《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 19


"Sh! We have to be quiet Ron!" I hissed, he had made enough noise coming down the stairs. We walked through the common room when Neville jumped out, Mione and I both jumped, but Harry rolled his eyes, looking annoyed.

"You can't leave! You'll get in trouble again!" He spouted off about fighting them. Then Mione did something to him. I don't know, I zoned out. Would Dad be mad I'm doing this? Would he want me going near Voldemort, if he does have anything to do with this? Probably not. But I'm with Harry. So maybe that'll help? Lets hope.

We kept walking. We walked to the third floor in complete silence. We didn't get caught by Mrs. Norris or anything! Lucky break eh? Again. Things have been going to well lately. This is bound to be the bad luck. I'm really pessimistic when I'm nervous aren't I?

When we got there, Fluffy was asleep and a harp was playing. "We have to move his paw!" Harry whispered, so we all shoved. It wasn't as hard as it seemed. We opened the trapdoor and looked down. "Who's going first?"

"I will!" I volunteered, stepping towards the hole. But two arms shot out and stopped me.

"No!" Ron and Harry chorused.

"Why not?"

"Because! We don't know what's down there and your not going on your own!" Harry snapped. "I'll go!"

"Well who says I want you going first?" I hissed, looking at him through the darkness.

"Too bad!"

"Then we'll go together! At the same time!" I grabbed his hand before he had time to protest. I was getting ready to start counting when I realized the harp stopped. "Guys? Do you hear the music?" Then it slobbered. All over Ron's shoulder. We screamed. And I jumped, I let go if Harry though because I didn't want him to get hurt.

Then he landed next to me. "I told you not to I first!"

"Well it scared me!" I held up my hands in defense. He rolled his eyes, looking at Ron and Hermione who just landed beside us. The plant was wrapping around us and holding us tight. "Devils snare!"


"Everybody relax!" Mione finished. She and I began to sink through, but Harry and Ron were still struggling.

"Stop moving! It'll only kill you faster!" I hissed, glaring at Ron. Harry stopped moving instantly, then Hermione and I fell through and I could here then screaming our names. I stood up, wobbled a bit, shifted my weight to one foot, and helped Mione up.

"Just relax!" She called, running her wrist. My ankle hurt a bit as well, but I'll be alright. Harry fell through a minute later, but he popped up just fine.

"He's not relaxing is he?" I asked, still putting all my weight on that one foot. Harry eyed me, but didn't comment. He just shook his head. "Ugh. Devils snare, devils snare. Think Gracie! Wait! It's afraid of light!"

Hermione casted the spell and Ron fell down beside us. Yeah. Your welcome Ronald. I kept walking. There was a strange buzzing sound. Looking up, they were keys. And I saw a few brooms. Then I saw a big door with an old fashioned lock. As I was piecing it all together, Ron was trying to use the Alohomora charm on the door. To no use of course.

"Harry!" He looked at me, so I pointed at the brooms and at the winged keys in the air. Two minutes later, we were flying around looking for the right key.

"It'll look old fashioned! Like the door!" I said, still looking. All of this is a big blur. Next thing I know, we're dismounting and Harry's got the key. We passed an ogre who smelled really bad, an then came to a giant chess board. Ohhhh Ron! Your turn!

He played brilliantly. Then I realized he was sacrificing himself and I screamed my bum off. Sort of. I yelled at him, trying to get him to find another way. "There is none Gracie! And besides, Harry has to deal with Voldemort. Not me, not Hermione. Harry!"

"What about me?" I asked, my voice dropping to a whisper.

"Actually Gracie. I have a feeling this has something to do with you too! Go! You need to be there!" I looked at Harry who nodded at me with a smile. I smiled back and took a deep breath.



"Knight to E5!" He went up to his space, and the queen took her sword to him.

"Ron!" I screamed before he even hit the floor. I could see the blood from my spot. I'm not even sure what I am to be honest! Mione and I both took a step towards him, but Harry yelled at us.

"Don't move! The games not over yet!" He walked slowly up to the king and said two words that ended the game. "Check mate!" The kind fell and Mione and I took off towards Ron.

"You have to go! I'll stay with him! Go with Harry!"

"What? But! That's my brother! And your my sister!"

"Ron's right! You have to go!" I bit my lip and looked at Harry, who was waiting patiently. I nodded and walked towards him. Only after hugging Hermione and Ron of course.

"Ready?" He nodded his head and we kept going. It was a riddle. Common sense. "This one!" It took me maybe fifteen minutes, but I was positive. It didn't look like there was enough for both of us left.

"Your sure?"

"Positive! And this one will get me back through!" I said, pointing to another potion. This was obviously Snape's obstacle. He looked from me to the bottle multiple times before shaking his head.

"Please come?"

"Harry, I want to. But I don't think there's enough!"

"We'll make it be enough! Please?" It was an easy decision. If we could manage it, if do it. I nodded my head. He took the most measured and careful sip of ever seen. Then handed the leftovers to me. I drank it in one swift motion.

"Lets go!" I grabbed his hand and we walked through the fire, and on to the other side.


Snape doesn't wear turbans! Harry's voice sounded beside me. "You?" They went back and forth, but my gaze was fixed on the mirror. And what I could see through it. Me. And a man who looked similar to me. We were happy, and together. I don't know how, but somehow I knew this man was my father. But where is he? I took a step towards the mirror.

"What are you doing?" Quirrell spat, looking at me evilly. I shook my head and stepped back behind Harry. He ripped Harry's hand from mine and made him stand in front of the mirror. "What do you see? Tell me!"

"I see me. My parents!" Harry said, but I saw his face. That's not what he saw. I watched him closely, while Quirrell was to busy to pay attention, I saw Harry pull a red stone out of his pocket, and slide it back in indiscreetly.

"Lies!" That voice wasn't Quirrell's! "Lets me speak to the boy!"

"My lord, are you sure? Are you strong enough?"

"Let me speak to Harry!" Quirrell nodded and took off his turban. Wizard children all know what Voldemort looks like. And that's his face in the back of Quirrell's head! He talked to Harry about his parents, and I wanted to hit him. My hand twitched. How dare he! Harry wouldn't go with him! He did it! He denied Lord Voldemort!

"Get him!" Quirrell attacked Harry! I was going to make a move when I saw the stone. I heard Quirrell scream and stopped. His face was melted-ish. "What are you doing? Get the stone!" I lunged for it, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry use his hands to burn Quirrell some more. He died. Right there in front of us. Voldemort's face flew around. He flew through Harry, then me, then I passed out, stone in hand.

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