'm also worried that we won't be able to write over the summer. Now that I'm able to talk to you, I really don't want to stop. Promise me we won't lose touch? Please?

Ron asked me is I 'wanna share my dad'. As if. They all think your wicked, as in the good way. I think I am going to hex Snape. I mean, we were just having fun! Harry and I were goofing around, he gave me a piggy back and he threatened detention. Twit.

I'm glad you liked the pictures! Once again, all credit goes to Mione. She helped me, and we used her camera. I got to spend holiday with Uncle Lupin, and he let Mione stay too! It was great! Merry Christmas!

Harry got me a really pretty ring with my birthstone in it! I love it so much! It's gorgeous! He is as protective as ever. He could tell something was up. He thought something was wrong though. That's when I told him. Then I told Ron.


I have a question. Am I related to Draco Malfoy? He says we're cousins? Something like that. He also says he knows your name. Like who you are. His parents told him. I'll wait for you to tell me, but I do want to know if my last name is Malfoy and if I have to be nice to them. He's almost as big a git as Snape. Malfoy is like his little pet. And he hates Harry.

That's all I have for now. Your sure your feeling better? Write back soon!



"Hey, what are you doing?" I turned around to see Mione standing in the door.

"Just finished a letter to Dad. What's up?"

"Harry thinks Snape's after the stone! We talked to Hagrid and we're going tonight!"


"Yeah. Are you coming?"

"Of course! I'm going to get ready. Wait, I am ready. How are we going to do it though?"

"Harry got an invisibility cloak for Christmas. It was his dad's apparently!" I nodded and took back out my letter.

P.S. So right as I finished this, Hermione walked in. Harry thinks Snape is after the stone. Wish me luck! We're using James invisibility cloak. We're going to stop him!

I felt the need to tell my dad anything important. That's why I told him. Lets hope Dumbledore doesn't read it.

"There's something we've been keeping from you Gracie," Mione's whispered words scared me. My head snapped up and I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "You know that night you went to bed early and we went to see Hagrid? And then we all had detention?"


"Oh. Oops. Well um. You did. And we did. Hagrid had a pet dragon and we helped him. We gave it to Charlie in Romania. And Malfoy busted us. So we um. We got detention. And we think Lord Voldemort is back. And after Harry!" I jumped off the bed.


"What?! How could you not tell me this?"

"Well Harry wanted to, and so did I. But then I started thinking, what if you got worried and things wouldn't be the same? So um, now, we think Snape is helping Voldemort get the stone so that he can come back!"

"Wow. Just wow." I paced back and forth, letting it all sink in. We're not normal. We're not normal eleven year olds. Even though Ron an Mione turn twelve soon. We're not normal! Normal eleven year olds don't have a missing dad. They're parents aren't dead. And they don't have Lord Voldemort after them!

"Are you mad?" Her quiet voice made me stop in my tracks.

"No Mione. I'm not mad," I sat down on the bed beside her, sighing.

"Your not? How can't you be?"

"Because I can tell how bad you feel. Your voice is only quiet like that when your sad or guilty," I smiled at her, then she hugged me. I stood up and sent my letter to Dumbledore before I turned back to her.



"When tonight?" I rolled my eyes while I answered. Silly girl. I'm really worried now though. We're going to be facing Voldemort! And Fluffy. Fluffy. How do we get past him? "Uh, Mione? How do we get past Fluffy?"

"Oh. You play music!"

"Oh. Um. Okay. Well. Lets go see the boys!" Mione nodded so we left the room. Running down the stairs and into the courtyard.

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