《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 20


"Gracie! Gracie wake up!" Harry's voice floated through my mind, but when I tried to open my eyes I got a head rush. So I kept them closed.

"What? Where are we?"

"The hospital wing. And Dumbledore stopped by to talk to me. And he left this letter for you! I think it's from your dad!" Still unable to open my eyes, I stuck my hand out, waiting for the letter. Harry placed it in my hand, I pulled it back and laid it beside me.

"What did Dumbledore want?"

"We talked about some things. A little about my parents, about the stone, which he had to pry from your hand by the way! And then about Bertie Bott's every flavor beans. Oh and how the whole school knows why happened." He said that like it was nothing? I don't like the fact that everyone knows what happened. That means I'm in trouble with Fred and George. Who probably told Bill and Charlie. Which told our parents. Oh I'm definitely in trouble.

"Oh joy!"

"Open your eyes! Look in front of you Gracie!" I groaned in response.

"But it hurts!" I whimpered, but I tried again. After a minute, I was able to and I was okay. Harry was sitting on the edge of my bed and in front of me were a bunch of sweets. There was some near what I assume is Harry's bed as well. "What is all this?"

"Dumbledore says we have admirers!" He gave me a small smile, which I returned. Then I looked at my letter. "Madam Pomfrey says we can leave for dinner! Tonight's the night of the house cup!" I nodded with a smile. "Open it already!" I laughed this time, but tore the letter open.

Don't go!

Gracelyn Paige do NOT follow Snape tonight! And try to stop Harry from going! I don't like the sound of this! Please do not go! Write me back and tell me you got this letter!

I was right, you are a handful. And your into adventure as much as James and I were! I was worried enough about that troll, and now I've got to worry about this! Please tell me your okay! I'm sure you've already gone by the time you've got this!

And I promise we won't lose touch. Never again. I want to talk to you over the summer, but I guess that equals a longer letter! I want to hear all about your summer! And I want one more letter before you go! Please tell me your safe!

Congratulations on the cup! I told you you would win, didn't I? I'm glad your okay. Now I need to to know your okay again! Write me back soon!

Merry Christmas! I'm glad you liked Harry's ring and I'm glad you had fun with Remus and Hermione. No, your last name is not Malfoy. And no. Feel free to hex him as well. Yes, you are cousins though. The family never got along. Next time he messes with you or Harry, now Molly's going to kill me for this, but I want you to punch him. As hard as you can!


Write me soon! I have to know your okay!



I rolled my eyes, he's just as protective as the others. But I'm also glad about that. He could not care at all. I love my dad. "You need to write him back!"

"I know!" I laughed, thanks captain obvious! "I'll write him now! You go find Mione and Ron?"

"If she'll let me leave!" I nodded and flipped over his letter. I used the 'accio' charm to summon a quill, which came out of Madam Pomfrey's room. I wrote back quickly.

Dear Dad,

I promise I'm alright. I just got your letter so yes, I did go. First we had to get past Fluffy. He was asleep when we got there, so when he woke up, he frightened me an I jumped through the trap door. Then Harry came down an yelled at me because he didn't want me to go first because we didn't know what was down there and it was dangerous. But I did. It was devils snare. When Mione and I sunk through, she landed on her wrist and I on my ankle, but Madam Pomfrey fixed that.

Then we had to catch a key. Of course with Harry's seeker abilities that was no problem. Then there was a really foul smelling ogre. But we passed that too. Then was wizards chess, and we were the pieces. Ron sacrificed himself, but he's alright. Madam Pomfrey fixed him up too! Mione stayed with him while Harry and I went on. Next was Snape's little guard thing. It was a riddle, common sense. I figured it out and on we went.

Voldemort is back. He had possessed Quirrell. Not Snape. Though I'm sure he's in on it the way he acts. Anyway, Harry got rid of him and I got the stone when it fell. Now I'm laying in the hospital wing. Don't know how long I've been here, but Harry was here with me. We just woke up. Dumbledore stopped by and talked to Harry. I'll have to hear about that in more detail later.

I'm leaving the wing and going to the House Cup thing tonight at dinner. I just wanted to let you know I'm okay before we go. Mione is okay. Ron's okay. And Harry and I are okay. Bye Dad!



"Now I'm bored." I laid my head back on the pillow and rested, closing my eyes again. I was almost asleep when the door burst open.

