《A Harry Potter Love Story: Gracie Style *Completed*》Chapter 15


"Oi! Wake up Gracelyn!" I woke up at the call of my full name. It was Malfoy. I rolled over with a groan.

"What?" I snapped, sitting up and running my fingers through my hair.

"We're here!" I nodded, thanked him quietly, then turned to wake up Mione.

"Come on let's go!" I squealed, pushing her off the bench of the train. She woke up and we grabbed out trunks, shoving them on a trolly and running off the train. Uncle Lupin was waiting for us on the platform.

"Hello girls!" He engulfed me in a hug and even hugged Hermione. "How are you?"

"I'm doing great Uncle Lupin!"

"I'm fine sir, and you?"

"Just fine thank you!" He smiled brightly at Hermione. "How's the arm? Who won the cup?" He asked, turning to me. He took our trolley for us and led us over to a car which we would take to the burrow and then apparate.

"Oh it's fine! And Gryffindor of course! In that last match, we did brilliant! Katie, Angelina, and I work well together. We faked a bunch of scores so that we would have clearer shots. And right as I scored again, Harry caught the snitch. The match was in the bag!" I whooped, fist pumping the air. Uncle Lupin laughed.

"She really is a brilliant player! She scored the most points out of all four teams!" Uncle Lupin turned to look at me but I looked at Hermione.

"I did?" She nodded.

"You helped Angelina and Katie get in the running too! But what really pushed you ahead is the one where you kept stealing the quaffle from the Ravenclaws and then scoring!" I looked at her in disbelief.

"You kept track?"

"Well duh! Your like my sister!" Uncle Lupin laughed some more and helped us into the car.

"Awe! Mione!" I hugged her tightly once we were in the back seat. She laughed and hugged back. We chattered in the back seat the whole time, pulling Uncle Lupin into the conversation every now and then.

"So Uncle Lupin," yes, Hermione calls him that now. "How did you become Gracie's Godfather?" He looked at us in the rearview mirror.

"That's easy. There were three of us, and we were all best friends, her father is James son's godfather, I'm hers, and James would have been my child's," a look of sadness flashed through his eyes when he said James' name. I felt a pang of sadness myself.

"So you, my dad, and Harry's dad were bestfriends? Like me and Harry?" I asked, digging for more info. He nodded, smiling a bit.

"They were four of us, just like your group!" He smiled wider, looking at the two of us. "I'm disappointed we didn't stick together, but what did it was James' death. We would have stuck together if it weren't for that. Your father loved James like a brother, he fell apart when he died," he looked sad when he spoke, and tears brimmed my eyes.


"Who is he?" I whispered, looking at my lap.

"I'm so sorry Gracie. I can't tell you!" He whispered, looking at the two of us in the mirror. I nodded, my head, smiling at him.

"I understand. It's not your place to tell me. I'm just curious!" I smiled at him and he smiled back. Mione placed an arm over my shoulder in a comforting way.

"Shall we stop and eat?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood. Mione and I jumped up and down, smiling. "Hermione, would you know anywhere we could eat? A muggle restaurant? I have to say, I'm not good with these things!" He smiled at us again, laughing a bit.

She nodded and pointed to a restaurant a few yards ahead of us. Uncle Lupin pulled in right away, we got out and headed inside. They gave us a booth and Mione and I sat together, but then I noticed Uncle Lupin watching us. Even when we went to get our food,(it was a buffet!) he watched us.

When we sat back down, I asked. "How come your staring at us?" Mione looked up to listen to his answer.

"It's interesting. You two act like magnets! You do everything in sync, I even heard you speak in sync a few times. You act like the twins! And I'm curious, are you like that with Harry and Ron too?"

"Yes!" We chorused, then turned to look at each other and laughed. Uncle Lupin joined in.

"You should see Gracie and Harry! One moves the other moves! It's quite funny. And they do everything together! When she broke her arm, when she went to bed that night, Harry nearly threw a table! He was so mad at himself for letting her get hurt! Even though it wasn't his fault!" Hermione popped a bite of food in her mouth like what she just said was nothing. Uncle Lupin looked at me, but once again, I was staring at Mione.

"And you didn't tell me this because?!" I half shouted. She rolled her eyes.

"Because once I calmed him down, with the help of your brother of course, I forgot about it. I sent them to bed and didn't think anything of it the next day." She shrugged. Uncle Lupin was nearly dying of laughter now.

"Just like James I'll tell you that. Lilly got hurt one time, helping me with something, I don't even remember now. But anyway, she got hurt, just a small injury, Madam Pomfrey fixed her up with in seconds, but I still felt bad. James however, blew up. He blamed himself. He did throw a table, talking about how he should have been there to protect her. It took me, your father, and three other less close friends to calm him down! That was in sixth year. If Harry is almost as bad in first, I'd hate to see how he reacts then!" Uncle Lupin laughed to himself.