"Gracie!" Mione and Ron tackled me in a hug, even though I'm on the bed. Anyway. I hugged them back, laughing.

"Hey guys. Are you okay?" I asked, pulling away from them so I could check them out. They both nodded wholeheartedly so I let it slide. "Good. Then lets get out of here!" I jumped up, slipping on the shoes at the foot of my bed. They laughed and followed me out. The years almost over. What will I do with out them?



We won! We won the house cup! Dumbledore gave out last minute points! We tied the Slytherins! Harry, Ron, Mione and I all got an extra fifty points for our house, and then Neville got an extra ten!

That little, "I'll fight you!" in the common room last night was worth it! I hugged Neville so tightly I thought he was going to pop. And then I caught Malfoy's eye, he looked so mad and disappointed, I decided to be childish. I stuck my tongue out at him! You want to know how he responded? The little twit flipped me the bird!

"Are you going to let him get away with that?" Harry whispered in my ear. I looked at him in shock. Of course not!

"Nope. I think I'll be enlisting the help if the twins. We've got all summer to plan out revenge!" I fist pumped the air, making Harry laugh. "Oi! Potter!" He turned to me in surprise. "I'm not kidding! If I have to haul your bum to the burrow, I will! Your staying with us this summer!" I looked him dead in the eye, making sure I knew he was serious.

"No need! I'd love to! And it'll get me away from those bloody Dursley's! I can't wait!" He gave me a one armed hug and a smile, to which I blushed, and in domino effect, made Hermione giggle and Ron's ears go red. He looked sick and forth between Harry and I for a few minutes before sighing and going back to eating his food.

"You to Hermione!" I pointed my fork a her. "You have to come stay at the burrow! According to Uncle Lupin, your family know! And according to Dad, Harry always has been! Which means you need to come visit your family!" I looked between the two of them, making sure I got my point across. Harry smiled and held up his right hand.

"Promise!" I turned to Hermione who was laughing at me. I hate being laughed at. "Me too! And we all have to write each other until Harry and I get there!" She stopped laughing and looked at all of us. I nodded, so did Harry and Ron. He's been quiet this year? Maybe he'll open up again once we get home.

The next day, when we were boarding the train, Hagrid stopped Harry to give him something. Mione, Ron, and I waited for him at the door. "It's a bit weird isn't it? Going home?" Mione asked, looking between us. Harry looked out over the grounds before he answered her.

"I'm not going home. Not really!" He turned back to us with a smile. I smiled back, because I understand. The burrow will always be a home to me, just not my home. Hogwarts is my home. It's where I discovered who I am. Where I talked to my dad the first time. Home is where the heart is, and my hearts here.


Once we got to Kings Cross and unboarded the train, I went to find Mum and Ginny. "Mum?"

"Over here sweetheart!" I saw her waving and pushing through the crowd toward me. I smiled and opened my arms for a hug, Harry and Hermione came up behind me with Ron pushing them. I assume he wants to introduce them. Harry looked nervous, so I took his hand and squeezed it lightly before letting go. "Oh Harry!" Mum pulled him in for her death hug.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley!"

"Oh please dear, call me Molly! Thank you so much or taking care of Gracie this year! Dumbledore says you've taken care of her on more than one occasion this year!" She never let go of Harry, he just sat there uselessly, trying not to suffocate. Ginny ran over and hugged me tightly, clinging to my waist. I hugged her back and we both tried to stifle our giggles. As did Mione, who came to stand beside me as well.

"Um, I was happy to! She's my bestfriend!" He choked out those words, but they meant a lot to me. So I decided its time to help him.

"Mum?" She let go of Harry, who Ron grabbed and pulled back quickly, to look at me. "I was thinking, could Harry and Mione stay with us this summer?"

"Well of course! Right away! I met your uncle earlier Harry, not a very polite person is he?" Harry laughed and shook his head no. I hate hearing about Harry's uncle. I would rather jinx him.

"It's settled!" I put my arm around Hermione and Ginny. "Your staying!" I cheered, hopping up and down. Harry and Ron laughed, and the twins came up behind us.

"Who's staying?" They chorused, looking at Mione.

"Hermione and Harry! They're coming this summer!" I cheered, looking up at them with a smile. "Oh and I need help coming up with a revenge plan on Malfoy!" I whispered the last part so M wouldn't hear.

"Brilliant!" They got that evil little smirk that I knew meant trouble, and I'm looking forward to it! This is going to be the best summer yet!

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