Hermione and I stared at him before laughing ourselves. But I never stopped blushing. Harry was that upset? I'm writing him when I get home. "Your blushing!" Mione said, pointing at me. I kicked her under the table.


"Hm what's this? Does my goddaughter fancy my basic godson?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I blushed deeper.

"No!" I yelled, but I answered to quick.

"Do I need to tell Professor McGonagall to keep an eye on you two?" He asked, smirking at me. I scowled in response.

"Oh no! She already fell asleep with him on the couch! She was laying there, stretched out, head in his lap. Ron's voice got a little high pitched and the next thing you know, she's curled up on his lap with her arms around his neck. Like Ronald scared her!" I kicked her again. "Ow! Oh and then there was the other time! Ron and I fell asleep, but the twins told us what happened. They sat on the couch for a while just talking and then she leaned on him, he put his arm around her, she fell asleep, he fell asleep, then his grip tightened and he slouched down, pulling her with him, they he stretched clear out. That's when Ron and I got kicked in the floor and we woke up. When we fell and it made the thump, Gracie flinched and Harry pulled her down on top of him , she curled into him and he held her so tight his knuckles turned white, she just sighed and smiled in her sleep!" My face was deep red and I couldn't bring myself to look at Uncle Lupin.

"Mione!" I groaned, dropping my face into my hands. I could hear his roaring laughter so I turned to Hermione with my glare. The same one Mrs. Weasley gives the twins, but I guess she's unscramble because she rolled her eyes.

"It's alright Gracie. James was like that as well. I remember laughing at Lilly and him as well!" He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, I just nodded my head glumly.

"I'm going to get some ice cream!" I grumbled. I stood up and Mione followed after me.

"Gracie I'm so sorry! I didn't know it would affect you that much!" I turned to Hermione, I felt bad that she felt sorry. It's not her fault, I was just embarrassed, so that what I told her.

"It's okay Mione. I was just embarrassed that's all!" She hugged me and I hugged her back. Then we got our ice cream. We went back, walking side by side, both of us already starting a bowl.

"So what this I hear about a troll?" Uncle Lupin started up a conversation again once we got half way through our bowls.

"Oh yeah! It got into the school on Halloween night but,"

"Trolls are generally stupid, so that means,"

"It wasn't an accident!"

"Someone helped it!" Hermione finished and Uncle Lupin looked at us in awe. I stuck my tongue out at him in a teasing manner and he did it back. We finished up and headed home. When we got in the car, it was already after ten. So Mione and I took a nap. When we got to the burrow Mum insisted we stay the night and leave tomorrow so Mione and I slept with Ginny.

"Imagine this, at Hogwarts next year!"

"Yeah! It'll be awesome!" And then we all fell asleep.


"Welcome to Uncle Lupin's!" I said, throwing the door open to his house. We ran upstairs to my room, where we spent most if Monday and Tuesday, talking and telling secrets and getting to know each other better than before.

Wednesday, Uncle Lupin took us to a Christmas Play by muggles and I loved it. Mione kept laughing at all me reactions, but I didn't understand how they did that stuff with out magic!

Thursday was the best. That was Christmas, and they just got back from visiting Charlie in Romania. Mione had made a copy of all her history of magic notes from Professor Binns and put them in a book for me so I could study before the end of year exams. Uncle Lupin got my a really pretty necklace with a quaffle on it, Mum got me a sweater with my name written in the corner, Ron got me chocolate frogs, and Harry got me a ring. It was Really pretty and it had my birthstone in it.

I got Ron a basket of sweets, Mione a book, and I got Harry a broom cover and the extras to Mione's broom kit she got him. I sent Mum extra copies of the pictures we sent Dad and I got Uncle Lupin a new watch because his was horrible and it stops all the time.

We went to the burrow and had a big Christmas dinner, but I didn't say much. I missed Harry. And Ron too of course. But Mione called me out like always. "What's wrong Gracie?" The whole table looked at me, Uncle Lupin looked smug.

"Just miss the guys that's all. Ron and the twins and Harry!" I shrugged my shoulders and spoke quietly. Uncle Lupin nodded his head like he was confirming something and he still looked smug. So did Mione, but everyone else nodded and went back to eating.

Friday, Uncle Lupin rented movies and we had a marathon in the living room with popcorn and other junk foods. Saturday we packed and got ready. Uncle Lupin was sad, he said he'd miss both of us a lot.

"We'll miss you too Uncle Lupin!" We chorused. Mione and I were in sync now more than ever. We did everything exactly the same. It was scary how much we were like the twins. We could be fraternal twins. My hairs a little darker, but she had hazel eyes as well. Anyway, I had a dream about Harry that night. I wonder what he and Ron have been doing....

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